Democrats Cater to Their Constituencies Well – With Republican Help

Say what you will, Leftists do look out for their voters:

WASHINGTON — After mounting pressure from Democrats, Senate Republicans removed a controversial Social Security provision from an unrelated bill to fund construction of the nation’s highways.

Right before a key procedural vote on Wednesday night, proponents of the bill agreed to cut the Social Security offset in an effort to garner support from more Democrats, according to a Democratic leadership aide.

The provision would have saved an estimated $2.3 billion over 10 years by disallowing Social Security retirement, disability or supplemental income benefits to anyone with an outstanding felony warrant being actively pursued by law enforcement…

To win over Democrats, the measure initially allowed the Social Security Administration to continue benefits to any recipient for “good cause,” but Democrats weren’t impressed.

Part of this may be lefties seeing what places like Oakland look like now, with the money flowing freely to the government-subsidized savages.

Over the last 5 years, rent costs in the city of Oakland have doubled. At $2,807 per month it more expensive to live in Oakland now than it was in San Francisco in 2012, so one would expect the city to have ‘cleaned up’, and ‘be safer’? However, as SFGate reports, the city laid off 80 officers today to help eliminate a $30.5 million budget deficit, prompting the department to announce that officers would no longer be dispatched to take reports for most nonviolent crimes.

As is the strategy of late, they’ve bought time. What little money is currently buying police protection in Oakland will be going away soon, right at the same time the savages will see their government support disappear.

Two words : Rabbit Apocalypse.

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9 years ago

[…] Democrats Cater to Their Constituencies Well – With Republican Help […]