Deficient Amygdalae Cannot Perceive Threat – Lefties Marching To Aleppo

From the comments, and hard to believe:

This year, like last, has been characterised by the massive flow of people northwards through Europe, many of them Syrians fleeing the bombs of Assad and the opposition factions. But a group of Europeans has decided to make the trek in the other direction in order to bring an end to the war, now in its fifth year.

“We’re carrying these white flags to let the whole world know our message: Enough is enough. This war has to stop!” the group say in their manifesto…

But she was unconcerned about the prospect of being bombed, saying: “People like me think that if five or ten thousand people are marching and getting everyone’s attention, then it’s impossible that they would bomb you,” she said.

“I think if it really happened and they bombed a peaceful march, then this world is worth nothing.”

She and the rest of the group believe that the risk is outweighed by the chance of making a difference…

Alboth added: “Some people say why not demonstrate outside an embassy, but which do you chose – the Russian one, the Syrian one – we don’t know who is running [or] what is happening in Syria.”

Notice how often liberals assert there is no objective truth. Nobody is right or wrong, nothing can be judged, all humans are equally smart, and capable, and moral, etc, etc, etc.

If you are logical and can see and judge honestly, it is tempting to think this is just liberals trying to lend some measure of support for their untenable positions. But they may just be honestly explaining how they see the world – indecipherable and impossible to understand.

Here you have leftists who are actually going to march straight into the center of ISIS’s territory. They even say they don’t know where to protest here, because they have no idea who is running things.

These are psychologies which have never actually had to endure adverse consequences for bad decisions, and as a result they will walk right into an area where people are routinely having their heads sawn off, being burned alive, and killed in every way imaginable – and they don’t see anything wrong with that.

This is the reason the entire world is set to burn to the ground. These morons have no idea what is going on, who is responsible, or what will happen – and yet they are hell-bent on getting in there and dictating events themselves, even though they have no ability to predict what will cause an adverse outcome.

Spread r/K Theory – because the world needs to understand the idea of adverse consequences

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8 years ago

[…] Deficient Amygdalae Cannot Perceive Threat – Lefties Marching To Aleppo […]

8 years ago

Bets being taken on whether or not ISIS rapes more of the men than the women (per capita, I’m assuming the “march” is mostly womyn.)

8 years ago

“Notice how often liberals assert there is no objective truth. Nobody is right or wrong, nothing can be judged, all humans are equally smart, and capable, and moral, etc, etc, etc.”

They’ve read Kant and understood half of it.

Phil B
Phil B
8 years ago

This reminds me of The Childrens Crusade – although Wikipedia casts doubt if the crusade took place at all, the inevitable consequence was that the Muslims gained a load of slaves at no cost to themselves.

Still, it is one way of ridding the world of these useful idiots. They MAY (and a very cautious may at that) serve as an example.

I hope that when the inevitable “send in our troops to rescue them” cry goes up that it is met with mocking laughter.

8 years ago

Its just so weird to see this phenomena play out the same way each time. In college I remember many conversations with leftie professor types trying to ban US nuclear weapons, they just didn’t seem to understand that the Soviets had them too, and that those were pointed at us and they had more. Same deal now with China/North Korea and the recent Trump tweet. It simply astonishes me that people are that blind.

8 years ago

Pippa Bacca had the same idea, only with a white dress instead of a white flag. Much better to send our idiots to Muslim countries than invite their idiots here.

8 years ago

These fools really do think they’re gonna spark a “We Are the World” kumbaya moment, don’t they? My God, they are but lambs to the slaughter.

8 years ago

There are “people” walking the earth who are actually just animals that use “English” in the same way birds and cows use chirps and moos. They use words based on their personal feelings… not meanings.

They have been conditioned their entire lives to equate feelings with reason. Re-read their posts and try to view them from the perspective of someone never knowing anything except that their feelings are reasons. It’s become very important these days. Pay very close attention to the words used and how they are used.

It’s a bigger communication gap than a simple English vs Chinese language divide.

8 years ago

but worth a watch… if you like publicity for r/K

it’s follow up to this from a month ago (from around 11 mins is specifically interesting)

all the Best and Happy New Year to all.

8 years ago

Alboth has a significant social media presence showing her emaciated self grinning vacantly while looking out the window of squalid third world buses while dragging her two toddlers into bandit regions and disease vectors. She is an excellent example of God looks after fools and little children. Until God doesn’t anymore. She really likes to go slumming.

Michael Kumpmann
Michael Kumpmann
8 years ago

lol. take all the european left to aleppo, throw a nuclear bomb an europe is finally save.

8 years ago

The woman quoted in the piece reminds me of the protester in the Ringo/Kratman novel Watch on the Rhine. Literally can’t comprehend anyone attacking their “peaceful protest”.

8 years ago

But she was unconcerned about the prospect of being bombed, saying: “People like me think that if five or ten thousand people are marching and getting everyone’s attention, then it’s impossible that they would bomb you,” she said.

I quite literally burst out laughing.