Deadly Fungal Infections Rising

Really impressive mortality rate:

Nearly three dozen people in the United States have been diagnosed with a deadly and highly drug-resistant fungal infection since federal health officials first warned U.S. clinicians last June to be on the lookout for the emerging pathogen that has been spreading around the world.

The fungus, a strain of a kind of yeast known as Candida auris, has been reported in a dozen countries on five continents starting in 2009, where it was first found in an ear infection in a patient in Japan. Since then, the fungus has been reported in Colombia, India, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Pakistan, South Korea, Venezuela and the United Kingdom.

Unlike garden variety yeast infections, this one causes serious bloodstream infections, spreads easily from person to person in health-care settings, and survives for months on skin and for weeks on bed rails, chairs and other hospital equipment. Some strains are resistant to all three major classes of antifungal drugs. Based on information from a limited number of patients, up to 60 percent of people with these infection have died. Many of them also had other serious underlying illnesses.

I do not believe there has ever been a time when the entire world’s disease load has been so homogenously blended throughout every corner of the world. Every disease out there, thrown against every human genome, looking for weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Every disease, thrown into corners where drugs are subpar, or not taken regularly, to aid developing resistance.

And those few pathogens who develop winning genes that give them what they need to savage human populations, can quickly spread through hospitals, build their numbers, and then springboard out, into the entire world, to begin the process of advancement anew.

A pandemic will be a feature of the Apocalypse. The opportunities are just too prolific.

Spread r/K Theory, because a fungus is amongus

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White Guy
White Guy
8 years ago

A great anti-fungal is Borax. Kills all types at a molecular level. We ALWAYS have some around the house, and it’s cheap…

8 years ago

[…] Deadly Fungal Infections Rising […]

8 years ago

Many great pandemics will come- and bioweapons. Globalists wouldn’t have allowed such a large reduction in nuclear arms unless they had better weapons. The USSR developed super smallpox and the Bilderbergs probably have developed airborne rabies. Ethnic bioweapons also likely exist- for every group on this planet. Putin tried to ban Russians from DNA tests, but genes don’t work like that. The bankers have definitely acquired every type of ethnic gene set there is. Asians and tribal middle-easterners are probably most susceptible b/c of inbreeding. Antibiotic abuse and CRISPR have only accelerated the world towards pandemic as well. This is why Sergei Brin is trying to download his consciousness to a computer, and its why the tech titans are trying to leave Earth. With nanotechnology there are even worse plagues that can be made- similar to what is depicted in John Carpenter’s “The Thing” which could very easily exist. These weapons can definitely be planet killers. The Globalist “Melonheads” very likely will use these in an attempt to become a breakaway species.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

I’ve read I think three different books on viral outbreaks. Can’t remember all the names exactly. I think “Hot Zone”, “The Coming Plague. Can’t remember the other, but haven’t seen one yet on fungal infections. With all the interconnections today and the panic if you tried to stop immigration, (racist),the right plague could wipe us out.

“…its why the tech titans are trying to leave Earth…”.

I always wondered if Elon Musk was Jewish and he’s trying to get the Jews off Earth before everyone turns on them.

Have you ever seen the movie “12 Monkeys”? One of my favorites.