David Seaman Feels The Blowback

Here is a summary of the following video, courtesy of Free Republic:

David Seaman was an MSM journalist who worked on the left side of things until a few years ago. He was summarily fired from Huffington Post for failing to adequately adhere to left-wing guidelines.

He began posting video content on YT and was successful enough to make a living at it.

He is an ardent believer in Podesta and Clinton’s involvement in PizzaGate. He has been relentless in expressing his opinion. In retaliation, YT demonitized his channel. His Wikipedia entry was deleted and he was told he’s not important enough to have one.

His followers raised finds for him on a site called Patreon.

David transferred the Patreon funds to his PayPal, something he has done regularly for 11 years with income from on-line endeavors.

He then attempted to transfer these funds to his bank account, again, a normal process for people using PayPal business accounts.

This time, PayPal locked his account, successfully denying him access to his funds.

David mentions that another YouTuber had her account suspended for 2-3 weeks for vlogging about Clinton and Podesta-related suspicions. Actually, this vlogger: Reality Calls, is a good researcher who documents her submissions.

Neither of these two YouTubers are alone. YouTube has demonitized many of the popular uploads if they refer to sexual abuse, satanic ritual abuse or corruption on the part of Clinton and her cabal.

At the same time, non-political YTers have seen their monitization amounts reduced, even when they have huge followings and even, in a couple of art-instruction instances I am aware of, when they are sponsored by Adobe. (see:Jazza)

That different corporations are colluding in this case makes this feel like it is being coordinated by some outside entity. I only know of one shadowy outside entity that moves behind the scenes and snaps its fingers, and can make civilian corporations, certain citizens, and even regular Law Enforcement jump to its beat. And I will bet it has been infiltrated by leftist activists during the Obama years, and is working against the citizens who support the right today.

Things are deteriorating. That Trump won was truly a gift from God. I have no idea how bad things would have gotten under Hillary.

But we are not out of the woods yet. I hope Trump has an idea of how important it will be to restore freedom by undoing these changes, be it by reining in the leftists enclaves in government that are attacking conservatives from behind the scenes, or by breaking up the leftist monopolies which are attempting to interfere in our democracy far more than any fake Russian hacking, through their attacks on the right. Obama did fundamentally change the US, and Trump needs to change it back.

Mark my words, one day the nation is going to be shocked at how far we let things get during our period of r-ification.

Spread r/K Theory now as far as you can, because a time is coming when you may not be allowed to.

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8 years ago

[…] David Seaman Feels The Blowback […]

8 years ago

“I only know of one shadowy outside entity that moves behind the scenes and snaps its fingers, and can make civilian corporations, certain citizens, and even regular Law Enforcement jump to its beat. ”

FBI…CIA ? Or would you like to have – us the reader(s) – come to our own conclusions.?

Reply to  Bear
8 years ago

David and Reality Calls are good people.
YouTube has been great for a few years if you found the good people, obviously that had to change!

Totally o/t AC.

Is living under the shadow of the random predation of the San Andreas Fault …likely to have rabbitised a large majority of the State?

8 years ago

DynCorp (heavy connections to the Bushes and Saudis) have been caught already playing dirty tricks on the Pizzagate folks at voat (just internet hackery so far) and are a major suspected linchpin in the whole ring.

8 years ago

If high-tech communications are compromised, it would seem that low-tech methods should be employed. Any suggestions? Or am I hopelessly prehistoric?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Very informative. Thank you.