David Hogg Was Not At School On The Day Of The Shooting?

People are pointing at this quote:

DAVID HOGG: On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.

He rode three miles from his house to the school with his camera when he heard about the shooting, which he couldn’t believe was actually another school shooting? Did he even go to school there?

Having spent a few days home sick from school myself my senior year, I can tell you that the TV during the day is an intolerable mix of soap operas, and stay-at-home-mom talk shows. Even if he heard about the shooting on the radio, or online, it raises the question of how he could hear about the shooting with the public, and then ride three miles on his bike and get to the school, and into the school, before Police arrived and secured the scene?

Of course that ignores the fact that the son of a shadowy private security contractor, who entered contracting after leaving a high position in the nation’s premier domestic intelligence agency, the FBI, chose to stay home on the day of a shooting by a shooter who was himself approached by a member of Military Intelligence online, and invited to stay with him and his wife, prior to the shooting. And the wife actually took the shooter to a psychologist of her choosing.

Bear in mind, Heartiste already covered the scoop which he picked up from Ricky Vaughn’s gab feed (which you should be following), on how Hogg’s supposed videos from inside the closet while the shooting was going down were faked. This is why – he wasn’t at the school when the shooting happened, so he rushed there with his camera and then re-enacted what was going on with friends while faking interviews in another building. Clearly this kid is made to produce fake news for CNN.

Now if only he could become intelligent enough to keep his story straight.

Bonus video – the bald lesbian admits they bullied Nicholas Cruz, to spin him up into the shooting:

Spread r/K Theory, because it is not fake news from a crisis actor

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7 years ago

Classic liberal decision making. Potential short term gain and signalling overwhelms very likely long term narrative unraveling. The internet has a very long memory, and guaranteed there is some string of this case that travels through an unpozed jurisdiction were an up and coming right-wing prosecutor will make a name for himself.

7 years ago

Speaking of Gab feeds, should we do a gab roll call so people here can follow each other? I’ve tried to find your (AC’s) gab but haven’t found it. Mine is @TheRob.

7 years ago

sure we hazed him, but it was his own fault. “Don’t blame the victim!”

I liked, “I’m not a psychologist.” No shit, nor much of anything else.

7 years ago

Deep state is in panic. Get this out! A “mentally ill” man rambling about dealing with a virus and his wife armed with military restricted weaponry were arrested before they could “carry out their mission” at the March for Our Lives


Don’t let this be slid. They were plotting an attack like Las Vegas- many weapons lots of ammo. How the fuck did they get 40 mm ammunition? The elites are pushing for a civil war this year!!!!

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
7 years ago

Sounds like Fancho’s programming broke down under stress, since he’s the one who called police on himself.

7 years ago

Also very telling of the true intentions of those pieces of shit:


Their only objective is to disarm all those that disagree with them and exterminate them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

After reading the last few post and LembradorDos6Triliões comments I might ask WTF is going on?! What confounds me is these people should all be busted. It would not take much to round up these imbeciles. They’re far from master minds. I bet devil worshiping involves a lot of drug taking and these people are all ate up with the dumb ass. 🙂

The only thing they have is a lot of money and no damn scruples at all. If we could just get a few people in office that would follow through in some of these investigations we could have large portions of their organizations rounded up in a few months.

This guy with all the guns reminds me of a another guy in California. He was buying masses and I mean masses of guns and ammo. I wonder if they are not caching guns all over to be handed out to gangs for some “event”. Maybe this guy the Boston guy and Pollard are all these sort of guys who think they work for the government but have no idea who they work for or what they’re doing.

I think the corruption is very wide in this country and in the West but I bet it’s not deep. I bet that there’s not really all that many people who call the shots and have the financing to do all this stuff. I also bet if you started rolling a lot of the little guys it would put a chill on all the little guys to clean up their acts and stop fronting for the bosses. Vox Day said much the same when he said he would have an intense look at Parkland. I think Vegas, Parkland…a bunch of these, with minimum investigative work, could be shown to be violations of the law. Faking mass shooting could be easily put in the category of terrorism and Congress has passed laws where Trump can jail anyone without ant rights at all if they are involved in terrorism.

I’m hopeful that Trump really is working on this but…as time moves on it looks less and less. It would seem there’s plenty to work work already but nothing changes. Now we even have bombers which I haven’t even looked at. I bet there’s a whole mass of confusion surrounding the bombers also. I just assume any mass bombing, shooting is nothing but deep state these days. It’s only logical.