Cuckservatives and Liberals Agree – Free Speech Must Be Punished

First a Liberal example:

This Wednesday and Thursday, July 29-30, the appeal hearing for Dr. Paul Church will take place. It will include lawyers, “evidence”, and witnesses, as his hospital attempts to seal his firing.

Dr. Paul Church (right) with his attorney, Richard Mast of Liberty Counsel, outside of the hospital after attending a pre-hearing meeting on July 15.

On March 30, Dr. Church, a well-respected urologist, was expelled from the medical staff of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), a major Harvard-affiliated hospital in Boston.

Dr. Church’s crime? He voiced concerns to his colleagues and hospital staff about the unhealthy nature of homosexual behavior and objected to the hospital’s aggressive promotion of “gay pride” activities. As we’ve reported, for years the hospital has been aggressive in its attempts to silence and punish Dr. Church…

Dr. Church has been a urologist on the BIDMC staff in Boston for nearly 30 years. He is a member of the Harvard Medical School faculty. He has done research on diagnosing prostate and bladder cancer, and has been a frequent volunteer for medical mission projects in Mexico and Africa. He has also spoken before educational and civic groups on the subject of high-risk sexual behaviors…

It’s a testament to the intimidation power of the homosexual activists that so far no Boston newspaper, TV station, or radio station has been willing to write about this, despite numerous attempts to notify them.

And another:

The state of Kentucky has begun imposing a religious test on volunteer pastor counselors in its youth division, insisting that they refrain from calling homosexuality “sinful” and dismissing those who cannot bend their religious faith to accommodate the state requirements.

The policy was uncovered by Liberty Counsel, which has sent a letter to Bob Hayter, commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice, demanding that the state religious test be dropped and that a dismissed counselor be reinstated.

“Liberty Counsel writes regarding the blatantly unconstitutional revocation of volunteer prison minister status of ordained Christian minister David Wells, who has provided voluntary spiritual counseling and mentorship to juvenile inmates under the control of the Department of Juvenile Justice. … This revocation was issued by Warren County Regional Juvenile Detention Center on the basis of the April 4, 2014, DJJ Policy 912, which mandates full DJJ support of homosexuality and transvestism.

“With no evidence of any violation of DJJ policy on Mr. Wells’ part, his volunteer status was revoked by the Warren RJDC superintendent because he could not sign a state-mandated statement that homosexuality was not ‘sinful,’ among other things,” the letter said.

Or another:

Black people in Pittsburgh were feeling poorly about crime: Too many of them were in the news accused of killing, robbing, assaulting, jacking, shooting, stealing, rioting, breaking, burgling, harassing, intimidating, threatening, fighting, throwing, running, stoning, smoking, drinking, escaping, drugging, firing, and destroying.

So in 2011, black leaders got together to do something about it: Not stop the crime. Just stop reporters from letting us know about it.

Because it is a little-known fact of psychology that drawing attention to black crime actually causes more black crime — which draws more attention, which creates more crime. And on and on until black crime is six, ten, 50, 100 times greater than white and asian crime.

Where it is today.

“If the only information about black people is what’s in the news, there’s a reason why unemployment rate is astronomic and why we have all these negative issues — because the imaging of black people is extremely negative,” said Black Political Empowerment Project president Tim Stevens. “Not only does it affect the viewpoint of white people with their thoughts on black people, I say it affects the psychology of black people.”

Now what is the difference between that, and NRO firing John Derbyshire for merely speaking of facts that they didn’t want to hear?

Anyone who has read Derb in our pages knows he’s a deeply literate, funny, and incisive writer… His latest provocation, in a webzine, lurches from the politically incorrect to the nasty and indefensible. We never would have published it, but the main reason that people noticed it is that it is by a National Review writer. Derb is effectively using our name to get more oxygen for views with which we’d never associate ourselves otherwise. So there has to be a parting of the ways. Derb has long danced around the line on these issues, but this column is so outlandish it constitutes a kind of letter of resignation. It’s a free country, and Derb can write whatever he wants, wherever he wants. Just not in the pages of NR or NRO, or as someone associated with NR any longer.

Note the offending parts of Derb’s piece were statistical facts which NRO didn’t like, and advice many parents would give their children. Furthermore, Derb didn’t even publish it at National Review.

True conservatism is about recognizing truth, so we can meet reality head on and deal with it in the most effective way possible. Where truth is unobvious, there must be debate. To have debate, views must be aired, before they can be dismissed.

Liberalism is the opposite. Liberals are so repulsed emotionally by truth that they cannot face it. Their main goal is to make not only truth off limits, but any debate as well. They want to enforce a universal perception of reality which makes them feel good, even if it negatively impacts our nation and its people. From our impending economic calamity, to the inability to effectively contain our enemies, to the damage being done to family, to the Planned Parenthood scandal, to whether homosexual parenting is measurably harmful to children, to the question of whether mass third world immigration might harm America’s ability to compete – liberalism only functions by forcing everyone to not speak of truth. That is the most basic and fundamental form of oppression, and it is inherent to the ideology.

When the conservative movement is run by people who deny truth, stifle debate by forbidding the discussion of facts, and use the same guilt by association tactics to avoid debating their opposition that liberals do, they are no longer true conservatives. From there it is but a small step to airbrushing photos of NRO staff that had Derb in them, and rewriting textbooks, replacing peer reviewed science with false, but happy-feeling facts.

Real conservatives encourage debate. Only Cuckservatives stifle it.

Given the similarities between the Cuckservatives and liberals (I personally believe both are resource-corrupted r-strategists who are not capable of tolerating conflict, the Cuckservatives just have a lower tolerance for willfully looking stupid), as the next turning approaches and K-selection returns, I would expect the Cuckservatives to eventually be purged from the movement as our world returns to its natural, more K-selected iteration.

Or they could on principle, demonstrate how bad Derb’s advice was, and take a 3 AM stroll through the poorer, more diversified sections of Chicago in search of the personal enrichment of experiencing the full palette of our cultural tapestry.

The result would be slightly more permanent.

Somehow, even as they castigate Derb, I doubt they will ignore his advice.

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9 years ago

[…] Cuckservatives and Liberals Agree – Free Speech Must Be Punished – […]