[Trump] is an affront to anyone devoted to the project William F. Buckley began six decades ago with the founding in 1955 of National Review — making conservatism intellectually respectable and politically palatable. Buckley’s legacy is being betrayed by invertebrate conservatives now saying that although Trump “goes too far,” he has “tapped into something,” and therefore . . .
This stance — if a semi-grovel can be dignified as a stance — is a recipe for deserved disaster…
Conservatives who flinch from forthrightly marginalizing Trump mistakenly fear alienating a substantial Republican cohort. But the assumption that today’s Trumpites are Republicans is unsubstantiated and implausible. Many are no doubt lightly attached to the political process, preferring entertainment to affiliation. They relish in their candidate’s vituperation and share his aversion to facts. From what GOP faction might Trumpites come? The establishment? Social conservatives? Unlikely.
They certainly are not tea partyers, those earnest, issue-oriented, book-club organizing activists who are passionate about policy.
George Will still thinks it is about embracing Trump. It is not. It is about rejecting Will and his ilk. It is about rejecting their pretentious, pinky-in-the-air elitist bullshit that looks down on everyone who doesn’t immediately seek to give them the power and authority they assume as their right. If you want authority, win a fucking election already and then stop one of Obama’s socialist policies, instead of just bending over and grabbing your ankles every time Obama does something. Or worse, breaking down in a blubbering mass like Boehner.
Supporting Trump is about rejecting their appeasing, conflict-avoidant cowardice masked by them as intellectual superiority. It is about rejecting the crony-est establishment that has been selling out America for the last two and a half decades, sinking us in debt, and destroying our nation almost as fast as the liberals, just to enrich their contributors.
Our nation’s finances deteriorated as fast under Bush as they did under Clinton, government surveillance grew faster, the illegal immigrant problem grew just as fast, and then Bush smiled widely as he handed the nation off the an avowed socialist who he never tried to fight off. What is there worth fighting for in that? Even in Will’s piece, he is so anti-conservative that he doesn’t even cite a living conservative.
Not surprisingly, Will’s wife works for Walker, a conflict of interest he doesn’t mention in the piece.
Fuck George Will. Fuck the Cucks.
Bring on the apocalypse, and bring on Trump.
George Will: just another court “opposition” who, as soon as the cameras are off, walks arm in arm with the leftists and buys them the first round.
All of these cretins are drunk on power
George Will, Karl Rove, McCain, McConnell, Boehner, anyone named Bush — the whole lot are enemies of any true conservative. Of the many things I like about Donald Trump, the fact that he is exposing the limp wristed RINOs who control the republican party. Every dog has his day and the RINOs are about to have theirs.
Agreed in full.
Chris Wallace asked George Will to respond to the inundation of hateful emails to him from supporters of the Donaldinator, and he had one message for them – get over it!
I say fuck George Will.
I agree.
G. Will is a big part of the problem,he wants to dictate what ( real) Republicans say and think and vote.if you stray from there conservative Bible your not a true Romney boy.I’m so sick of this little girl back and forth bullshit,George get over yourself,you think & sound like the(problem)- you are the establishment.I don’t care what party you belong too,enough! George your mouth and your opinion is playing right into that dikes scheme, your basically one of her agents.Someone less informed that believes in your message could be swayed and do the cowardly exit your doing and vote for Hillary! George we have this- the people have spoke ,now go away! Traitor