Cuckservative Bill Kristol Wants Working Class Whites Replaced By Immigrants

Cuckservatives are liberal infiltrators:

Charles Murray has a new book called — well, not a new book. It’s a book called Coming Apart, and it focuses on the cultural separation between the wealthiest and most educated white Americans and the poorest and least educated white Americans. It’s about the white majority but the divisions within the white majority based on economic lines, if you will. And Kristol was at the seminar where Charles Murray said, “Look, to be totally honest if things are so bad as you say with the white working class, don’t you want to get new Americans in?” Which, of course, is a provocative question. He says to Murray, “Well, look, if things are that bad with the white working class, if they’re that poor and if they are that, shall we say, estranged, wouldn’t you want to get some new Americans in?”

And before delving into the theory about replacing the white working class, Kristol said that he hopes quote, “This thing isn’t being videotaped or ever shown anywhere or whatever tiny pathetic future I have is going to totally collapse.” He’s being funny, facetious there.

He said, “You can make a case that America has been great because every — I think John Adams said this — basically if you are in free society, a capitalist society, after two or three generations of hard work everyone becomes kind of decadent, lazy, spoiled — whatever. Then, luckily, you have these waves of people coming in from Italy, Ireland, Russia, and now Mexico, who really want to work hard and really want to succeed and really want their kids to live better lives than them and aren’t sort of clipping coupons or hoping that they can hang on and meanwhile grew up as spoiled kids and so forth. In that respect, I don’t know how this moment is that different from the early 20th century.”

When I picture Bill Kristol I see somebody who has absolutely no threat, copious ease, and a resultant lack of amygdala development. As a result, his brain has adapted the r-strategist desire to fill America with exotic foreigners. He justifies the desire with pseudo-logic, but it is the instinct that drives the belief.

In a way, I think you could view this from the perspective of food. If you were starving, a plate of bacon would be unfathomably delicious. Your amygdala would focus on every nuance of the salty, savory goodness. The texture of the meat and fat, the little twang of flavor as it first touches your tongue – it all would grab your amygdala, and as a result you would feel alive. If you starved for another week, and then had fought your way to acquire some more, it would be just as delicious.

But if every day, day in and day out, you ate bacon until you were so full you could not swallow another bite, bacon would cease to be as delicious. Your amygdala would shut off, due to familiarity, when exposed to it. With time, you would actually want something different, in human terms, “for variety.” What would have happened, from a cognitive neuroscience perspective, is your amygdala would have begun to shut down when you ate bacon. It wouldn’t register all the flavor, it wouldn’t focus on the texture – it would just be dead. Suddenly, you would want some steak, or some BBQ chicken, or some lobster, or some double chocolate ice cream. Familiarity and predictability are just a little bit of death.

Amygdalae crave variety to keep them engaged and keep you feeling alive. If your amygdala shuts off, you might as well be dead.

When you are like Bill Kristol, and you get up each morning, and espouse the exact same things, for the millionth time, your amygdala can begin to shut off. Add in decades of ease and wealth as you do nothing more than pontificate each day, and your amygdala will shut off even more. Suddenly seeing variety is a stimulant that brings your senses back online, and you begin to feel positively toward the stimulant.

I am increasingly thinking that ease and comfort are actually a death of sorts, shutting off your amygdala and leaving you craving anything to turn the light of life back on. This world was made to be fought by the seat of your pants, on an ever-changing battlefield.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is no better way to change up the battlefield

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Conservatives, Cuckservatives, GOPocalypse, Immigration, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Cuckservative Bill Kristol Wants Working Class Whites Replaced By Immigrants […]

8 years ago

Bill Kristol identifies as jewish. Maybe this desire to import foreigners comes from his hate and fear for working class white people (nazis in his mind).

Karl Gustav Mahler jr
Karl Gustav Mahler jr
8 years ago

bill looks like an alchy these days. am guessing his total lack of influence is killing him.

8 years ago

” In that respect, I don’t know how this moment is that different from the early 20th century.” – Kristal

Um billy boy, your Ugly American is showing. The lack of understanding of history and cultures is just astounding. Europeans who came to America in 1900 had to pay a lot of their relative incomes to immigrate. America at the time was still a country of ‘make it on your own’ not a ‘you get here, and here is a check.’ Still very K make it on your own, not r welfare.
And the cultures coming were different. The Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Orthodox coming to America had a sense of having to work, and had a sense that while they didn’t like the out group, killing them was not permitted by their code of morals.
Contrast today, the opposite is true. And lastly, he is suggesting the white poor are poor because they are lazy… ok maybe they are. But we should import more lazy not whites to replace them with? The people mass moving to the US today are not the motivated. Sure there are some who are, but most aren’t, or rather they are motivated to come an lay on the US welfare hammock.

Chris Mallory
8 years ago

Kristol is a NeoCon, not a cuck. His attempt at destroying America comes from his hatred of Americans.

8 years ago

Actually its because he’s a Jew and as such is ideologically and biologically driven to destroy the goyim by any means necessary.

8 years ago

Considering the history of the Kristol family, there’s an even simpler explanation.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
8 years ago

The fact that Kristol still has a platform to screech from shows that Trump may or may not succeed. Those that cannot be named still hold the reigns. I thought the Apocalypse was going to occur in the ’90’s. Then I just knew it would occur on Bush’s or the gay mongrel’s watch. Now, I will believe it when I see it.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
8 years ago

After my post about Depeche Mode the other day, i was a bit gutted to see this soon after

it’s a current interview in which they say ….
“Trump = Hitler”
“Brexit, we were devastated”

thank god r/K explains it or I’d be devastated too,
as it is Twats think they can out-group me?
i couldn’t give a fuck! or any more of my cash….

Joshua Sinistar
8 years ago

Yeah that’s sweet. Wrong, but sweet. That attempt to cut this clown into America isn’t gonna work. He’s not one of us. He hates White people because he doesn’t see himself as White. Its that simple. He’s not promoting the destruction of his race. He’s no traitor but a devoted enemy.

8 years ago

The genetic aspect is also amazing. Betsy DeVos (sister of Erik Prince) could be sipping mai tai’s and rum at some tropical beach with her inherited millions. Instead, she is getting shoved and pushed into railing trying to see DC schoolchildren. Her poise is an example to follow. Infuriated me to see the treatment though. I’ve always been impressed by the Prince family.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

You’re wrong about Kristol. Kristol is a Jew and sees Whites as competition so he wants them destroyed.

I would take his attitude and turn it around. Our elites, like Kristol, suck so bad they need to be replaced.

We always hear parents saying they work hard so that their kids will have it easier. Well when does the get easier part happen???? Wasn’t that they whole point or we like the Greek God Sisyphus pushing a boulder up a hill every day only to watch it roll back down every night for eternity.

8 years ago