Cucks At AEI Urge Conservatives To Support Soros

An few months old, but worth rehashing to maintain our rightful hatred of the Cucks:

… when it comes to liberal billionaires funding left-wing causes, some on the right change their tune. Hence the claim from conservative circles that by funding liberal causes in Eastern Europe, George Soros, the Hungarian-born American investor-philanthropist, is “fomenting trouble for the governments of some U.S. allies and even interfering in their electoral process.”

Hence the right’s acquiescence to new Hungarian legislation that would close down the Soros-backed Central European University (CEU) in Budapest…

The fixation of Republicans on the Hill on Soros’ misguided political preoccupations and arguable overreach is misplaced, however, at a time when first-order issues are at stake…

The first-order, existential challenge to democracy in Eastern Europe is coming from leaders such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán — once, incidentally, a recipient of a Soros scholarship — who mistake their substantial popular mandate for a free pass to crack down on dissenting voices. Under Orbán’s leadership, Hungary’s democratic bona fides have declined in recent years, according to Freedom House…

The attack on CEU is part of a broader effort to “squeeze out” Soros “and his forces,” as Orbán himself acknowledges. It is also an attack on an American academic institution…

Let’s not win battles and lose the war. First-order issues are rule of law, pluralism and academic freedom. Congress and the administration need to push back against the Orbán government’s moves to close CEU. Failure to do so means that the slippery slope of soft authoritarianism in former communist Europe gets steeper and more dangerous.

Betrayal and openness to out-group interests is a mark of the r-strategy.

From the picture is worth a thousand words file:

What really highlights how the Cucks are full on enemies is that they would ever, ever side with Soros.

All of this is a game to them, and the suffering of the masses at the collapse will be an amusing demonstration of their visible superiority to all the plebes. The only thing standing in the way of demonstrating their own superiority so clearly is the Trumpian right and the God Emperor himself.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because it explains why Cucks who have it easy are out enemies

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Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

That photo of McCain and Soros looks just like two vampires discussing their favorite blood types.

Joe Katzman
7 years ago

Perfect example of the Premium Mediocrity that characterizes so much of this “Intellectual Yet Idiot” set.

The fact that AEI haven’t learned any of the lessons of the 2016 election, or understood what it meant in terms of their own supporters, disqualifies them from being listened to on any other subject.

On the bright side, every day I understand both the French Revolution’s guillotines and the rise of Hitler a little bit better. Each apocalypse is different, but they have common resonances that must be experienced to be grasped. You can’t believe people would be so stupid, until they prove it to you. And THEN you begin to really understand.