Cruz Warning Call Transcript And Arrest Warrant Intel

Interesting Images. First the warning call transcript:

So he was into ISIS, and was taking Social Security Money out of his Mother’s account after she died to buy weapons, and it didn’t trigger any flags.

Here, after she says he was killing small animals like frogs and birds, and that is a red flag, the transcript of the official taking the call is labeled “UI”, or unintelligible, which would be convenient. Imagine if what was really on the transcript was intelligible and was the official agreeing this kid is a threat and should be checked out. If that was in the transcript, it might look like this kid had somebody from Deep State running cover for him. Fortunately, if that was there the transcriber felt it wasn’t clear enough to transcribe.

This one is interesting. Until now we were told the family who took him in was the family of one of his school friends, whose father just happened to be Military intelligence. That always sounded weird given he was said to be unliked by everyone at school, had the mentality of a 12-14 year old, and was a hothead who scared people.

Now we find out that the reality may have been that a military intelligence guy was enamored of Cruz’s instagram, with all the dead animals and masked gunman shots, and reached out to befriend him online, and then after establishing contact he decided he wanted to bring this kid into his house. That changes the flavor a bit, especially given Military Intelligence guy’s wife was reportedly the one who then took Cruz to a therapist she chose.

He also volunteered to take Cruz’s money and invest it for him, and he would not take any call from Cruz’s three female family members, even out of curiosity. Think about that. Part of me wonders if Deep State targeted Cruz as much for the money as for his vulnerability to being turned into a shooter.

And think about how interesting it is we are given one narrative from the press which looks totally innocent, only to find later that the more unguarded sources tell such a vastly different story.

The next two pages are included for completeness, but the real interesting part is the second page of the arrest warrant at the end.

This is the interesting one:

Cruz was observed from the moment he exited the Uber car, through his entering the school grounds, by what looks like it might be a Security Guard judging by the redaction. The Security Guard made it clear he recognized him and immediately put it on the radio as a possible shooter heading for building 1200. And he did it before the gun was even taken out, which means the SRO should have been right to that building with a gun, ready to rumble. 30 minutes later, arriving Police were watching Cruz shoot up the school on a delayed video, while Cruz was already off campus, 4 minutes into his soda, and making his way to McDonalds.

I hate to say it but that looks suspiciously like surveillance apprising control of the operation’s progression in real time, and allowing it to happen. He didn’t chase Cruz, he didn’t try to follow him, he just reported where he was going, and everyone left it at that.

There’s just too many strange coincidences here, all pointing in the same direction.

Weird times.

Spread r/K Theory, because you can only understand the world by seeing through deceptions these days

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Veritas Quaerite
Veritas Quaerite
7 years ago

The FBI warning call is interesting – but pretty much what I expected. There are plenty of actionable statements in what the caller described. But the arrest report is positively explosive. How did Cruz even get into the building? This a critical unanswered detail. And, look – who knows for sure – but I believe with every ounce of my being that if I was armed, saw that, and recognized what was happening, I am running flat out to engage that little fuck… What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Veritas Quaerite
Veritas Quaerite
Reply to  Veritas Quaerite
7 years ago

Even more to the point, his weapon was not easily accessible at that point. The armed guard could have had the drop on him. Geez.

7 years ago

“if Deep State targeted Cruz as much for the money” Wouldn’t be the first time they’ve done something like that. It’s a type of clandestine micro-funding. It is just amazing how many people out there will abuse government resources to make buck. Doesn’t the NSA have some type of fraud or shady business detection system- oh wait because that system is domestic, so it would be the… FBI.

Rather Not
Rather Not
7 years ago

It strikes me as odd that the unintelligible is on the FBI’s side. The recording is on the FBI’s side. I could see the phone cutting in and out or going digital and making the caller unintelligible, but I am struggling with the FBI recording on the FBI side of the conversation could make the FBI unintelligible. Maybe if they were talking over each other, but even then, I would think the FBI person would come through clearer and the caller would get stepped on.


Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I don’t think he’s crazy. There’s a good case for Jimmy Hendricks being killed. I read that when they pumped his stomach gallons of wine came out. I also saw a guy say that Jimmy’s former manager told him that he had him killed. He said they put barbiturates and wine down his throat while they held him down. The manager’s contract was about to be up, and not likely to be renewed, and he had a multi-million dollar life insurance policy on him supposedly standard procedure for managers to have on their clients.

Here’s another one. Courtney Love was the mega rich Kurt Cobain’s husband. I’ve heard he was going to divorce her. Here’s what an acquaintance of Courtney said. A few weeks later he was found cut in two on some railroad tracks. Even worse a private investigator hired by Courtney to find Kurt when he was supposedly :lost” says he believes that Courtney had Kurt killed.

Courtney is Jewish and there’s a movie about Kurt and Courtney that a guy made that came upon some startling information. Part of it is the clip above. If you look at the movie and you’ve read a little about psychopaths you will soon realize that Courtney is a psychopath. It’s interested to she how much hatred against her she has dredged up. Even her own Father. Even worse you have a former Cop and testimony on camera that she had him whacked and does anyone investigate? No. Somewhere I read that Courtney knew detectives or was friends with Seattle detectives. By the way Courtney’s child has a restraining order against her Mother to stay away from her. Here’s the whole documentary. It’s interesting because you see how people see Courtney and talk about her.

I was just reading NextBigFuture site where they talk about technology and trends and it came to me that these bastards are draining the whole country. We have multi-trillion fighters, F-35, that really don’t work that well for the cost, wars for everything but US security, managers that barely invest in R&D, and are more likely to just import and patch their name on it. A lot of military stuff we build now are just WAY overpriced and dosn’t do at all what they could. I read about the stuff we did in the fifties and I don’t think they could pull if off now because management is so incompetent and greedy that it would not be cost effective. The people running this country are just running it into the ground. If we could get a handle on them and get some even half competent people in charge we could do great. We have massive technical resources and a whopping lot of bright people but the Oligarchy stifles everything they don’t have under their thumb. It’s heart breaking sometimes.

7 years ago

AC, if you were ever targeted by the Deep State or Machine what are some tips for protecting yourself from harm? I mean I guess you could try and go public like Randy Quaid but what if you’re not a celebrity and just a high net worth individual with few family or friends.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Thanks for the detailed reply AC. I don’t think I’m currently being targeted but as I further my knowledge of the Machine I’m becoming increasingly paranoid and I believe that’s a good thing. It might keep me alive long enough to stand a chance if I ever draw their attention. Keep up the great work with your blog. I just found it recently and read it daily. Good stuff.