Craig Murray Says Clinton’s Emails Were Leaked, Not Hacked

Former Ambassador and intel analyst Craig Murray says he met the government agent who leaked Clinton’s emails, and his piece included this interesting little gem:

Whistleblowers seemed a soft target. Indeed seven years into his Presidency Obama seemed to be winning the War on Whistleblowers hands down, leaving them serving time or marginalised and cast out from society.

But Obama/Clinton miscalculated massively. If you set up the super surveillance state, hoovering up all the internet traffic of pretty well everybody, that is not just going to affect the ordinary people whom the elite despise. There is also going to be an awful lot of traffic intercepted from sleazy members of the elite connected to even the most senior politicians, revealing all their corruption and idiosyncracies. From people like John Podesta, to take an entirely random example. And once the super surveillance state has intercepted and stored all that highly incriminating material, you never know if some decent human being, some genuine patriot, from within the security services is going to feel compelled to turn whistleblower.

Then they might turn for help to, to take another entirely random example, Julian Assange.

This sounds an awful lot like he knows something more about Podesta’s emails.

It makes you wonder if there were more Pizzagate emails we didn’t see, and which precipitated government action to take out Assange quick before they came out. Some are saying there are, and they will release them shortly.

Napolitano says his sources say the same thing:

There is NO EVIDENCE that this was done by the Russians. But there is evidence for this. Who was harmed by Mrs. Clinton’s extremely careless use of state secrets? Whose agents’ lives were jeopardized by her failure to keep these state secrets? The American intelligence community. It is more likely than not that members of the American intelligence community leaked this to Julian Assange than that the Russians did… The suggestion comes from members of the intelligence community.

Seems intel officers didn’t like Hillary exposing their secrets and risking their people’s lives in Benghazi.

It is funny that by moving their emails to private servers to try and secure their comms from the spooks, all of these scumbags were actually throwing their email traffic right into the totally controlled and spied upon environment that the average Joes’ inhabit every day – and that is what cost Hillary the election.

Talk about being hoisted upon their own petard.

r/K Selection Theory is spreading, because the more you hide from the machine, the more the machine focuses on you

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8 years ago

[…] Craig Murray Says Clinton’s Emails Were Leaked, Not Hacked […]

Man in the Middle
Man in the Middle
8 years ago

Now that is an impressive analysis!