Could Being r-selected Cause Premature Babies?

I was reading this article:

The majority of those black infants that die are born premature, says James, because black mothers like Pierce have a higher risk of going into early labor.

Scientists and doctors have spent decades trying to understand what makes African-American women so vulnerable to losing their babies. Now, there is growing consensus that racial discrimination experienced by black mothers during their lifetime makes them less likely to carry their babies to full term.

James, 65, has seen far too many black babies who didn’t survive.

It just doesn’t seem right, says James, who is also African-American. “You ask yourself the question: What is it about being black that places us at an increased risk for that kind of experience?”

Richard David, a neonatologist at the University of Illinois of Chicago, has been studying this for decades. When he first began looking into the problem in the 1980s, he says scientists thought the two main culprits were poverty and lack of education.

“We knew African-American women were more likely to be poor,” says David. “We knew that fewer of them had completed their education by the time they were bearing children.”

But David, who at the time was at the Cook County Hospital in Chicago, and his colleague James Collins at Northwestern University Medical School found that even educated, middle-class African-American women were at a higher risk of having smaller, premature babies with a lower chance of survival.

For example, David says, black and white teenage mothers growing up in poor neighborhoods both have a higher risk of having smaller, premature babies. “They both have something like a 13 percent chance of having a low birth weight baby,” he says.

But in higher-income neighborhoods where women are likely to be slightly older and more educated, “among white women, the risk of low birth weight drops dramatically to about half of that, whereas for African-American women, it only drops a little bit.”

In fact, today, a college-educated black woman like Samantha Pierce is more likely to give birth prematurely than a white woman with a high school degree.

“That’s exactly the kind of case that makes us ask the question: What else is there?” says David. “What are we missing?”

Some people suggested that the root cause may be genetics. But if genes are at play, then women from Africa would also have the same risks. So, David and his colleague, Collins, looked at the babies of immigrant women from West Africa. But as they reported in their 1997 study in The New England Journal of Medicine, those babies were more like white babies — they were bigger and more likely to be full term. So, it clearly isn’t genetics, says David.

Then, many years later, David and Collins noticed something startling. The grandchildren of African immigrant women were born smaller than their mothers had been at birth. In other words, the grandchildren were more likely to be premature, like African-American babies.

This was also true of the grandchildren of black women who had emigrated from the Caribbean.

Meanwhile, the grandchildren of white European immigrant women were bigger than their mothers when they were born. David and Collins published their results in 2002 in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

“So, there was something about growing up black in the United States and then bearing a child that was associated with lower birth weight,” says David.

Did this happen in the slavery environment, I wonder? What about in the fifties, when blacks were not allowed to sit in certain places, or eat or drink where whites did? Why isn’t it happening in Africa, where they are literally eating other human beings? Is this, right outside on your front lawn, not stressful?

Suppose you have two environments. One is ultra-K. Think Vikings. Those who survive and thrive are the biggest, strongest, most capable monsters. There, the female body cues in on K-stimuli, and responds with the best reproductive strategy. Suddenly the mothers are staying at home in safety, gorging on whatever the husband brings home, and their bodies give birth later to twenty pound babies who grow up to look like this guy:

Then you have ultra-r, where the advantage goes to those who can shorten gestation as much as possible, get the babies out, and start over again as fast as possible. Sadly, the single mothers have to work, so they feel stress, and their amygdalae are undeveloped from the free resources and dopamine, so their triggerability is sky-high. As a result, their body develops to hang onto each fetus for as short a period as possible, before popping it out and beginning to make another. They kick out babies which look like this, but they kick out a lot of them in a lifetime:

I suspect that African women, designed for a harsh world in Africa, are being flooded with resources and safety to a degree their bodies and genes have not evolutionarily adapted to. Their bodies are going hyper-r as r-epigenetic markers pile on r-epigenetic markers generation after generation, and they are beginning to birth earlier and earlier. I would guess European bloodlines probably went through this phase themselves over the last few centuries as life became easier and threats and disease were minimized for longer and longer periods. As a result, this was culled from the European bloodlines, just as it is being culled from the black bloodlines now.

Which brings us to the Overshoot Hypothesis of r/K Theory.

Humans have, burned into their DNA, a programming. It detects their environment, and alters their psychology, physical development, and bio-physiology as needed to maximize reproductive fitness in their environment. Make the environment K, and the human machine detects it and goes K itself. Turn things r, and the machine sees that too, and shifts back to r-selection. But the mechanism is designed for the mild and temporary swings we saw in our evolutionary history, including the mild and short-lived gluts we periodically enjoyed.

What the mechanism is not designed for is the massive flood of dopamine, comfort, and related complete lack of threat stimuli which has lasted for generation, after generation, after generation now in the West. This is an unnatural environment we are not designed for genetically, at least yet, so r-epigenetic markers are building up on our genomes to a degree nature has never seen, and to a degree which our human machine was unprepared for.

So what we are seeing is that adaptive r/K mechanism pushed so far r that the mild shifts which were advantageous in the wild are now so grotesquely exaggerated by our ease that they are actually counterproductive to reproduction.

We are now biological robots encountering an environment we are not genetically programmed for, and in those individuals where the programming is overshooting its marks, we are seeing a sterilizing effect. Effeminate males that would normally require high levels of sexual stimulation by a large number of unusual and diverse female mates are, at the margins, turning into gays who require even more shocking sexual stimulation by pre-op trannies of unusual races, and even men. In these small segments of r-overshoots, they actually self-sterilize.

Where women were programmed to shorten gestation by a month or two in a one generation glut, the r-selected epigenetic markers have piled on generation after generation, and now females are birthing so early the babies are not surviving. As a result, here you are seeing the r-programming accidently self-sterilize itself again, or at least inflict Darwinian disadvantage.

Likewise, what was supposed to be a mild interest in all things foreign, to promote migration to a land of free resources when one’s home turned K-selected has now morphed into a desperate desire to import as many violent foreigners as possible specifically from lands where we are called the great Satan, and the residents want to kill us, and to do it when it is totally unnecessary. Again, what was advantageous in small amounts will now get everything destroyed and everyone killed, courtesy of a small cohort of r-overshoots.

And then there are the SJWs and the snowflakes.

Of course this self-sterilization is not bad, per se. This is our genome adapting itself to the new genetic reality of our technological sophistication, and all the luxuries it affords. I will bet where other races in the universe exist and have adapted millions of years beyond us, they too have probably endured this phase of evolution, as their biology adapted to not see its reproductive strategy meltdown in the face of unnaturally massive gluts, the likes of which their biology had never confronted before.

Interestingly, note this disadvantage is being endured by the most r among us. So we are seeing our genome K-ified, oddly enough through the extreme-nature of the r-conditions we are being exposed to causing our most extreme r’s to short circuit and self-destruct. So we have made things so r, the r’s are dying back and seeing their ability to go r-selected attenuated through Darwinian culling.

And next up, is the Apocalypse, and you know the rabbits will not be doing well there either. It almost seems strangely unfair.

The rabbits truly cannot win.

Spread r/K Theory, because you like the fact the rabbits can never win

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7 years ago

Fits very well with this: Black premature babies are far more likely to survive than White premature babies

7 years ago

Single parenthood, generation after generation.

7 years ago

Something has got to be queuing in Scandinavian genetics. The ice is coming again and their genes know it. Some Swedes are adapting- and getting more bulky and more K- and some Swedes aren’t. Then the genetically weak Scandis do stuff like this:

Arresting guys like Mr. Björnsson, just for existing. Still- it won’t stop the ice.

7 years ago

Interesting. It was my understanding that of all human population groups, Africans/Blacks had both the highest fertility and the shortest gestation periods. I’d assumed part of this was a long established adaptation to existing in a resource abundant environment with a high and sustained number of threats from fairly aggressive local wildlife, disease, as well as other humans. I’d also assumed the lack of invested child rearing was a result of the psychology this hyper fertility had created. Hence, the sending children alone miles away from home to fetch water and the like.

What I always saw as anomalous, were the black American females who had both few offspring and less than two or three mates, who engaged in intensive child rearing. Whether they had their children out of wedlock or in marriage, these women tended to be very invested into intensive early child rearing. This intensity would lessen gradually as the child developed. Usually it would reach a plateau when the child was able to communicate on a certain level.

What I never understood was why cannibalism existed despite the clear abundance of food sources. I noticed myself asking this question of other indigenous populations in underdeveloped regions, such as the America’s, the pacific islands, Australia, and east Asia. I understood killing potential rivals/competitors for resources, but eating them when you’ve got other more abundant food sources?

7 years ago

Notice that this culling occurs only among humans and a few K-strategist animals. Prey animals never get the selection to go K due to predation pressure.

Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

Leftists: Everything thing I don’t understand about society and don’t like is due to racism/sexism/etc.

The dogma of egalitarianism rules their brains.