Conservatives Speak Of Nouns, Liberals Speak Of Traits

Speech differences between ideologues:

A group or researchers in Kent found that conservative politicians prefer using nouns in their speeches compared liberals.

And it can be as simple as referring to someone as ‘an optimist’ compared to describing them as ‘optimistic’…

The researchers, led by Dr Aleksandra Cichocka at the university’s School of Psychology, established that conservatives, more than liberals, generally tend to refer to things by their names instead of describing them in terms of their features.

Examples of this would be saying someone is an idealist rather than describing them as idealistic or that someone is a pessimist rather than calling them pessimistic.

Other examples listed in the paper included using the word ‘spades’ rather than ‘spatulous’, or describing someone as ‘a homosexual’ rather than ‘homosexual’.

Liberals have a psychological need to have a moldable world around them, because they have an innate aversion to a solid reality. Throughout their life, they have learned to perceive the world as changeable. Someone who is idealistic may be able to characterized as not idealistic at a later time, but an idealist is always idealistic. When liberals created a concrete reality by describing the world clearly and concisely in a way that does not allow for denial, they received a corrective pain that taught them to always keep the description a little fuzzy. Notice the wiggle room they maintain, even in their mind.

That wiggle rooms is not to be able to deceive you later. It is to maintain their ability to deceive themselves, and construct the reality they need to keep their amygdala puttering along, without revving up over the redline.

Conservatives seek a pure, understandable truth. Maybe they find it maybe they don’t, but they always strive to create a concrete model in their brain of the world, as it is – deeper realities that are not designed to be molded in the brain, or recalculated later to be seen as something else. If their brain gives a conservative a correction, they absorb it fully, because they would rather be stung by reality than coddled by delusion.

Only one reproductive strategy is aided by studiously avoiding negativity, and endures no cost from ignoring reality. Only one reproductive strategy needs to meet reality as it is, whatever the cost.

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8 years ago

[…] Conservatives Speak Of Nouns, Liberals Speak Of Traits […]

8 years ago

That wiggle rooms is not to be able to deceive you later. It is to maintain their ability to deceive themselves,

THIS. It’s not about you. It’s never about you. It is always about them. If your understanding about why they are doing something revolves around you and not their internal monologue, you are understanding it incorrectly, or at the least incompletely. (As an example of incompleteness, yes, they may be doing something to spite you, but the goal of spiteing you isn’t your misery, it is relieving their own misery through yours.)

8 years ago

[…] Leftists and conservatives are so different that they have divergent speaking patterns. (HT: Anonymous Conservative.) […]

8 years ago

[…] interesting link at Anonymous […]