Congratulations to Jeb Bush

Jeb has gotten a much coveted La Raza endorsement.

La Raza Backs Jeb, Slams Trump for English Language Patriotism

So if you hate America and Americans, are in favor of the Reconqiusta and the return of Arizona, New Mexico, and California to Mexico, as well as the greater subservience of the United States to inherently superior Mexican overlords, you know who to vote for – and who not to vote for.

No word yet on who Al Qaida or ISIS are supporting in the Republican Primary, though it is not looking good for Trump.

On another note, imagine for a moment you were a slightly insecure, geeky guy, in Jeb Bush’s shoes. Your own group dislikes you, in a very fundamental way. Little you say can sway them. You feel inferior. Suddenly the enemy of your group says you are a great guy. Everyone in your group hates these outsiders, but the outsiders cheer you effortlessly. You can see how this would guide your psychology, and produce a mentality which feels that appeasing out-groups is somehow a mark of intellectual superiority. Why shouldn’t these people be given free citizenship? Who are these idiots who don’t like you? Even outsiders like you. There must be something wrong with your own people.

You can see how you would begin to view your own group as wrong, evil, and in need of being controlled. Add in some massive power being at stake, like acquiring the office of the Presidency, and you can see how a weak mind like Jeb’s would end up in exactly the position it is in. You can also see how an amused Alpha like Donald, schooled in game and prone to amygdala hijack his victims, err, opponents, would be your worst nightmare in a debate situation.

GOPocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

With all his money and family connections, Jeb couldn’t find a white woman to marry, yet he expects white women to vote for him?