Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Is it still that way?
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Are you getting it on the day's page, or the main homepage with all the days on it?
Reanderthal on News Briefs – 02/26/2025The reason they are ubiquitous is that they have already been 'turned' at a young age. It's like a guarantee that they can be twisted further. The homosexual production pipeline (like the slut production pipeline), is among the most egregious things that go on. People are broken and reconstructed. Their productivity and Qi dammed and diverted. Yet they produce the bulk of Cabal's army, from front-grunts to Mata Hari to rear Admirals to five pentacle generals... I watched a film from the 60s about elite boarding school in the UK, called 'If....' It's Malcolm McDowel's first role. It's very clear in its depiction of the process of becoming an 'elite'.
Reanderthal on News Briefs – 02/26/2025The reason they are ubiquitous is that they have already been 'turned' at a young age. It's like a guarantee that they can be twisted further. The homosexual production pipeline (like the slut production pipeline), is among the most egregious things that go on. People are broken and reconstructed. Their productivity and Qi dammed and diverted. Yet they produce the bulk of Cabal's army, from front-grunts to Mata Hari to rear Admirals to five pentacle generals... I watched a film from the 60s about elite boarding school in the UK, called 'If....' It's Malcolm McDowel's first role. It's very clear in its depiction of the process of becoming an 'elite'.
Macaque Mentality on News Briefs – 02/25/2025My response to this disappeared. Hopefully it comes back up because I don't remember exactly what I wrote and didn't make a copy like I usually do. I'll try to quickly reconstruct: My mom was protecting me. She was emotionally abused and derailed by her mom a lot. Since then, my grandma's become a believer, so there's a happy ending. My mom grew up as a high-functioning autist (many hallmarks, like silence, no socializing, keen communication with animals, etc.) and very smart (she had the photographic memory until adolescence that highly gifted women often have). She's a strong believer. She wanted me close to raise us up in the Bible and to pray over us. She was absolutely livid at the presumably-Cabal Jewish lady tutor who threatened to force me into one of the programs I mentioned before. My mom is also highly capable at business. She started a manufacturing business that became popular enough for her products to be seen in malls many states over. But that business got derailed, though I think mostly non-Cabal-related aside from the senior pastor of our church at the time who may have been at least Cabal-adjacent.
Chief_Tuscaloosa on News Briefs – 02/27/2025 So no NY Times or WaPo, but rather Chaya Raichik of Libs of TikTok, Collin Rugg, Rogan O’Handley (DC Draino), Mike Cernovich, Alex Lorusso (ALX), Scott Pressler, Jack Posobiec, Liz Wheeler, and others. But this is only the beginning. Vox surmises this is a slight to the traditional fakenews media, but Cernovich makes me wonder if this is a controlled burn. Hoping script-writers have Hillary and Nancy fighting for the top bunk.
Bman on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Fuck a Tranny....Get to GateKeep the Epstein List. .
Anonymous on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Yeah, I've been underwhelmed by the JFK releases. "JFK had a gay lover!" "Oswald worked for the CIA!" These aren't exactly new revelations for anyone paying any attention to JFK and his death. What are the odds tomorrow's big revelations will include the shocking information that Jack Ruby was a night club owner with ties to the Mafia, and JFK was shot while riding in a car! Wake me up when they release something we don't know.
AnonL on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Covid Chronicles also gave you a shout-out. The American Stasi is Under Attack: Five Alarm Fire! Hopefully it is Defeated.
I am not crazy, but you may think I am... on News Briefs – 02/22/2025You made my point. There is someone, really smart doing this. Musk admits to hiring multiple specialists to get things done.
A2 on News Briefs – 02/26/2025I suspect the mating is videoed - and circulated as pornography. I have seen movies where sex scenes of known big actors, didnt seem to be acting
phelps on News Briefs – 02/26/2025That's where the APU exhausts. It's essentially a tiny jet engine that just runs a generator for the plane, so they don't have to run the engines on the ground. I would say it is malfunctioning. Jet fuel burns with white smoke when it is incompletely burned.
TRX on News Briefs – 02/27/2025I got the install screen several times this morning. And most of yesterday. And just now, trying to save this post. x2 x3
Anonymoose on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Thanks!
phelps on News Briefs – 02/27/2025You have to wonder if these 90 day pauses are just 90 days to perform some kind of review, or if they are 90 day pauses, to put things on hold until some kind of massive revelation comes out in that period which will make killing the program a no-brainer.That's part of the explanation. The other part is the 90 days is the accepted amount of time for a "temporary" or "quick" action. You have 90 days to appeal most things, you have 90 days notice of things before they go into effect, you have 90 days respond to a demand, etc etc. The 90 days thing is sort of like Q's 17 or a biblical 40 days and 40 nights -- it signals in this case that there is something else coming, and that anything done before the 90 days is up would likely be unripe.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025If cabal requires pedophile initiation, it is pedos.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025No. Its not "just" organised crime. It is more than that if based on a religion. Religion binds people after death
Aw on News Briefs – 02/26/2025The import of foreigners is not to replace you racially. It is to replace patriotic with people that have no emotional ties or obligations. Much easier to control for the average globalist.
Aw on News Briefs – 02/26/2025looked like it came out of the Aux Power Unit, which is basically a small jet engine
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Thank you for the heads up. If my surmises are correct, (and I am still testing it today) people will have seen the last of the install screen on the main page, which should be indestructible, as i no longer needs a database hit. The downside is, the database will still go down due to the attack, which will mean the individual day pages may be inaccessible, which will make commenting impossible. If you compose a comment off he backup page, it will only go through if the database is up. If the database is down (Which is why you would load that backup page) then it will nto be able ot accept and process the comment.
Aw on News Briefs – 02/27/2025is that where a nuke will be detonated to distract media?
Aw on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Well, today we found out JFK was gay. Not sure that goes as far to justify his assassination, but probably a move to engineer the narrative that "he deserved it anyway"
Aw on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Before anything happens that flips the narrative for everyone, the media needs to be addressed. No point exposing corruption, treason & child murderers if media ignores it. I believe this is happening now - primarily addressed through funding cuts.
a moose on News Briefs – 02/26/2025It did not look like the rancher that was acquitted.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/26/2025henrymakow says they are conceived on movie sets and the children are raised by "guardians", eg Montgomery Cliff father of Tom Cruise It seems to have been going on for years, Danny Kaye (vs Donald OConnor) was born in 1911. BTW I saw a recap of a Japanese movie. Fake parents were hired to raise a child. They were well paid and ordered to behave. When they went off the rails, they got terminated / replaced
Macaque Mentality on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Sucks about your mom. My grandma was abusive to mine and derailed her many times in her youth. My mom was protecting me. She's a genuine believer, a high-functioning autist, and an extreme IQ outlier (photographic memory until adolescence, which is documented for females). She knew immediately that sending me off to the programs would be very bad--she told me as much when we would get the scholarship letters. She wanted to raise me herself in the Bible and to pray over me at every opportunity. Now that I'm older, we're good friends. Yeah, it can be frustrating but I feel it an honor, too. When I first started out, I thought anyone can do this stuff. Now I know that's not the case. You're welcome any time. Brief account of my childhood for you and other parents who might be reading: I was born a loner and paranoid--was frisking my playmates regularly by 3, building my first bugout bags by 4 or 5. When I was old enough to understand--6 or 7--she made sure I knew was different from other kids and would be walking a path alone without friends to relate with. Came to terms with the possibility of constant supernatural and physical surveillance by 8 or 9.
phelps on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Both of thee people have probably followed other people through grocery stores:Every. Single. Time.
TRX on News Briefs – 02/27/2025On the main page, everything is severely cropped all the way around. Farce's quoted image looks normal to me.
TRX on News Briefs – 02/27/2025> Republican Rep. Joe Wilson announces plan to propose $250 bill featuring Trump. --- That would be worth the same as $100 in 1990. A useful denomination. They haven't just been stealing your money directly, they've been devaluing what you had left by printing trillions of worthless money. That's called "inflation."
phelps on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Supreme Court STOPS Biden Judge’s Midnight Deadline, Halts Order Forcing Admin to Pay $2 Billion in Foreign Contracts. Trump wins.Looks like what the SCOTUS plans to do is to let the district courts tire themselves out, and then slap it all down later. When a district court is about to do something with second and third order consequences, the SCOTUS will step in.
Thesokorus on News Briefs – 02/27/2025AC wrote above in re Bizerian (spook spook spook): " Is he trying to run Holocaust.exe at the behest of Cabal’s top dogs, who sense we are close, and are readying the Jews to once again take the blame so they can get away?" i see this particular attack as aimed at the ideological/conceptual/propagandistic super-structure of "Chabad". "Chabad" is conceptually about "real Jews" taking back Israel from the "not-real Jews". Genetically, "Chabad" is almost entirely Ashkenazim and not genetically linked to the historical "Israelites". Bilzerian is right about the genetics and the consequent contradiction inherent in "Chabad". At the same time, "Chabad" is quite aware and often open about the Hall of Cost reality. And surprisingly moderate on the small moustache guy. They still use it as a weapon, of course. As to "the Jews taking the blame". This is to me a lawgic trap. I wouldn't feel at all bad for the ppl who ran Ruby Ridge and Waco ops if they "took the blame". Or 9/11 or Jan 6 or Colombine etc etc.
TRX on News Briefs – 02/27/2025> Tax Filings exposes that Biden’s CANCER charity spent Millions on salaries, but nothing on research. --- That's unfortunately not that unusual. The primary purpose of many charities is fundraising, which pays the "compensation" for the charity management, with little left over for the charity's ostensible purpose. There are even professional fundraisers who will take care of handling the money parts, and take a percentage from the visible heads of the charity.
Thesokorus on News Briefs – 02/27/2025 The above is a fantastic short post about the origins of "Folk music" in the UK (but applies to US) in Intelligence agencies. Bruce would never use this phrase or concept, but it was "fake and gay": the usual inverse parody skinsuiting (Satan/Sorath) all the way down. After reading the post I realized three new things: 1) just as now, this was a co-ordinated effort btwn foreign and domestic intelligence agencies. 2) the change from the "folk music" op to the "rock music" op probably indicates a regime change within Intelligence. And, not just a change in goals. To me, the spook band Grateful Dead perfectly shows this change from "folk" to "rock". 3) the power of this op was that it connected the happiness and joys of childhood with the psy-op concepts. That's likely unbreakable. The concepts in those songs are the same thing as the joys and happiness of childhood. Hard to deny one without denying the other. Finally, this is why *as a cohort*, the boomers are a lost cause. They had *as a cohort* the most idyllic childhoods in history. It's unimaginable to X-ers and 1000x more so to later gens. But, it's true. And that idyll is connected fundamentally with the psy-op concepts in the music (and movies etc). I'm Gen-X btw.
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/27/2025THank you!
Machine Trooper on News Briefs – 02/27/2025"Whatever is going to happen, I would think it would have to begin relatively soon, and happen suddenly, and in a massive flood of events, all at once:" Like a storm, right? Gave you a little shout-out in today's blog post, AC.
Machine Trooper on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Re: JFK Assassination Looks like the revelations are going to follow the familiar pattern. They won't provide any information that is actually new (to anybody besides the NPCs); but confirm that some of the "conspiracy theories" were true all along. I'm not a hardcorps JFK researcher or anything, but I've known for a long time about Oswald's CIA affiliation, and that it likely started while he was in an MI unit overseas.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/27/2025I checked the main page and it's the same there.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Mathis dealt with it years ago as well.
Frosty on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Concerning the Pope (Titular position) and the Catholic church (lock, stock, and barrel, entire ecosphere and structure) the expected passing of the current Pope is an opportunity presenting itself, if any big brains in the Whitehouse (or their Cabal handlers) can see the forest for the trees. This is where that Art Of The Deal supposed expertise can be utilized, for good, and positive change. "Someone in Washington, D.C." picks up telephone, rings up the Vatican and issues instructions. Whether it be to the Swiss Guards boss, a Cardinal aide to the pontiff, or whoever. They MUST Install as their next Pope in succession, a total Chad and based individual to purge and cleanse the Church. The instructions (veiled threat) is do this or our new programmed Fed bois will start running game on the church members here and internationally and seize u.s. assets under Rico statutes for the human trafficking, shielding pedophile clergy, etc etc. Other words break the church's ass. Then telephone up Meloni, and put the screws to the Italian state that this is to happen, and they will help with the convincing. We have thousands of troops on many bases there with nukes, so there is that incentivization. Then call up a legit mafiosa boss tied into u.s. and Italy networks and advise we are getting the band back together. They will be another influence channel with strong juice and pull. They, the o.g. old mafia standard will be used to take over and supplant cartels and other sloppily run outfits for a return to a sedate leisurely cops and robbers arrangement. (Crime will always exist in America with our appetite for drugs, etc. At least cut down the carnage and collateral damage by being professional and gentlemanly about the business end of it all) The church if in compliance and demonstrating a 180 improvement will be back on favorable terms. School choice vouchers for parents to "shop around" for the best education for their children will supplant the .gov run indoctrination centers for public education. That model is antiquated, corrupted, and not showing results. The church can then be allowed and encouraged to expand itself into education ecospheres, enlarging it's presence and congregations by default. The social and cultural improvements gained for society would be the larger and more long term effect. If this stupidly simple task can not be accomplished now, while God aligns the stars for this, then we are all just spinning the wheels here and the movie really does suck.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Same reason as the broken cross logo in the upper right.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Barbarians remain barbarians when you give them tech.
teotoon on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Others have said clones; even others say that there is secret mating occurring which go unreported.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/25/2025If you haven't registered make sure to post an application first when you do so we can activate you as soon as possible.
Peter on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Leah Greenberg at today x-post look like dude. Lack of waist + manly face. We need to go deeper. And Zelensky is more like rat than a mouse btw 🙂
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/27/2025This page where I'm commenting, they are badly cropped. If I remove the ?resize=600%2C1070&ssl=1 from the end of the image url and put it in a new tab they display correctly, but they don't if I just copy the image location and put it in a new tab.
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Is that the main page, or the page you comment on?
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/27/2025On the main page with all the posts, or on the page for the specific date?
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/26/2025The official story was it was some sort of burnout of an AC unit or something. But who knows? It does look like you would think a Chemtrail plane blowing particulate matter would look.
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Yes, he was in Mexico. I have not seen it claimed it was the Rancher who was acquitted.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Other images are also not displaying correctly.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/27/2025This image is not displaying correctly:
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/27/2025Everything hints towards a potential PHREATIC EXPLOSION of the Supervolcano near Naples in Italy
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025China’s Vaccine Giant Collapses: 800 Million Left in the Dark, Face Mystery Side Effects
Anon on News Briefs – 02/26/2025This true?
Anon on News Briefs – 02/23/2025scarey
Anonymoose on News Briefs – 02/25/2025We’re very much in a similar position - except I dated at least two of my male-honeypots and married my handler briefly. Do you think your mom was protecting you or colluding to derail you? I thought mine was protecting me (kept me in Catholic schools that treated everyone the same and out of gifted programs that I would have qualified for, and refused to send me to the boarding school my cabal-useful-idiot father wanted to send me to). But I now have reason to believe that, since I showed signs of being too moral to follow in my father’s footsteps, she was part of the effort to derail me. And maybe it was her pushing him into his path all along. She set me up for a sexual assault, - I used to think it was unknowingly but now that I have kids approaching the age I was, I’m questioning “what the actual fuck?” She also mocked me for wanting to wait for sex until married,, instigated underage drinking and gambling that I could have been arrested for if I had followed through. Tried to get me to deal drugs as a college student (here’s a bag of your sister’s adderall, you’ll make so much money selling it at college!), and most recently tried to break up my current (97% sure not a cabal handler) marriage. I’m never giving up either. It’s frustrating as fuck in some ways. But also kind of an honor that God chose us to play this level. I will def check out the timeless authors biz page.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/24/2025Every compromised organisation pushes non-male, non-white, non-hetero, non-christian. However, note, Pym Fortuyn was a gay, and he was murdered. Gays with threat awareness may be well aware of the implications of 3rd world immigration.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Fetching coffee and shredding documents are the duties of Majors.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Călin Georgescu, leading candidate for Romanian election un-arrested If they let him stand, it will be a landslide. If they dont let him stand, there will be a revolution.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/26/2025I read he was killed on wrong side of the border. Anyone confirm/correct?
Anon on News Briefs – 02/26/2025I have big questions about the Great White Hopes Trump, Musk, Milei, Farage. Yesterday Trump boasted about supplying missiles that killed Russians. Aside from spiking negotiations/relations, it was crass and cheap. Q said "Israel last". Perhaps, it is a feint, ruse of war, misdirection. So I refrain from judging.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Israel Kurdish Druze Alliance: Establishing a De Facto Autonomous Zone in Syria
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Elon Musk to Ray Dalio: Indeed, it is essential to reduce the budget deficit to match economic growth! We will get the 2026 deficit to ~3% of GDP. Sensible deregulation will ensure that economic growth is ~3% or higher. That will both DEFEAT INFLATION and REDUCE INTEREST RATES for all Americans! Earth to Musk, Earth to Musk: We need to ELIMINATE the deficit, a surplus would be even better.
Sam J. on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Erik Prince. We should use USAID money and call it the home vacation plan. Part of a cultural enrichment package.
Bman on News Briefs – 02/26/2025President Donald Trump took to his social media platform to share a message about a near miss on a Midway Airport runway that was captured on camera Tuesday. The incident happened just before 9 a.m. Tuesday, when Southwest Airlines Flight 2504 was seen approaching a runway for landing before abruptly conducting a "go-around" as a business jet unexpectedly entered the runway "without authorization," the Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement. In his message, Trump praised the Southwest Airlines pilots, calling it a "nearly tragic close call." "GREAT JOB BY THE SOUTHWEST PILOTS IN CHICAGO. A NEARLY TRAGIC CLOSE CALL. PERHAPS SUSPEND THE PILOTS LICENSE OF THE OTHER PLANE, WHO MUST HAVE BEEN 'SLEEPING!'" the president wrote on Truth Social. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recently had a similar experience at O'Hare. I flew into O'Hare before Christmas with my family. There was pretty bad turbulence on the way down. We got close to the landing (maybe a few hundred feet up still) and the pilot aborted the landing climbing out of there. The official reason was the plane ahead of us was slow to move out of the way. We came around and landed on the second approach. The turbulence was bad the second time around so much that people were getting barf-bagging it around me. It felt like we landed on one rear tire and then slammed down. . Not sure what to make of it, but it made my wife pay attention to more of my conspiracy talk. Might be a good idea to avoid planes. . I found the above link interesting that the plane was not "authorized" to be there and Trump made mention of it.
Bman on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Anyone have an idea what's coming out of the back of that plane?
Bman on News Briefs – 02/26/2025
Bman on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Don't worry guys. He was always a REAL American. Can we be friends now??????
Bman on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Previously I was no big fan of the import of Indians via H1B, but this story has completely converted me to seeing that the Indian way is the way of the future..... . Rick James was right indirectly. They should have never given those Indians technology. And fuck your couch, Eddie Murphy.
Bman on News Briefs – 02/26/2025
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025 RFK Jr. backtracks, tells HHS staffers they must respond to Musk email justifying their jobs: report Musk announced Saturday on X that the email asking employees to list five things they did last week was being distributed with President Trump’s approval.
Bman on News Briefs – 02/26/2025 Let's meet Lem. JFK's gay lover! Big Bear was all over this a few years ago (Oct. 14, 2020).. Just in time to release the JFK shooting files.
Bman on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Notice how Cernovich deflects blame from the operation which most likely employs him..... . For others new to Cernovich....apologize if not chronological. Paternal Grandson of Croatian immigrants.Maternal Grandson of English/Isle of Man immigrants.Former military (won a Armed forces boxing title? - Manosphere)Married a Lawyer who was tied into some silicon valley start-ups with stock options.Divorced her and took half (I assume).Wrote an article on how he had sex with a tranny.Becomes a focal point of the manosphere (influencing young men to be know tranny sex). Anyone else notice how the online influencers started growing beards and mustaches all around the sametime?Book author of Gorilla Mindset (you just need the right mindset anon to make it in this world.....and a whole lot of gorilla tranny sex on videotape).Made rounds on the right wing podcast circuit. Is a Twitter personality.Tried to get hired by Trump to "help" in 2016. Got involved with Pizzagate to nothingburger it. Mainstream media interview on 60 minutes.
TRX on News Briefs – 02/26/2025"Apostolic" churches are a dime a dozen in my area of the Bible Belt.
phelps on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Pam Bondi is releasing the list tomorrow (Thursday). The Oscar’s is Sunday. Maybe.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025#BREAKING: Pam Bondi just announced she will be releasing new Epstein flight logs, names, and information TOMORROW "It's pretty SICK what this man did." She says she hasn't released much more detailed information yet because there are "well over 200 victims." Release it ALL!— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) February 27, 2025
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Syria Suffers Massive Israeli Strikes Hours After Jolani Demanded Withdrawal
wlindsaywheeler on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Never in a million years would I have thought that or even think that was a thing for somebody else. On second thought, these guys then are playboys because if they just married and settled down--that wouldn't be a problem--but they were taught that Sex is the ultimate and that Sex is everything--them being at heart then Narcissists, then, yes, they would do that. How can one stoop so low as to degrade one's body with that filthy act??? Wow.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Trump Revokes Venezuela Oil License After Maduro Failed To Take Enough Migrants Back
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025I'm convinced they have secret breeding farms that they take children from and pretend they were born to cabal families. I think a lot of missing girls end up there, including possibly some whose deaths are faked, like the Idaho college girl.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/25/2025I detected no satirical intent at all, he's quite serious, especially when he was fighting with me about it here in AC's comments.
mononomous on News Briefs – 02/26/2025I believe that it's a symptom of abject nihilism. so much of cabal's messaging is demoralization. perhaps they've internalized it and come to the conclusion that it's all hopeless. ergo, pointless hedonism is the order of the day. i believe that the sexual degeneracy is promoted as one element in the globalist's depopulation agenda. hopelessness -> depop -> debauchery
Corn Pop on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Any man that chooses sex with another man regardless of the reason was already gay to begin with. Reminds me of a girl I knew who said her gay brother prided himself on turning straight guys gay. I laughed and told her there is no turning a straight man. Her brother was deluded and was simply hooking up with other gay guys pretending they're straight.
teotoon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Won't hear it from Christian pulpits either.
teotoon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025That being said, it’s definitely more annoying to talk to normies especially dumb ones. The easiest way to talk to normies on a regular basis is to be knowledgeable of sports; this means to waste a major portion of your life following seasonal sports: knowing the players' and coaches names and their stats.
teotoon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025I read those as satire comparing them to the corrupt S.O.B.s who control the West which has become more and more non-Christian.
AnonL on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Trump's Gaza video on Truth Social. Disgusting. WTH was he thinking to authorize releasing this? Or, if someone on his team did it, they need to be jettisoned asap.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Ron Paul Forums may be dead, it's been completely unreachable for days, getting close to a week now.
Y.G.B. on News Briefs – 02/25/2025This is amazing news, as it may demonstrate that Generals at the Pentagon are capable of operating office machinery by themselves.
Anonymoose on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Yes- I didn’t take a cabal ticket that I was offered when I was young, and have since been blocked from getting too successful with both that particular wealth-building project and also a separate non-cabal political pathway, which I was derailed from via death threats back when I had young children. I’m back in the game for round three now though, and very curious to see if the world is actually changing enough for me to break out of my sandbox. I’ve had the sensation since childhood that I was put in this earth at this place and time for a particular mission, and in the past, the answer when deeply praying on that feeling was to have patience. But I’m feeling a shift now, and suspect the time is finally approaching.
Anonymous on News Briefs – 02/25/2025There's somebody that President Camacho reminds me of. Elon knows her, as I mentioned the other day. Azealia. It's not just this, either, Camacho is also portrayed in other official media as having pigtails, etc. Why would that character be so subtly female-coded? Makes me wonder. Here's a meme for comparison.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Joy Behar & Whoopstie Goldberg look like characters from Roald Dahl's imagination
Ed on News Briefs – 02/26/2025"My Baptism Story – Nicole Shanahan (RFK Jr’s running-mate)." Nicole Shanahan is interesting in that at first glance she seems totally Cabal, but the more you find out about her, the more legit she comes across. Usually it works the other way. Anyway, I focused on who baptized her, since I wasn't aware of any Christian church that used the word "Apostle" as a title. I thought she had been baptized as a Mormon, not a Christian. Her religious beliefs seem pretty confused. It turns out that there are some pentecostal and other weird Protestant ministries that use that title.
Atavisionary on News Briefs – 02/26/2025So the US government hired a bunch of trans-sexuals and queers into their intelligence agencies. I imagine that coincides with the sudden spike in these loonies posting, shilling, censoring, banning things in 2018 and 19. I definitely noticed in the lead up to my sub getting banned that tranny posting spiked a lot, and they were directly involved in the sub banning later. I will forever hate queers and trannys for all that shit. They are mentally ill and should be removed from society. Exiled if we are feeling generous. They were put in charge of all the spyware and bots and shill groups and that was the result. They went absolutely hog-wild. Unbelievable, but really the best explanation for how they become ubiquitous seemingly overnight a few years ago.
FtR on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Re Texas Rancher killed by IED- Is that the same Texas rancher that was recently acquitted for shooting an illegal alien that was trespassing on his property?
phelps on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Trump admin to launch mandatory online registry of illegal immigrants with names, fingerprints and home addresses. Fail to do so, and face a $5,000 fine and six months behind bars. Or just self-deport out of the country quietly as soon as possible.Gee, who mentioned here that the next logical step would be to replace the old amnesty app with a self-deportation app?
CPGen on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Link to the second to last thread/link about all Dems voting against no tax on tips & overtime goes to the last thread about the View’s harpies non-renewal of their contracts. Dang it, I’m not on X and wanted to send that to my son!
Irrelevant on News Briefs – 02/24/2025Thanks
Chief_Tuscaloosa on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Indians via H1B efficiency software Optifye: they removed video, so guess it wasn't a joke. Glad your link guy saved it. The comments though! -Is there a function that sends a humanoid robot to flog Workspace 17? -Even the hourly tracker goes from 9 am to 11pm . 6 days a week -@VivekGRamaswamy 's wet American dream ...and this pic was there but needed a caption. I'm going with: -Hey kid in the red & black shirt, pack up your pee jar under your station and hit the road! You're fired!
phelps on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Biden Judge dresses down DOJ lawyers over USAID disbursement, orders Trump admin to pay foreign aid contracts by 11:59 PM, Wednesday. No habla ingles.
Ghost Who Walks on News Briefs – 02/26/2025I wonder if the *egg* shaped UFO is piloted by a not-so-dead Jeffrey Epstein?
English Tom on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Re the spraying of chemicals to obscure vision for satellites. I was under the impression that Synthetic Aperture Radar was able to overcome this type of hindrance. I'm no expert so can someone please chime in?
Macaque Mentality on News Briefs – 02/25/2025I can relate. A handful of big projects down the drain so far. More if you count the smaller ones. Sabotage, inexplicable blacklisting, sudden external changes that smelled like Cabal simply pulling the plug. Stuff like that. No glaring errors on my end, and I was nearly always (save one project) the one who did the actual business building: planning, logistics, hiring, documentation, benchmarking, project management, etc. I'm a GATE kid, got full ride scholarships to private gifted programs my mom threw out repeatedly, Jewish tutor who my mom kicked out, a handful of identifiable honeypots, had a handler assigned to me in the Cabal college, and so on. I'm never giving up. Ever. Each time I come back out stronger and wiser. If someone here ever wants to discuss business stuff, I'm at Timeless Authors. There's a subforum there for that.
Jimmy on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Being a man was too much hard work, so I became a woman I met a guy who said he went gay in his late 20s after having had plenty of hetero relations. What struck me was that there wasn't the slightest thing effeminate about him, and he was traditionally good-looking. Through conversation I got him to admit that a lot of dudes choose the lifestyle merely because it's so much easier to find sexual gratification that way, without having to play head games with women. Yikes.
teotoon on News Briefs – 02/26/2025That must have been a 3 hour denial of service this morning.
phelps on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Tulsi Gabbard to fire transgender extremists and sexual deviants who participated in NSA’s secret sex kink chatrooms. They did us a huge favor by setting up these chats.I would bet on there being more chats with rank insubordination for the various directors of the agencies they serve and Trump himself. Super-easy way to fire someone for cause. "Here's the chat log documenting your insubordination. Go away now."
Anon on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Actor Farming
Bad Dems on News Briefs – 02/26/2025NSA perversions are logical extensions of the Obama radicalization push, further enabled with the DEI overlay by Biden. No hope, wrong kind of change. The revelations can not come soon enough although ongoing Grand Jury investigations would delay those. Guess some delayed gratification will be the order of the day, week and even month for now.
Maniac on News Briefs – 02/26/2025'Biden accuser Tara Reade seeks $100mn over US govt ‘weaponization.’' This one didn't get as much attention because it was, well, (D)ifferent.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/24/2025Recommended movie
Anon on News Briefs – 02/24/2025AI does seem to make stuff up
Thesokorus on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Yeah. I guess a part of me still thought of things as if organized crime was an analogy and not an identity.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Every Democrat in the House of Representatives just voted against No tax on tips and No tax on overtime. And Massie found an excuse to almost make them win. Americans aren't taxed enough according to him, if he can't get even more cuts than Trump is getting he wants Trump's tax cuts to expire.
Thesokorus on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Yeah I agree. And I had thought that before I started tjinking about things this way. Blackmail is almost all voluntary and eagerly participated in for the same reasons. It also makes sense to them and they think/feel/intuit it is the optimal system. Idk if it is better overall, but it does have a lot of "efficiencies". Idk, maybe I realized nothing new. Maybe I just hadn't fully jettisoned the idea they had been backed into the secrecy etc because of who they were and they'd have preferred being lauded and adored by normies. Weird, because I did and do know and tell people often things like "well, he's a criminal. He loves doing crimes. He'd rather do crimes than anything else." Guess I hadn't fully realized what "they prefer it this way" meant. I love Buckaroo Banzai and there isba great line where Lithgow as Emilio Lizardo says during his Hitler/Mussolini speech to his fellow aliens "WE HIDE! THEY SEEK!". I mean yeah, they've willingly embraced the losing side (against God/Jesus). Didn't fully get the "willingly" part. Or, its primacy.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Just over the border in Mexico, a US citizen and Texas rancher was killed by an IED apparently placed by cartels. Probably should not cross into Mexico for a while. War with Mexico, clear the population out of a buffer zone beyond the border and annex it, take any resources that happen to be in it.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/26/2025While Fidel Castro's son is head of a 5 Eyes country, 5 Eyes is compromised. If 5 Eyes doesn't know Fidel Castro's son is head of a 5 Eyes country, it is worthless.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/26/2025The date says 06 instead of 26.
teotoon on News Briefs – 02/26/2025AC, according to today's post's date it is the sixth of February; I really don't care to relive the snowstorms we've had.
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/25/2025I will try to take a look. But it may take a while. This beaming is very degrading, to the point I actually end up knocked out cold at times for thirty minutes. Or I spend ten minutes getting pushed around before my head clears enough for me to remember I need to chew ice. As a result, I end up spending most free time doing this, because I need all that time for it given how much of it is spent degraded or out cold.
Just Me on News Briefs – 02/26/2025Check the Brief date AC. 26th
Steve.O.Morris on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Jon Uhlers work makes a distinction between bloody psychopaths and sophisticated psychopaths. The organized ones are obviously much more dangerous.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Călin Georgescu, leading candidate for Romanian election arrested
Reanderthal on News Briefs – 02/24/2025Try Qwen
mononomous on News Briefs – 02/25/2025>being “elite” and goofy weird “occult secrets” ... are just psyops. it's organized crime. period.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025I wouldnt be surprised if he still has 2 eyes
Anon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025oh my
Anon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Yes. Can you lend me 500 bucks. I'm a bit short. Sniff.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Dick short circuits the brain.
Anon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025ghey
English Tom on News Briefs – 02/24/2025This is the theme of God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert
Living in the Son on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Hi AC, I know you've often said that you don't understand what's going on with the way there's all these people part of the conspiracy who give their lives to it. Well, I've just read the book "The Shinar Directive" by Michael Lake. It appears to answer those questions and covers it from a Biblical perspective. After my first reading of it I feel if it's mostly true (hard to know certain details when there's a conspiracy to hide it all), it explains what has been going on throughout history and to some extent, what we're heading towards. Would love to hear your thoughts - and thoughts from anyone else who is interested in reading it.
Anonymous on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Well, magnetic fields can never be blocked. Only redirected. Maybe study how magnetic flux fields are shaped, then build a material which can conduct those fields around your body. No direct block of magnetic fields is possible.
kid on News Briefs – 02/25/2025They have very little abstract reasoning.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Sacrificial Pawn in Us-Russia Deal? Xi Jinping Is Really Desperate
Agape on News Briefs – 02/25/2025If it continues indefinitely, won't it become 50/50 at some point, where both sides know what's up? Then what?
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/25/2025China: The Video Game Monkey's Paw
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/25/2025The Next Permanent ATF Director Will Be...
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Of course it is, they want to exterminate us, that's much easier if we can't reproduce.
Thesokorus on News Briefs – 02/23/2025I think all his companies are great. I think all together they are worth trillions. I don't think there is any possible "escape velocity" away from Finance absent a backer with massive massive leverage. I just don't. And they hate businesses that make things and req huge capital/infa expense and salaries. That belief, coupled with the dual-use nature of everything and esp the combination of everything just screams Narional Security and the DoD. Not the whole DoD, just a very powerful part. And he does have what I call "Chabad" backing which is in NYC and Wall Street for sure.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Some people are just attracted to the idea of cheating. They think it's more efficient. And the amount of profit possible when cheating is directly proportional to to the ratio between your gang and the prey. One tyrant can live like a king if he bullies 100 people into supporting him, 50 tyrants can't live all that well by robbing 50 other people. It also feeds their egos to pretend they are the top X% of humanity, and helps them justify their behavior, like Rofschild talking about robbing the bees. Their problem is that as they become less skilled at their crimes they need an ever larger network of footsoldiers supporting them, they try to give them smaller shares, but it still reduces the proportional size of the herd being milked. Their entire parasitic lifepath is fundamentally r selected and it causes them to lose their edge, grow out of control, and collapse, that's why the Phoenix is their symbol.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/25/2025I guess you missed all the times he called them "Virtuous Pagans" and pitched them as the primary opponents of Clown World in spite of their constant collaboration with it.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/25/2025See you on the other side, if not before. 🙂
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/25/2025
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Unfortunately Bill Binney built a Faraday Cage as would be used in a SCIF and in his words, the rf signal "Went right through" it, so something strange is going on. I am suspicious they have developed some way to create charge accumulations and movements in very precise fashion through some sort of focused induction at a distance, and so the surface of a Faraday cage can have swirls of currents created in such a way it released rf somehow. When I slept next to the Faraday cage I built with it between me and the house I suspect is the source of the Beam, I felt like I had a sunburn after it, and it is my impression they somehow made the cage give something off which did that.
selbs on News Briefs – 02/25/2025I just had this weird little vision where after this is over, we actually WILL meet each other. weird the little teensy vision, I hugged farcesensitive. (no homo) BACK TO YOUR NORMALLY PROGRAMMED CHAOS!!!!
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/25/2025LOL!
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Thank you!
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Notice though, by saying pedophiles, he focuses everyone on pedophiles, which sounds like a random group of criminals which just happened to fall there. It is not pedophiles. This is an organized, professional, non-state intel service, which is trying to take over the US government in a rational, organized fashion. That is much worse than pedophiles, which are poorly organized, defective, and not focused on broader goals like subversion of the government or draining the treasury.
Thesokorus on News Briefs – 02/25/2025They sent one generation to Canada after WWII. And preserved them for this Op the whole time. But this is different in that they are going as UKR Mil and staying as UKR Mil. There are already +5mil in EUR.
Thesokorus on News Briefs – 02/24/2025He's either Bush Faction or they murked his wife for his leaving/betraying the Bush Faction. Or, he's a goofy sperg playing both sides because he's so smart (and it got his wife murked).
Thesokorus on News Briefs – 02/24/2025Wagenknecht leads the BSW party named after her not the AfD. I am not understanding. Her party was the only real loser. AfD (comped) made sig gains. I think AfD is a System-Party and BSW is not a System-Party.
teotoon on News Briefs – 02/25/2025I have religiously read Vox's blog since the early 2000s; I do not recall him being a "fan boy" of the Chinese. Vox is a realist and will comment on the pros and cons of other countries' societies, economies, and real politics.
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/25/2025You can see the power of a network like this. Had you succeeded, other opportunities could have opened up, you could have ended up worth hundreds of millions, even run for Senator or President. The main advantage of this thing is people do not know it is out there, so they trust the people around them, and do not operate with the thought a group whose whole mission is to destroy them will be listening to every phone call, reading every email, and even listening when you talk in your house. But increasingly, it seems many, many more people are targets in their specific community than anyone would ever believe.
Thesokorus on News Briefs – 02/25/2025I was thinking today that I probably made a mistaken assumption about "Cabal". I had been working under the assumption that they operated from a minorty position out of constraint. Specifically because they were so eff'd up and weird and malevolent. As in, "they are so eff'd up and broken they have to run things via trickery and deceit." I think this might be wrong. I think their weird and inverted and parodic and evil behavior might not be because of that. Maybe these people choose to play the game from a minority position? And that a lot of their decisions flow from wanting to win from a position of numerical deficit and secretly? And the best or maybe only way to do that is via malevolent Cabals? I'm not trying to absolve them of anything. This doesn't change any of my positikns in re "them". They should all be [redacted]. They all did and assented to incredible evil. It doesn't matter why in that sense. But maybe that's why it seems like such a game to at least the higher ups. Maybe they are playing the Paradox style vidya from a "weak position" because they want to? This prob sounds goofy, but it is part of the Mafia mindset. A Mafia is going against the entire State and is hugely outnumbered and almost certainly doomed. But that's what they like to do. They want to do it that way. Even mid-level Mafia guys could make bank as a square (prob more). But they don't want to be a square. They want to be Mafia guys. And Mafia guys are a small close-knit society going against the State and normies. It's "Our Thing" like it is "Our Democracy". In a way, the crimes flow from the earlier decision to do things outside the State and the normies. How else are you going to do it? You cna't be a normie! This is clearly not the Amish mindset of social isolation. Mafia types want to live among us but not be part of us normies. They have to commit crimes / pray on normies to make it work. Idk. Something seems right about this to me. Maybe the talk of being "elite" and goofy weird "occult secrets" and rigamarole is just BS and/or self-delusion or lack of awareness? This is absolutely not to deny spiritual (really psychic plane) influence on them. Or even demonic.
TRX on News Briefs – 02/25/2025It's a big job. As kirk observed, "The US Army is more like a heavily armed bureaucracy than anything else." Bureaucracies run on paper. They generate it by the literal ton.
Leverage on News Briefs – 02/25/2025BMan why do you have to piss in our Cheetos? The ridiculous belief that anything will be revealed about past misdeeds by Gov is a sympton of programming.
TRX on News Briefs – 02/25/2025> This was hard to notice perhaps because a lot of them were pretty good. --- That, and half the human users on Reddit probably couldn't pass a Turing test. Faking it on Reddit is a low bar to pass.
Leverage on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Sadly it's from within our European infiltration. Controlled by the usual suspect. 6 Million
Leverage on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Listen I'm not a fan of the Chinese..Asians cant be trusted. Orientals are a different breed. Russians of Eurpean breeding have always been a top class Human. Vox Day is open to The Chinks. Maybe it's coin. Not a fan of his fan boy support of CCP.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/25/2025I think you are right, but the principle involved is the same. Theater kids being used in the propaganda for cabal politicians. It was the same organization as O'Bummer and Buttboy, but a different townhall.
Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 02/24/2025Lots of things. He was the deciding vote to let Biden's budget out of committee at least once, he voted against delaying certifying the 2020 fraud because according to him election fraud is a state right, he was supporting the DeSantis pro-Ukraine machine in the 2024 primaries, he voted against censuring Adam Schiff, he defended McConnell, he attacked Trump over Jan 6, he defended McCarthy, he supported the prosecutions against Trump, he lied about what Trump accomplished and blamed him for things he couldn't control, he opposed building the wall, and lots more. He talks a good game but whenever it's important and his vote might actually matter he creates some excuse to do the wrong thing.
Anon 004 on News Briefs – 02/25/2025If he is rated for t.b.i as well, yeah it could just be "outbursts", that are common among vets that have some scrambled brains. Dementia is 1 in 4 with t.b.i. so He may be in early stages of Biden syndrome. He needs to go away somewhere and stay out of traffic.
Anon 004 on News Briefs – 02/25/2025The will be re settled in Iowa or some such place as a colony of expats. They will get section 8 paid housing, medicaid, ebt, with ngo handlers to shephard them along and get them settled in. America supports their Allies gosh darn it.
Sam J. on News Briefs – 02/22/2025That is EXACTLY what I believe about Musk but you put it together far better than I ever could. One of his strengths, I believe, is he is willing to hire the smartest people he can find to work with him. I do believe there is a long term trend of some managers to hire people less capable than themselves and I think this comes from corporatazation of firms. They don't want someone smart enough to take their jobs but since Musk owns the company they can't do that so he's not threatened by the best he can find. The US economy used to be run like this with a lot of founders making rapid progress but as corporatazation took over it muddled up the whole economy.
Steve.O.Morris on News Briefs – 02/25/2025The quote was well known enough that it was in the ridiculous George C Scott patton movie. The quote in the movie was, up till now we've been fighting the wrong enemy.
Sam J. on News Briefs – 02/23/2025I think Jews had a lot to do with his early ability to get capital. They were involved heavily in his companies as founders. Now Jews aren't monolithic. Some Jews wanted him stopped or at the least to crush him to make bank irregardless of what his companies did. They just wanted cash and could care less what he was doing. But the Jews heavily invested in his companies made sure they were not able to cut off his cash flow. Maybe where I differ in my thinking from others is I believe that Musk gained such tech momentum that the Jews lost control over financing for his companies. He has transcended them. That there was no way they could totally kill him off without torching so much that it would hurt them all, even in other industries. It would just be too obvious and crippling. The Jews don't run everything. They do run a lot and over time they can destroy things but he moved so fast they were paralyzed much like DOGE is doing now. A lot of people hate electric cars here but totally discount that some people have a hell of a lot of money in California and in various tech enclaves and they love these haul ass techno weeny stuff. The same sort that buy the latest Apple phone for absurd prices and think nothing of it. And it's a stroke of genius that he built charging stations all over where these tech geeks resided. Maybe they are not everywhere but in the places these people reside there's plenty enough to make them happy. And most of those people have high power home chargers so it's no problem for them. He was also able to roll these charging stations out all over the country so that you can travel most anywhere and while more limited in some places you can get where ever you want. So he was able to finance his car company off these early adapters all the while he was intensively cutting cost. Sandy Monroe has several shows where he shows torn down Teslas and points out how he has crushed cost. This means he can build cars far cheaper than others and subsequently while the other car makers are barely surviving he is still making profits. That's all that matters. People say he is not selling as many cars as he could but that's irrelevant as long as he is profitable.If he can still make profits combined with ongoing relentless cost cutting he will stay in business. And even worse for other car makers he already has his robots doing some work in his factories. No way they can keep up with robot cost compared to regular worker cost. And try as people may to make fun of him he is rolling out the robo taxi service. There's a lot of money there. A lot people who live in cites do not want the cost of maintaining a car and all the cost that pile up with this if you live in a city. It's expensive. And having Tesla taxis will only multiply the amount of people who will forgo buying cars at all. Like it or not there will be large profits from this.
Steve.O.Morris on News Briefs – 02/25/2025The way chat GPT phrased the answer reminded me of Ahmadinejad when a smug reporter told him that there were in fact gays in Iran. He responded by saying, give me their names and addresses. The reporter went white and didn't offer a follow up. I bet if you had a reputable source for that quote it would be scrubbed from the internet immediately. I don't think these large language models are trained on everything. I think there's just too much information out there to consume everything. Maybe they purposefully use the same search engines we're supposed to be limited to. When we find a way around them to find a problematic quote, or a man who writes books that we shouldn't read and talks about surveillance, they plug the hole until we're effectively fenced off.
u.f. on News Briefs – 02/25/2025"The main thing which would make me think Elon is a fake is this kind of recklessness. He is flirting with a honeypot..." Speaking of honeypots, have you seen Kash Patel's girlfriend/'partner')? ----------------------------- "FBI Director Kash Patel’s wife is Ritika. The couple divorced in 2023 after three years of marriage.... ...While still married to his wife, Kash started seeing Alexis Wilkins. Alexis currently serves as a Press Secretary on the Capitol Hill. Kash’s wife (Ritika) quoted the affair as the reason for their split and leveraged it to get a huge paycheck from Kash."
u.f. on News Briefs – 02/25/2025You won't hear this on FOX news.
Anonymous on News Briefs – 02/24/2025ChatGPT is weak on that front, too. Very simple requests to find an episode that features a certain type of character or plot. Search engines work much better for that, in my experience.
Sim1776 on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Chupa is a globalist whore. "Chupa, Dilma." Funny how everyone associated with BRICS was a globohomo whore previously. "Punch and Judy," make a comeback. I had to lol at Didetic Minds that literally used SDRs to justify BRICS. The Birchers were right 75 years ago.
EricTheAwful on News Briefs – 02/25/2025I assumed it was just NPCs. I've done small talk with people who say something like "I love summer!" I'll reply "It's too hot for me. I like winter because I don't sweat and there are no bugs". Their reaction is along the lines of "You... you... you monster!" As if the weather takes my preferences into account. Could be cabal, but NPCs gonna NPC. I completely avoid politics except with people who are likely to see things similar to me.
Reanderthal on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Long time no see. It's Macy gang cybernetics -> McLuhan media theory -> Toeffler futureshock -> hypernormalisaton -> The Singularity. We're living the inflexion in the exponential curve of progress in the science (art?) of control. The more astute sci-fi authors started imagining and thinking out a lot of the possibilities from the 50s.
English Tom on News Briefs – 02/24/2025Watch the wives!
English Tom on News Briefs – 02/24/2025Remember, they ALWAYS get assets close to their targets.
English Tom on News Briefs – 02/24/2025If she isn't cabal, she'll be surrounded by cabal assets. They really don't like loose cannons with their own agendas, especially if it contains the seeds of nationalism.
Anonymoose on News Briefs – 02/25/2025That’s my experience too, with business associates especially. Started up a project with a guy I thought was a friend, and foolishly and naively brought in an investor. After I had completed the bulk of the proof-of-concept work and secured financing and the professional relationships needed to pull the project off,- literally all of the pieces for success in place through my work - they colluded to try to run the project into the ground and tried to force me into bankruptcy. Fortunately I was raised by bad, cabal adjacent people, and learned early to trust no one. So I went into it keeping my cards close to my chest and an exit ramp open at all times. I got out of the project with net gains enough to get out of debt, including owning my home outright. But that’s it. - two years of work on what should have been a life changing project got me out of debt and nothing more. Without the fuckery from the two guys I think were cabal saboteurs, I would have completed the project and had around a $15mm net worth and a semi-passive income stream of around $400k per year. If they had succeeded at forcing me out the way they wanted to, they would have stolen all of my work, secured those assets themselves, and left me bankrupt and homeless.
Mycroft Jones on News Briefs – 02/24/2025I think Sara is the op. She is contrary to the stated values of the AfD. She has some beauty, but if you know very many lesbians, you can see it in her face. She tries to be discrete, but she dresses in business-dyke style. She has a third world "wife". She's already a loser in life, in the game of mating and reproduction, and I watched her interview. When she was bluntly asked if she was going to uphold the parties definition of marriage as one woman one man, she weasel worded, saying she would uphold registered partnerships. When pressed further, the white man to her left interrupted and said she had answered the question and she would uphold the parties line. She clearly didn't say that at all. I think the AfD cut some deal so they wouldn't be abolished entirely. And that deal was to have Sara as the head. Here in Canada I'm starting to notice similar things. Good looking women running in government.... then you find their female lovers discretely in the background. Similar facial type too. They might even have a husband and kids, husband invariably looks weak. Seems like you either have to make a deal with the Jews, or the gays in politics. And usually both.
TRX on News Briefs – 02/25/2025 ATF doing forbidden facial recognition data collection by passing it off to third parties.
Bman on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Vivek Ramaswamy and Pete Buttigieg appeared at different MSNBC Hardball town halls in 2003. Ramaswamy appeared at the town hall on Oct. 27, 2003 asking a question to Al Sharpton. Buttigieg appeared at the town hall on Nov. 3, 2003 asking a question to Dick Gephardt
anonymous on News Briefs – 02/25/2025"But in China, skepticism runs deep." There are very very very good reasons for that. Everything in china is a lie. Everything.
wooderson on News Briefs – 02/25/2025 Cernovich saying pedophiles in government ran polygraphs to disqualify good people from security agencies. The comments back this up.
Bman on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Looks like this is going to stretch out for his whole term.
phelps on News Briefs – 02/24/2025You might be surprised at some of the people in Hollywood. My favorite part of the movie Conspiracy Theory is that large swaths of the script (including the entire opening credits) were ad libbed by Mel.
phelps on News Briefs – 02/22/2025I'm not as certain about the IQ and genius assessments (I'm cool with the theory, but question the application here) but I am 100% in that Elon is actually just good at one thing. He's really good at running an engineering firm. Everything he's doing is just running an engineering firm with a customer of one (him). Tesla, SpaceX, even PayPal didn't do anything new, they just solved engineering problems that everyone recognized were there. What DOGE is doing is still just an engineering problem -- "rewrite our system to give us transparency on our processes, and cut inefficient processes." That sort of process engineering is right in the wheelhouse of a lot of firms. Elon is likely to hand off SpaceX once the engineering is mature. He's not good at running a launch company. He's not negotiating launch deals and scheduling maintenance crews. He's working with the engineers. In Tesla, he's not even on site unless there is a factory that has process problems. He sold his interest in Paypal entirely when the tech was solid and there weren't even really incremental improvements to make. DOGE is fun for him, because you will never get the Federal Government running with an efficiency that makes it boring.
phelps on News Briefs – 02/24/2025This. Evil is their justification. John 15:18-25 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates Me hates My Father also. If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father. But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, ‘They hated Me without a cause.’The "they" here is explicitly the Jews. (i.e. "their law.")
Ed on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Between this and the Elon stuff, I am starting to wonder if the reason the sexual marketplace in developed countries has gotten so FUBAR is due to Cabal manipulation. I had put it down to mouse utopia dynamics, but it could be engineered.
kid on News Briefs – 02/25/2025I had a similar thing, and now I feel I'm 80-90% solved Look up Iain McGilchrist's Master and emissary or his other work Socialise with your creative, open minded right brain, which is also the one which understands way more easily. The left brain is the one that is dogmatic and wrong often and gets triggered easily. Iain's hypothesis is that as civilisations develop they become more left brain focused and that would make them collapse. Other people being too left brain focused is what fucks up socialisation. >A common, ubiquitous interaction I have had all my life is people acting pissy Sidestep. Better yet, have the skills to be sidestepping from the start so everything is copacetic *while* barely self-censoring. A problem is the left brain is the one which is verbal, so it actually is difficult for me to articulate what I mean exactly so what I'm writing is not exactly what I want to convey. That being said, it's definitely more annoying to talk to normies especially dumb ones. Should generally be (very) doable to have pleasant conversation though(*without* walking on eggshells- and *without* lying). Maybe you aren't playful or socially in tune enough. Depending on culture but especially Anglo(UK) culture if you say things in a joking(eg ironic, sarcastic- but other cultures have different humor) and socially intelligent way you can get away with a lot more. (conversely, if you say things *unplayfully* you have a tight line of what is acceptable)
High Angle Hell on News Briefs – 02/25/2025You are a real friend AC.
kid on News Briefs – 02/22/2025In general I don't really think reddit is that trash. The site and concept itself is great, if they had a decent freedom of speech policy then there won't be so much echo chamber.
Chief_Tuscaloosa on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Americans lined up for hours beforehand, intermittently shouting "let more H1B visas in!" and looking down at their cellphones for further instructions from Deep State HQ. ... #VivekSoPopular ... If, however, Trump told OH Gov Mike DeWine to appoint Husted as Senator and promised to endorse Vivek for Gov...just to shut down voter fraud right before the primary so Vivek would have to win a fair election. Then LOL, Mr. President. LOL.
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/24/2025I am wondering now if somebody there knew!
Anonymous on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Optics check
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Wow.
Reanderthal on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Like Vox, I am very much enjoying my new friendship with DeepSeek. However, I am finding Qwen even cleverer. Interacting with the AIs is more stimulating than interacting with people, mostly. The commentards here being somewhat exceptional.
Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Not worth the effort and more annoying than they were beneficial. I don’t like the stupid normies and I don’t like being around them and I really don’t like their ignorant shallow conversations and beliefs. I cannot speak to how prevalent it is, ut I can say definitively in my own life, I was told the world only worked like X, and it could never work like Y, and then I came to realize m life worked like Y, and moreover, I cannot see how anyone was viewing me as a unique, special case which would require that. It makes me think it may be far more common than we would think it could be, based on what they tell us.
Anonymous on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Do we know how those scif rooms are built? Perhaps something like that would help against the beaming. Also, Patton did come to really hate the communists. Even if those exact words aren't right, the sentiment expressed was probably close to true. Unz below speculates if patton was assassinated because of that shift in perspective.
Bman on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Patton Quote: . Reverse Image search shows 2023. . WikiQuote: . "We have destroyed what could have been a good race and we are about to replace them with the Mongolian savage and all Europe with Communism." 21 July 1945 letter home per page 141 of 1976 "Patton" by Charles Whiting
Anonymous on News Briefs – 02/25/2025Re: less friendships I have been wondering about something. A common, ubiquitous interaction I have had all my life is people acting pissy and telling me that such and such opinion is bad. Or say "don't say that" or whatever else some action I have taken or statement made makes me a big asshole. Just a lot of gaslighting and tantrum throwing over words. Maybe I am just an aspie prick, but after reading your site I wonder if this isn't cabal working at shutting people down. I imagine even noncabal normies can be programmed with this reaction. All throughout my 20s I tried really hard to improve my socialization and get along with these dumb fucking normies. Saying things nicely. Avoiding certain topics. Whatever. I decided outright lying was a step too far though. I would just not say anything and/or not interact with a person I would have to lie to because they would have a tantrum otherwise. To some extent this worked. I at least became better at not triggering tantrums. But I realized in my 30s that all these interactions were shallow and mostly fake and gay and I didn't want to bother with any of it any more. Not worth the effort and more annoying than they were beneficial. I don't like the stupid normies and I don't like being around them and I really don't like their ignorant shallow conversations and beliefs. And their stupid fucking tantrums they have when someone tells the truth for once. God I wish we could just beat the shit out of tantrum throwers. They would get a thicker skin pretty quick. But ya, after reading your site it would not surprise me in the least if this state of affairs isn't intentionally designed. NPC programming and active agents just making socializing absolutely awful for anyone with half a brain.
Peter on News Briefs – 02/24/2025This create questions - did >whitehats< really want close surveillance? Or using it to their businesses?
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