
  • Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 01/27/2025That is Bill Binney's wife. She was the first to record the impact weapon, which I suspect is the Havana weapon. She, understandably, thought it was a particle weapon, though it appears to be something much more advanced in the field of physics, able to apply force to matter at a distance, and able to do so incredibly precisely and accurately in a point, or over a much larger area, in diffuse form. I am not suffering the harm to my reputation, and looking like a loon here, harping on this for no reason. This will eventually be used to eradicate all freedom at some point, by assaulting everyone who shows any desire for it. The only people who will be able to function in society will be those groveling state-sycophants who espouse giving the state unlimited power "to protect everyone." The pressure to advocate for that and abandon the quest for individual liberty will be unimaginable.
  • Rizzo on News Briefs – 01/26/2025It is the best possible scenario. A sea change that strikes at the heart of the rot
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/27/2025I had comments disappear after I brought them back from disappearing. And I just got the WP Install problem at not the usual time.
  • Frosty on News Briefs – 01/27/2025 Welp. Just understand kids any resistance or refusal to obey orders from the "police" can result in your death at the hands of a government agent. And it may be justified and legal too! O.k. maybe this fellow was in the wrong, somehow, but then again in this fake and gay movie what is the reality anymore. Was this a masonic #33 club death squad hit to send a message? The j6 folks and us readership here are all on a manifest and lists as it is, so it is very, very likely they knew of him and may have instigated (duh, I got a probable cause traffic stop sarge!) a traffic stop to turn some screws on a local j6 fellow. The cabal may have to go kinetic and street theater routes if they lose the larger political power struggle. This then makes you, me, anyone a potential Collateral casualty and statistic. Adjust your tactics accordingly. Avoid crowds, don't talk to the police, stay frosty anyways.
  • DeepStateWelts on News Briefs – 01/27/2025So the “new” Alex Jones and the old Schiffhead both have welts above their right eyes? WTAF/? Is this the new style black eye club? New deep state marker? So many questions!
  • u.f. on News Briefs – 01/26/2025More likely required to, than forced to. We saw it happen that way during the spamdemic, "Oh, I don't want to lose my job at xyz..." But next time it might come under the guise of (and perhaps not limited to), "if you want xyz medical treatment, you need to get the AI shot, because that's how we diagnose now." And it will all eventually lead to a requirement in order to participate in commerce, i.e. buy things and or get paid in whatever currency it will be. Trump doesn't reveal all his cards, it's symbolic in his name even. I'll bet he's letting these tech guys run their course so people can see clearly what they are all about. It's already looking bad for them. Anyway, an EMP event will take care of all of this stuff. It's not something anyone talks about, but will happen (either man made or a natural event - with the latter being the highest probability because it has happened already many times). All this tech stuff will be moot.
  • Anominous on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Try different browsers, maybe including the obscure ones, and on different devices.
  • Mirrored Smoker on News Briefs – 01/27/2025AC, not sure what I’ve stumbled across here but thought I’d pass it along nevertheless. Dr. Katherine Horton, an Oxford-trained high energy physicist specializing in complex systems who recently revealed on the Richie Allen show that she has been targeted brutally with EMF weaponry since summer 2015 —after being assaulted, stalked, and surveilled for years–has issued a general worldwide call for help in getting assistance and a cessation of these EMF attacks from the German ambassador at Bern. She asks all concerned citizens as well as those experiencing such targeted EMF attacks themselves to make this a global and public issue—for both herself and for all victims of EMF weapon-targeting worldwide–and to speak out on her behalf by writing a letter to the German ambassador (details below). From her website, “In 2011, when I was a research fellow at St John’s College, Oxford, I became the target of British intelligence when I attended the public court case of Berezovsky v Abramovitch as part of my research. What began as overt surveillance became intrusive harassment by a group of British men mostly in their 50-70s after the end of the court case. And eventually, it morphed into open, rampant criminality by people connected to the intelligence services and the police. Their violations grew ever more sadistic and brutal with time, followed me across Europe, escalated into physical assaults and have not abated to this day. With time, they even began using me, as well as my family and even friends, as target practice for modern weapons and subjects of human experimentation with impunity. They have already permanently damaged my hip and my knee in premeditated assaults, nearly murdered the mother of my best friend, sent me repeated death threats and almost murdered my husband and me on the motorway. By now, I am fighting for my life.”
  • Marine Engineer on News Briefs – 01/27/2025
  • English Tom on News Briefs – 01/26/2025They can fuck right off.
  • Anonymoose on News Briefs – 01/26/2025He was mistaken or lying- the Pope confirmed the ban as late as 2023
  • 🌲🌲 on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Higher Ed, too. Crickets. No one is even freaking out in Teams.
  • Corn Pop on News Briefs – 01/27/2025"Heart Shrinkage Linked to Popular Weight Loss Drug Ozempic" Between the clotshots and Ozempic the Karens are going to start dropping like flies. Apocalypse Cow.
  • Anonymous on News Briefs – 01/27/2025So I lived in Thailand for a while as well as the US. Got sick recently no insurance. To see the doctor and get some drugs for pneumonia here (2 antibiotics, cough suppressant, inhaler) it cost 260 dollars. This was the visit and the drugs. If I just got the antibiotics maybe it was 200. The antibiotics were doxycycline and cefdinner. Old ones not state of the art. I wonder home much it costs to get these for aquarium fish. Some sort of stuff in Thailand probably would have been 20-50 dollars (equivalent) based on my memory. Could be less if you skipped the doctor and went right to the pharmacist. You can do that there, and in most countries outside the US (don't know about Europe). Why is it only white people can't be trusted to handle anti-biotics? The medical profession really, really gauges people for being sick in the US. Every single industry is full of parasites.
  • G on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Google Earth has historic images. 9/2022 no messages; 6/2023 some messages; 12/2023 has clearly " TRAFICO" and "LAPD" plus others; 2/2024 not so clear but still "HELP". Previous images have shipping containers on the site!
  • Mycroft Jones on News Briefs – 01/26/2025In 2006 I met a Catholic freemason in Mexico. I asked him about that. He said the church reversed the ban on freemasonry a long time ago. Maybe even in the 1960's, if I remember what he told me. Definitely by the 1990's.
  • Ghost Who Walks on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Hey AC. Discussion of "The Beam" as an existing Direct Energy Weapon DEW, including small units operable by a small group. Expectations of same in upcoming kinetic activity by imported enemy cells. LTC Steve Murray, Matt Bracken, LTC Ral Piper, and LTC Bruce Johnson. Two days ago.
  • Clown School Valedictorian on News Briefs – 01/26/2025It appears to be necessary for The Teacher to drag all of the misbehaving kids in front of the class so they can't hide in the back rows and continue to mess things up. So perhaps there will be a Great Turning of these people like what you might see when playing Go. In the meantime, all of these feints, false starts, and occasional Mohammed Ali "rope-a-dope" moves are meant to exhaust the energy that "they" have. This includes EM as well, a particularly naughty and nasty kid who got his wrists smacked by a Ruler. Insofar as less violent change goes for most people, it's better that The Teacher lays down the law before everyone decides the school cafeteria food fight needs some broken chair legs and a thrown table as well. BTW, went with a high school metaphor here because it's on brand ... 🙂
  • Clown School Valedictorian on News Briefs – 01/26/2025The comment module may have been updated or replaced. The CSS is also glitchy so that may be part of it. Responses here are very browser picky.
  • Bman on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Trump on Pat Buchanan (Old Video). .
  • Clown School Valedictorian on News Briefs – 01/26/2025That's cute. 73 is how some (usually older) amateur radio people sign off before saying their callsigns. So Cabal, was that message received and understood? 🙂
  • bigD on News Briefs – 01/26/2025So long as we are not forced to take it we will be OK. So far the only people I know that jump in line for every new version are lefties. We will suffer the slings and arrows of their ridicule but we will put the dirt on their graves.
  • Bman on News Briefs – 01/26/2025
  • Another Dave on News Briefs – 01/26/2025I voted for him 3 times, but why do you think Cabal let Trump win this time? They stole the 2020 election, but were much more restrained during 2024 election. Why?
  • AnonL on News Briefs – 01/26/2025There's a new update on Texas Arcane's health at In the days before the episode that sent him to the ER he says this was happening: I was getting hit by drowsiness so bad it would send me into a spin and took hours to wear off. Sound familiar?
  • AnonL on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Should be interesting
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Attorneys on Retainer is Run by Gun Controllers
  • Nobody Special on News Briefs – 01/26/2025AI and MRNA tech will happen with or without US involvement. Better that America controls it rather than some other rival foreign power.
  • Bman on News Briefs – 01/26/2025In IL, the Mexicans are so brash that they do the following: Businesses fly the Mexican Flag.Trucks driving around flying the Mexican Flag on a big flag pole out the truck bed.Cars all over the place with their car HOOD painted with the Mexican flag.Mexican restaurant waiter and waitresses feigning speaking English (or can't) and default tipping at 25%. "System only allow 25%".The last is the best. You can spout off all the racism and statistics you want, but that won't do shit to change people's minds. But sit back with a big grin on your face while the immigrant scams your wife out of a massive tip. I didn't say a fucking word. Perfection. That $15 bucks was worth more than all the stats in the world. My wife was fit to be tied as she walked out of the place and was probably an inch from throwing a Roman.
  • Bman on News Briefs – 01/26/202533 Steps. There's that number again.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/26/2025I expect that they are allies of convenience and they and their agendas will be jettisoned after he accomplishes something that makes him not need them anymore.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/26/2025DEI violates a number of laws. Trump needs to get DoJ on it, but we need to give him time, he has a lot of things he needs to do, and things like voter fraud and the deportations take priority.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025I hope you are correct, but we should see that shown in an election before we grant them statehood.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Good advice. But when others fail to heed it how do you respond? What did Jesus do?
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025That's when they planned to have us lose a nuclear war to Russia and China.
  • Bman on News Briefs – 01/26/2025It's been 50+ fucking years of affirmative action horseshit. We need to hold his yamika wearing ass to the fire, until we get what want. JUSTICE.
  • Bman on News Briefs – 01/26/2025It's the contractors I was mostly referring to. We have large contracts and leadership has been deathly quiet.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025It sounds like the Database errors the DDoS attack at Ron Paul Forums is causing there.
  • Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 01/26/2025I am inclined to agree after seeing Barron, at the inauguration, grab Biden's hand, lean in and deliver what clearly looked like some kind of fuck you insult, and then glare at him over his shoulder. He looked serious about hating them.
  • Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 01/26/2025That is them letting you know they are around.
  • Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 01/25/2025They may want people single AND dejected and feeling like failures. MGTOW is the type of thing that could produce men who decide to make things really nice by killing everyone in the government.
  • Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 01/25/2025For some reason, the wordpress software is asking the database for the material on the page you are looking at, and the database is not responding, so the software assumes there is no database and it is a fresh install. I thought it was the database is hitting the limit for the number of queries per hour which the host allows, and once it does that, it shuts off until the next hour resets the limit. But if that were the case, you should not be able to switch browsers and then have it load, which some here say is the case. It should be shut down for everyone. On top of that, I got an autoclicker, and set it to just reset the database limit every two minutes, so now I know we are not maxing out on queries, and it still does it. So for some reason, every so often, people click here, and this Wordpress cannot connect to the database. They only thing I can think is they are somehow hitting the database with pings which overwhelm it, so no other traffic can get in. And to make it weirder, I am now running my second caching plugin, so you should be getting cached pages anyway, and not even asking the database for anything. I had one installed before and assumed it was not working because people were getting the install screen, so I uninstalled that one and am using a second, but still this is happening.
  • Anonymous on News Briefs – 01/26/2025It’s been 6 days my brother, chill out
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/26/2025For that matter, why is Lincoln up there? Somehow schoolbook history seems to overlook the fact that his incompetence started the Civil War. Rushmore ran over-schedule and over-budget, and Congress declared it finished and quit funding it. They never even hauled away the rubble and trash at the bottom of the mountain, as was planned. The Fed originally promised that one of the faces on Rushmore would be an Indian. They reneged on that, of course. So the Lakota started carving their own mountain, way bigger than Rushmore. They're in no hurry, but you can see Crazy Horse taking shape on Thunderhead Mountain.
  • Jonestein on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Eye color looks different. Maybe my screen, maybe colored contacts, or maybe a double?
  • Anonymoose on News Briefs – 01/26/2025I work for a municipal government. We’ve paused putting out any RFP’s while we figure out all of the things that no longer need to be in there.
  • Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 01/26/2025That could be. Though in the photos I have seen, he had a ton of forehead wrinkles, and crows feet, which look gone now. He might have gotten some cosmetic surgery or something.
  • Another Dave on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Trump can only directly impact government agencies, or contractors that accept federal funding. Private companies are downstream from all of that, but hopefully it sets a tone that the general public will follow.
  • Another Dave on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Aligning with Ellison, and doubling down on the wildly dangerous mRNA tech, is a horrible position for Trump. It puts a real dent in my attempt at cautious optimism since the election. I am starting to take the position that Trump's handlers reached a detente with the extremist path of Euro Cabal, on the condition that Trump start pitching the cyborg tech of mRNA, among other compromises. If he was truly in charge, Trump wouldn't need to align with a notorious creep like Ellison, and he would start putting serious distance between himself and any mention of the disaster that is mRNA tech.
  • Bick Brane on News Briefs – 01/26/2025I think TR was chosen for funding reasons. But it also makes sense from a certain point of view. Washington and Jefferson were important founders of the Republic, Lincoln murdered the Republic and founded the Yankee dominated American Empire, and TR boldly expanded that Empire. Wilson and the later Roosevelt could be considered for their efforts in sacrificing our remaining legacy to the fleeing spirits of the dying British Empire so they could wear Lady Columbia as a skinsuit for their global efforts. Thanks, guys. Here's your face on a mountain.
  • EricTheAwful on News Briefs – 01/26/2025FedGov placed all DEI personnel on administrative leave, and even fired a few that tried to hide in the bureaucracy by changing titles. Target got rid of theirs. Things are happening; maybe not fast enough, but they are happening. Bear in mind, as President, Trump has executive authority over the federal government. He can’t mandate anybody outside the government get rid of it.
  • Ed on News Briefs – 01/26/2025I honestly don't think you will see anything happen. DEI programs in "private" companies are instituted because private equity "investors", notably Blackrock, pay the companies to institute them. I don't think pressure from the Justice Department or any federal regulators is a factor at all. There is a chance of this getting rolled back in the federal workforce, and we really want to see what happens with the uniformed military, since Hegseth has made this his signature issue. Wait a few months to see what happens, but white men may want to apply for federal jobs via USA jobs and for jobs with federal contractors, and avoid the big corporations.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Kamala would have been much worse. We had no choice. And we will see exactly what happens with RFK.
  • Bman on News Briefs – 01/26/2025AC Would you do a Google Drive of this area? 34°03'18.0"N 118°13'30.0"W . Interesting stuff written on the ground.
  • Bman on News Briefs – 01/26/2025There's a lot of hype about the DEI crap being shutdown, but not a lot of action. I haven't seen one iota of movement in companies friends and family are in. . Has anyone else seen any direct changes?
  • lowell on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Whether LPVO or dot+magnifier, you NEED magnification down range. Yes, you need a magnifier on your rifle. Desk Pop
  • Bman on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Reminder for National Fakers League this Sunday:
  • Ghost Who Walks on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Re Mount Rushmore... Wouldn't it be better to take a tip from the tattoo industry and rework Teddy into Trump? It's never seemed right to have TR up there. Why?
  • lowell on News Briefs – 01/26/2025I'm with Matt, if I had known that Trump was going to have a press conference to roll out new MRNA tech on DAY TWO, I wouldn't have voted for him. Everyone here knows that I have consistently said that I believe the vaxx was a strategic loss, like Coventry during WW2, a demonstration that accelerationism can actually work. Also Trump would have the receipts to prove that he was lied to about the safety trials and that he would then pivot to lead the mob against the vaxx conspirators. I no longer believe that. We haven't heard from RFK in a bit, and maybe this week Trump wants to focus on deporting illegals, and when we get RFK installed things will be put in motion, but I WILL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT. The PROBLEM with Trump's Stargate Project | Matt Kim #138
  • lowell on News Briefs – 01/26/2025"The Mysterious Staircase is a short presentation about the Loretto staircase within the Loretto Chapel in the heart of Sante Fe, New Mexico.  The Loretto Chapel was built in the late 19th century to serve the Sisters of Loretto. When the chapel was near completion in 1878, they realized there was no staircase leading to the choir loft.  According to legend, the Sisters prayed for help to construct a staircase.  A carpenter arrived after on a donkey claiming he could construct a staircase. The carpenter however asked that he be alone during the work which took a number of months.  The Mysterious Staircase that was constructed has two 360-degree turns with no visible means of support. Further, the mysterious staircase does not have glue or nails. It is exactly thirty-three (33) steps.  Additionally, under testing, the wood used does not match any known wood species. " Built by a carpenter who traveled on a donkey and seems to have not been fond of nails. The Mysterious Staircase Trey Smith
  • English Tom on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Tried today to leave some comments on yesterday's comments but it wouldn't let me. Tried to access comments for todays blog and kept getting worspress install all day.
  • Peter on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Fascinating, how it happen. Soldiers take a walk over a village and taking down everyone who they meet.. for example, close to intersection?
  • phelps on News Briefs – 01/26/2025How many IGs did trump fire Friday? The exact number was not immediately clear but one official told Reuters the total was 17 out of a total 73 IGs.Ahh.
  • Bick Brane on News Briefs – 01/26/2025People taking Ozempic type drugs experience subcutaneous fat loss and muscle loss. Makes them look weird and old in the face. Could be what's happening to Alex Jones.
  • Anonymoose on News Briefs – 01/26/2025“Former President Joe Biden, who is Catholic, joined a historically black Freemason lodge just one day before he left the presidency, an offense punishable by excommunication in the Church “Former President Joe Biden, who WAS FORMERLY Catholic, joined a historically black Freemason lodge just one day before he left the presidency, an offense punishable by excommunication in the Church.” Fixed it for you- joining freemasonry isn’t just grounds for excommunication, it is punished by automatic excommunication under Cannon law 1364.
  • wlindsaywheeler on News Briefs – 01/26/2025"And Israel is at the very least integral to the Deep State, if not what is ultimately behind it." Noticing are we? Pls read William Z Foster's book 1932 book, Toward Soviet America. We're there. Communists ALWAYS do Surveillance.
  • Ed on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Andrew Anglin has posted a really long essay, titled "Toxic Femininity Manifest as Political Tyranny", which is really a wide ranging look at political theory and how people form their political beliefs. I'm maybe a third of the way through and I haven't come across anything about women as a group yet. "America’s left-right divide, which would be better described as the Democrat-Republican divide, is somewhat convoluted. People have what are called “belief clusters”; this is a phenomenon where people who feel very strongly about some series of issues will develop other beliefs based on the fact that they perceive that people “on their team” share these beliefs." ----------- "It is clearly illogical that a leftist would root for both the Ukraine and Palestine, given that the Ukraine and Israel are both proxies for a globalist Western hegemony. Just so, it is illogical that a “small government conservative” would support massive corporations partnering with the government to crush the middle class. But Russia and Israel have been packaged together as “white oppressors,” and multinational corporations writing US government regulations has been packaged as “free enterprise.” Positions have shifted some because of the rise of Donald Trump, and this has been generally positive for the right. Conservatives have become more critical of big business and the “Project America” empire-building strategies of the neoconservatives. Meanwhile, in response to Trump, the left has entered into a hysterical tailspin, acting purely on emotion and developing positions that would not make sense to the historical left." Anglin's essay output rivals that of Miles Mathis. I see there is a long credo that just got posted on the Miles Mathis site, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet.
  • an on on News Briefs – 01/26/2025AC, found this 18 min. video, seems this might be useful to some (perhaps more beginner level) but thought it would be better judged by committee here, if anyone is game. He's getting close to half million subs, so some popularity shows. Once You Know This, Every PSYOP Becomes Obvious Are you being manipulated without even realizing it? In this video, we unveil the Manipulation Playbook—a detailed guide to recognizing the 20 indicators of reality control used by media, corporations, and even governments to shape what you think, feel, and do.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/20251030 Sunday, WP Install page again. This is the only blog I've ever had that happen, btw.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Hillary said she was going to reveal all the UFO dirt as part of her campaign. Obama said that twice. Frankly, I suspect it's mostly a matter of "if someone is dumb enough to believe in yoo-foes, they're dumb enough to vote for me!" You know, Deplorables and rednecks who are obviously dumb as dirt.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025"You guys put up with a government of thieves and incompetents. And you get big fires every decade or two, so it wasn't like you didn't know it was going to happen again. You want the mess cleaned up... you're still paying taxes, and the wages of the incompetents you chose to rule you. And you're in one of the wealthiest areas of the country, so it's not like you're some poor people in Asheville. You largely made your own problems. YOU fix them."
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Considering their disdain for marriage and family, I don't understand how MGTOW upsets the Left so much. Unless they view it as a loss of control, or something.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025I'm old enough to remember the Civil Defense system, which had its own radio system, bomb/storm shelters spread across cities, food and water supplies, etc. They also ran courses and did training for various emergency response situations. The Clinton Administration pulled the plug on the whole thing in the early 1990s. Suddenly the "fire, tornado, flood, or other disasters" thing wasn't worth dealing with after the Soviet Union was gone.
  • Nobody Special on News Briefs – 01/26/2025I have heard all the JFK conspiracy theories but this one about Israel is new. Is this just a ploy to get powerful people to oppose disclosure of the remaining JFK files?
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Well, if they stole them, they did a hell of a lot better at the "building" part, since Lockheed has only managed one successful test so far. Well, for whatever definition of "successful" they were using. Maybe the Pentagon should see if the Russians are interested in selling a few. Can't have a 'missile gap', you know.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025All of the smart ones would have taken Putin's offer a few years ago. Land grants and financial support to move to the Federation, which appears to have not completely recovered from 70 years of Communist agricultural processes.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025I'd feel a lot better about them being a territory than as a collection of states. Though I guess they'd stay provinces; after all, the US doesn't actually have fifty states. Some of them style themselves as "commonwealths," though their polities are identical to "states."
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025> Trump to deploy Army Corps of engineers to rebuild North Carolina. --- The Corps has demonstrated its absolute incompetence at hydraulic projects over and over, but perhaps they'll be of some use building roads. They're already in existence and funded, and it would take time to pass bills and appropriations to hire competent contractors to do the job. But after this, I expect DOGE to come after the Corps of Incompetents and disemploy the lot.
  • Cato the Uncensored on News Briefs – 01/26/2025EU military chief says the union should station troops in Greenland, presumably just in case Donald Trump decides to invade. +++++++ They’ll have to get past the Thule SP detachment first. Lotsa luck with that, EU. Q: What’s the first point of order for an EU Army? A: Comprising mostly French and German forces, it will march on Russia and surrender.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/26/2025> Congresswoman to introduce legislation to add Trump to Mount Rushmore. --- >House Republicans introduced a bill to rename Dulles Airport after President Trump. --- ROFL! I can see the heads exploding from here!
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/26/2025> Supreme Court to decide if families can opt out of reading LGBTQ books in the classroom. --- Public school is child abuse.
  • u.f. on News Briefs – 01/26/2025"‘Ready for the fight’: Confirmation hearings scheduled for Tulsi Gabbard, Kash Patel, RFK Jr. Jan 29th is the date. They want to sell this as a new beginning of transparency and honesty from a law-abiding government. IMO, that means they will have to expose the surveillance and beaming quickly, blame it on the previous administrations, and then destroy it. Gangstalking is already out there as a thing, and American Stasi will only advance now." First time this ever happened to me. My car, parked in my garage (and locked), was somehow 'broken' into. No signs of forced entry, no windows broken, but my console and dashboard were wide open, and looked like someone was looking through it. Nothing was taken from it, either. It's like someone went in there, left the console and dashboard opened just to screw with my head. I don't know if it was unlocked or not as I used the remote to unlock it anyway. Weird stuff.
  • Max Barrage on News Briefs – 01/25/2025That’s nice, no one cares.
  • Mycroft Jones on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Canada isn't actually blue, just as the USA isn't. By joining with the US, it would be cleaned up finally. After all, the Dominion voting machines are made in Canada. Needs to be dealt with. Fix the fake rigged voting system, and you'll find Canada flips as red as the USA did.
  • English Tom on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Austin Fitts also suggests much of the missing money is actually being used to fund the Breakaway Civilisation.
  • Anonymau5 on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Ephesians 5:3-5 But among you, as is proper among the saints, there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk, or crude joking, which are out of character, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure, or greedy person (that is, an idolater) has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
  • Tonawanda on News Briefs – 01/26/2025But the Mail article on the JFK file release is NOT about Israel's involvement in the murder. There is a single sentence about the "conspiracy theory" of Israel's involvment - - pointlessly and irrelevantly inserted into the article. Rather than address the issue head on, Israel (or TPTB who run Israel) are yet again resorting to the dreary tactics of demonization ("conspracy theory"). Candace may in fact may be the major figure of 2024 with her courageous hour on the USS Liberty. The USS Liberty is the Building 7 of "Israel's" malice against America. Her show opened up the questions about LBJ's involvement in assisting Israel's murder of American servicemen, which in turn opens up the subject of LBJ's relationship to Zionism in general, which opens up the subject of Israel's involvement in JFK's murder (and RFK), which in turn opens up Israel's involvement in 9-11. Calling people conspiracy theorists is just not going to be effective anymore. Neither is calling them Jew haters or anti-semites. The interwoven psy-ops are being torn apart and thrown in the garbage. A deeper understanding is being rapidly formed. The psy-ops are looking more and more pathetic and ridiculous, even to normies. A massive shift has taken place (is taking place) in the consciousness of average people. JMHO: we are getting close to mass understanding of American Stasi, and the natural consequences of that understanding.
  • Kentucky Gent on News Briefs – 01/26/2025Trump explodes at Denmark PM ..." I've never seen Trump lose his cool. Ever. I doubt he "exploded". Probably just spoke firmly.
  • Kentucky Gent on News Briefs – 01/26/2025"Illegals with foreign flags march in front of Trump Tower in Chicago to demand zero deportations, revolution." Revolution, huh? Be careful what you ask for - you might get it.
  • Kentucky Gent on News Briefs – 01/26/2025"WHO resorts to begging for donations online after Trump swipes funding." Great! Now do the Red Cross.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/26/2025 Keep him in until Barron is eligible.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025First there were the Biden family pardons, then the pardons of the J6 political prisoners. Joining the latter now, though, may be another case where the unjustly convicted would be absolved from guilt. It’s high time, too, as this convicted party has spent almost a generation in the pokey of public opinion and pseudo-science. His name? Carbon dioxide — CO2 for short. The gas’ savior may be President Donald Trump, who has decided that CO2’s case deserves another look. At issue is a 2009 “endangerment finding,” in which the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), under Barack Obama, unilaterally decided the gas was a “pollutant.” (Never mind that it’s necessary for life’s existence.) But now Trump has ordered that this finding be revisited. More at:
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Remember when Bannon said he'd keep Musk out of the White House? Donald Trump's chief of staff denies Elon Musk West Wing access
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Right, and if each province is a state that adds even more blue power. Only the most right leaning provinces should be considered for statehood, if any of them are. Why can't they just self govern under our umbrella? We impose the BoR on them and set up military defenses and free up their resources. We also need to expel their leftists and foreigners and control their immigration and trade policies. I'd be against it entirely if it wasn't for the strategic considerations and them being a huge threat to our northern border as long as cabal controls them.
  • Festis on News Briefs – 01/25/2025give it the Chernobyl treatment.
  • Festis on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Voice pattern examination would settle this dispute.
  • Festis on News Briefs – 01/25/2025there's a lot of very expensive high end leather couches and lounge chairs in the offices of base commanders and generals houses.
  • lowell on News Briefs – 01/25/2025North American X-15 in 1958 - First hypersonic vehicle in human history that we know of. The flight control computer on the F-14 was actually the very first modern microprocessor with a feature-set not found on commercial chips until about a decade later. The Russian semi-conductor industry is multiple decades behind the US and even behind China for that matter. The US economy didn't crater in the 1990's like Russia. It's a simple matter of institutional inertia. Even if we got fat lazy and stupid after the collapse of the USSR, we were still going too fast for them to catch up. Standard Cold War Soviet tech development process - let the Americans spend the research dollars, have the KGB steal it, and then make a knock-off. The few times that they did introduce new tech they very quickly found themselves outclassed, like with the cruise missile. The Russian S400 was supposed to be able to shoot down anything, but the Israelis just beat it with the F35 during their strike against Iran. Surprised the hell outta me, but here we are. I don't care what your security clearance is/was, I do know that you didn't know what you didn't need to know. Catherine Austin Fits found 21 trillion just missing from the Pentagon budget that couldn't be accounted for in GWOT expenses. Even assuming half of it was embezzled, the rest went to black budget R&D stuff. The way that US government procurement works is that if they pay you for something, it's understood that you're going to overcharge, sure, but they WILL extract from you what they paid for, even if they have to hire somebody else to get it working later on. Big spending = big waste. Even with that we have no idea what they managed to get working, and we won't until it's used. Right now I have no doubt at all that what is starting those wildfires is something in orbit that superheats metal, which is why they constantly find cars with the aluminum rims melted but not the plastic interiors, or whole neighborhoods reduced to ash while the trees are still standing all around them. The Soviets were screwing around with HAARP tech first after WW2 because those are the NAZIs they managed to grab, now everybody has it, and I suspect somebody has figured out Tesla's death ray, and many decades ago. I'm sure that they've figured out some stuff that we haven't by now, but I'm equally certain that we've got things that NOBODY knows about and won't until it's fired.
  • Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Interesting. Traffic now is very low, especially compared to other times it does not happen.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Richmond, VA, Ran Dry
  • lowell on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Canada is WAY TOO BIG to be one single state. It would have to be annexed as individual territories and admitted or not under those conditions. The individual provinces are already set up perfectly for administrative purposes, and it would be dumb to waste the time rearranging things. While I would love to be able to drive to Alaska fully armed without a passport, I really don't love the idea of giving the globalists a North American Union by stealth.
  • JustinCastro on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Pedo Joe confirms the Masons are fake and gay.
  • Macaque Mentality on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Jesus hung around with whores and extortionists. He excoriated the scribes and Pharisees. You purport to be biblical. So many more about this in the Bible. Put two and two together.
  • diogenes on News Briefs – 01/25/2025What do you expect from an entire continent whose average IQ is less than sixty?
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Just got the WP Install problem even though it's not the usual time.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Or they stole our plans for the working ones and then cabal made us use different designs that don't work because the plan was for us to lose the next war.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/24/2025They can want in one hand and spit in the other and see which fills up first.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/24/2025King was evil, he was just a different faction than the ruling one. Something like we can infer about Musk.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/23/2025The point is that it shouldn't be that way. It didn't used to be that way, the average man could live a decent life or even one of mild luxury while having 4 or 5 kids.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/24/2025That's incorrect. They are Officers of the United States and Heads of Departments. Personally I agree with you, it is an error to allow the Senate to have that power to interfere in the Executive Branch, but that's what the Founders wrote.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Which should be illegal.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Biden was trying to sell it all off.
  • Mycroft Jones on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Take your misinformed comms and go home.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/23/2025At the national/ethnic/racial level that fierce loyalty is nothing but good and that's why they are trying to force outbreeding, including clumsy propaganda like this guy here.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/23/2025Don't be stupid. The White genepool if very wide and deep, it doesn't need any outside genes to avoid inbreeding. There's also genetic danger in mixing genetics that are too far apart, without even considering the dangers like lower IQ and other inferiorities of various other groups.
  • Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 01/24/2025He was also among the top targets of the surveillance and was killed by Cabal, and seemed to know what was coming, and pressed forward regardless. A lot of these guys who actually have impacts make deals to get exposure. You agree to support something here or there, often Israel, and they will then allow you to push your agenda on the side. I burned all my bridges with surveillance, and I suspect it was not in the cards from when I was young and shown to be hard headed, but guys like King may ally with any number of groups to advance their own agendas. It makes it tough to tell what is real. Was he doing orgies because he was a degenerate, or did he want to see Blacks freed, and did the orgies the way I suspect Hunter was always turning on his camera when he holed up with women and drugs? Or the way Disney executives who want promotions take the child actors in the back rooms at parties? I don't know. Obviously I cannot bring myself to follow that path, even if it were going to be effective, and you can see how suppressed we are. IMO this is a fascinating site offering a real window into how things really work which you do not see anywhere else, and yet we are still unknown. And between r/K Theory, and the narcissist work, and the exposure of surveillance, and everything else, we should stand out a lot more than vanilla pogues like Jordan Petersen. We are one revelation after another, and our commenters are first rate. But on the national stage, it is still crickets. King knew what was coming when he did the Mountaintop speech, IMO, and he pressed on, and took his punishment for his tribe, which not many will do these days. I think it is about all you can say 100%.
  • Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 01/23/2025Inbreeding over the short term will produce weaker offspring. But over the long term, combined with selection for the fittest, it culls bad genes from the gene pool. You can get strong lines from appropriate inbreeding. The problem is, it also produces fierce familial loyalty to a point the family can no longer operate in a free society, as it is too relentlessly loyal to itself, and will treat the rest of the nation as enemies.
  • Anonymous Conservative on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Agree. Opportunities abound.
  • Sam J. on News Briefs – 01/25/2025"Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) tweeted President Trump and encouraged him to declassify secret government archives about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs)" If you don't have a clue yet. This ought to be a big ass flashing light that it's a scam. If Schumer is pushing it, you KNOW it's a scam. I would go so far as to say it's a 99.5% surety it's a scam if Schmumer is pushing it. I'm not saying there's not ufo's. Notice they change the name (UAP) to somehow give it legitimacy.
  • Berveley on News Briefs – 01/23/2025Pure breeds are inbreeds. At best pure blooded don't breed and are dying out. At worse, your pure blooded are low testosterone soy-smiled narrow-shouldered weaklings. If my 4 sons came home with Iranian, Indian, Japanese & Lebanese wives, I would look forward to see awesome strong intelligent & eventually fertile grand-sons.
  • Steve Morris on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Vox pointed out. Some asshole did this last inauguration also. Poisoning the well. Greenblatt and Netanyahu covered for him. They are also known for poisoning wells.
  • Steve Morris on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Before the dollar goes belly up, they will divert a large share of printed dollars to bitcoin. The US government is already the 5th largest holder just ahead of China.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/24/2025"We're just asking, but you really don't want to experience what will happen if you say 'no'."
  • Berveley on News Briefs – 01/23/2025Is it so Evil equals Good?
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Yes. But the Cabinet members work for the President directly; they're not "Officers of the United States," and have no executive power of their own.
  • Berveley on News Briefs – 01/23/2025To have a good sized family, buy a house but be prepared to be poor. Watch them as a hawk. Teach them the Bible and Bible values. The long term benefits massively outweigh the short term negatives.
  • Steve Morris on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Mexico is run by the cartels. People are nothing but a commodity to be traded to these people. They're building livestock pens for all they care.
  • Berveley on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Driving licenses solve Christmas market attacks
  • Berveley on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Male Prison - Sex you want, you dont get. Sex you get, you dont want. Rape Central
  • Berveley on News Briefs – 01/24/2025I dont read past "HOLY CRAP"
  • Berveley on News Briefs – 01/25/2025I dont read past "Holy Shit"
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025> Bill Gates scandal – Gates Foundation dark money group, Arabella, caught secretly running fake medical petition with over 17K signatures of fake doctors targeting confirmation of RFK Jr as HHS Secretary. --- Yeah but... that's it, rephrased in the body of the text twice, no source links, no further information. A quarter-step up from spam. Or are you seeing something I'm not? Any more, that's not a guaranteed thing.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025> Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) tweeted President Trump --- He has direct access to the Oval Office. So it's some kind of publicity stunt.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025> Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina --- I don't know if the Masons are still officially segregated, but that's a black lodge, as you can see if you hit their web site and look at the pictures of their public members.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025> Mexico forbade a plane full of illegals to land. --- Deliver them Pinochet-style.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025> All new and existing foreign aid halted, including to Ukraine.  --- Yesterday the MSM was saying aid *except* for Israel and Ukraine. Well, I shouldn't expect them to keep their stories straight.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025> repatriation flights --- I have no problem with chaining them together and marching them across the border on foot. It would be a lot cheaper. And, once again, bill their countries of origin for "repatriating" their missing citizens.
  • TRX on News Briefs – 01/25/2025> Mississippi is going to offer Illegal Alien Bounty Hunters $1000 per migrant they get deported.  --- Unfortunately it's just a bill. So far. The only unusual thing is that the state would pay; otherwise, I don't see any difference between the proposal and the usual system used by courts to collect people who skip bail.
  • Anonymous on News Briefs – 01/25/2025 "Los Angeles is now a toxic wasteland. Our government has failed us. They are not addressing this public health disaster. 64 sqr mi of our city has burned down. We are in what is akin to a war zone that normally civilians would have evacuated. We are calling for the help of experts from around the globe to help us properly clean the billions of toxic chemicals that are now infiltrating our air, water and food supply. "My intention is to motivate and get brainstorming what we need to tackle this recovery process. 1000s of new chemicals have entered our breathing space. We need to strategize and implement a thorough plan to rescue our city. Yes, in the immediate, we all need air purifiers and PPE, but what will we do to clean up our soil that’s getting contaminated and feeds a good chunk of this country? What will we do with the toxic ash that’s getting carried for miles in every direction? How will we properly detox and cleanup? Where is the disaster recovery plan? It sure as hell isn’t talking about freezing mortgages. Should we all just GTFO to avoid dying from cancer?" [more]
  • PubliusFlavius on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Skullcap Jones replaces Potato Head Jones... LawL
  • kid on News Briefs – 01/24/2025My WN fb friends claim he's a rapist and homosexual. And low IQ and can't speak properly and plagiarised all his speeches. Can the autists confirm/deny?
  • Ed on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Here is a really long explanation of the Ukraine War, by someone named Tom Shackleford, posted at a site called Identity Dixie: One thing missing from these is that I think every time Russian forces capture a settlement, they stop and identify and root out the Cabal surveillance assets. That is the real reason they are advancing slowly. But other than that this is a good description of the conflict.
  • Ed on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Here is a personal datapoint about Reddit. There are a few subreddits that I browse daily, and I've linked to some here, where there were posts discussing redditors essentially experiencing gangstalking. I've seen three subreddits banned completely, and apparently normal people (not bots) who commented in them were also thrown off the platform. The three I know which were banned were as follows: Fuckmarvel a somewhat confused sub that was mostly criticism of the Disney Marvel movies. There were attempts at alternative discussion platforms, but none really took. MGTOW Men going their own way No New Normal criticism of the "anti-Covid" measures, arguing that it was a conspiracy to institute totalitarian control. An earlier, alternative sub, Lockdown Skepticism, is still going strong, but they really pulled their punches, taking the line that officials were really concerned about people's health and doing their best, but still getting things wrong. No New Normal towards the end was clearly getting brigaded, and this was discussed there and in other subs. Essentially the sub gets flooded wtih bot posts containing material designed to trigger a ban. This seems to have happened with the MGTOW sub too. The datapoints are listed as indications as to what seems to be threatening to the approved Narrative.
  • an on on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Better to promote the bad examples, not ones that could be a shining example to their people desiring an example to appreciate, one for the young ones to emulate.
  • an on on News Briefs – 01/23/2025Maybe it was 3% stasi, 30% native informers reporting to stasi... Still a big screwing of the locals, either way.
  • Anonymous on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Posner could be in a modern art gallery where the exhibit filling the whole room is a life-sized sculpture of an elephant constructed from rifles which have a visible little steady mist of incense puffing from their barrels and he would still say, "This is not a smoking gun." But to be fair to Posner's prediction, remember that at the other furthest extreme of anti-coincidence theory sits Miles Mathis, who also wouldn't expect a hypothetical full disclosure to reveal any smoking guns, not a single one of them, unless it was a Hollywood blank.
  • an on on News Briefs – 01/23/2025Every Gas Pump GETS A STICKER, show them we can lay it on thicker, tough adhesive needs a razor blade, anyone removing has a chance to to be seen on the cameras scratching the pump paint, win win, hey?
  • wooderson on News Briefs – 01/25/2025 Young people offering up gay sex to rise in tech. Also, therapists working to get patients to commit suicide if they want to go to the police.
  • axed on News Briefs – 01/23/2025Good take, Farce. You are appreciated, taking just about any discussion and making an addition that makes it even more well-rounded.
  • Bman on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Trump says Russia stole U.S. hypersonic missile plans. . If I remember correctly, those were on Hillary's server.
  • *** on News Briefs – 01/24/2025"anti-humans" (seeds of satan)
  • lowell on News Briefs – 01/25/2025"Trump says Russia stole U.S. hypersonic missile plans." Meaning the US Air Force had it first, and has had it the entire time while everybody either freaked out or pontificated about China sinking the entire US Navy with them. And if Russia just unveiled them in the last decade then they've operational since the 90's. The US Air Force has been hypersonic for 65 years: The Pentagon has outspent every other country combined for literal decades, and I would guess only about half of it was actually embezzled, meaning there's Flash Gordon tech that we will not know about until it's used.
  • a on News Briefs – 01/23/2025But can't he show remorse and come back like Jimmy Swaggart and all those other disgraced preachers, he'll be good this time, promisssssss... Too bad he got such a good start long ago and then went off script (according to the skeevy ones), then maybe he got handed a deal he couldn't refuse, and here we are again with another fronted gatekeeper. Like AC says, if he gets lots of traction and exposure, not shadowbanned and kept in a dark corner, that could be a clue. Add him to Jordan Peterson, Benji Shapiro, et al.
  • a on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Sold with donations made out to the clinton criminal foundation.
  • a on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Exactly, just like the HIPPA was supposed to keep health information private, they needed your permission to do anything at all with your information, but now they act like it is theirs to force you. They should not make you opt out if they give you a choice, but they should have no choice to share and require you to opt in, only if they can convince you it is doing some good for you, not just them. Information sharing and selling should be considered as violation of your rights and lawsuits, fines, and imprisonments should be the outcome for what has been done to us all.
  • wooderson on News Briefs – 01/25/2025I'm not trashing churches. I'm saying activists wear the faith like a skinsuit.
  • wooderson on News Briefs – 01/25/2025All that happens if he gets rid of the FEMA ability to set up large camps is that gets unloaded on to mainline churches with strong missionary skills. They do camps worldwide. I mean, helping people. But, it is a skill set. People are watching Twitter autist accounts going through the money laundering that charities and church groups in the USA do to bring in illegal aliens- circumvent American national law. FEMA is incompetent enough that this would unload this skill set out of being able to be audited by the government, for one, and puts it in the hands of far more competent people, for two. They have a lot of practice in Africa and South America. To ensure the safety for America, the churches need their NGO funding from the government cut. It's millions of dollars. Which looks expensive here, but is unbelievably worth so much more in the third world. There is also a territory fight between the British government and finance NGOS- gay, atheist- and the churches, in the third world. Slave labor and human rights sound like newspaper stories to us, but read like control of armies and mines and businesses and territory to them.
  • u.f. on News Briefs – 01/24/2025A24 Films also put out Civil War Last year. I'm not sure 'insights' is an appropriate term to give to these kinds of movies. Part of the magic of Hollywood is to hide things in plain sight and obfuscate truth. Partial truths are still misleading, because they are in control of what information you are receiving.
  • phelps on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Trump says Russia stole U.S. hypersonic missile plans.He didn’t say they were using them. Alternate implication is that they stole our plans, compared them to their working rockets, and laughed their asses off, secure in knowing that we are decades behind them.
  • phelps on News Briefs – 01/25/2025One, she was just a woman testifying in front of the committee. And the guys all immediately begin texting her for sex?They didn’t specify the timing. I’m betting this was from when she interned for Ted Cruz and Steve Scalise. She just saved them (or the creeps are worried she saved them.)
  • phelps on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Trump to deploy Army Corps of engineers to rebuild North Carolina.Red Castle.
  • phelps on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Mississippi is going to offer Illegal Alien Bounty Hunters $1000 per migrant they get deported. Notice, domestic surveillance will know where all these illegals are at any moment, and which are weak and unarmed, and which are armed and likely to shoot back.I’ll take that deal. Short term funding for the cabal in return for sending an asset back, potentially permanently? Done.
  • Aanon on News Briefs – 01/24/2025☝️This. Let’s go.
  • Maniac on News Briefs – 01/25/2025'South Africa legalizes mass land seizures from White farmers.' White Flight today, starvation tomorrow. Them people never learn.
  • Rusty on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Ivan Sanderson: Invisible Residents, 2005
  • Chief_Tuscaloosa on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Alex Jones, Fetterman, etc. Imagine being Cabal member and after all these replacements you've seen, you're told by command to shave head, wear goatee and always wear a pair of red sunglasses at all times starting immediately. Even indoors. -"Aw man, I'm gonna be killed ain't I?" --"Just do what we tell you Schumer."
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/24/2025It's way to early to claim that. Stop blackpilling.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Nonsense.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/23/2025That makes things worse, not better.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Send people to, because now it is our turn to win the Kayfabe This is the point where you pour on all the power you have to add to the momentum and make them lose control.
  • English Tom on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Bruce Cathie, a former airline pilot from New Zealand claims he saw ufo's underwater in the 1980's. He wrote a series of books. They usually start with the word harmonic followed by a number ie harmonic 33. He claims the existence of a world energy grid and says most governments are aware of this grid. I haven't read all his books but he includes a lot of mathematics in them, which is definitely not my forte.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Trump lists perks should Canada become 51st US State. We don't want another blue state with blue senators, reps, and EC votes!
  • English Tom on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Not if Israel wants the West to deal with Iran.
  • English Tom on News Briefs – 01/24/2025To give blacks and libs a hero, and to rub it in Whitey's face.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Joepedo was a Mason all along and just kept it hidden is how I read it.
  • English Tom on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Where there's a will there's a way.
  • Reanderthal on News Briefs – 01/24/2025yes, we need to get Homo parasiticus to stick
  • English Tom on News Briefs – 01/24/2025What do you expect from a rat politician? Integrity in politics is harder to find than shit from a rocking horse!
  • English Tom on News Briefs – 01/24/2025And possibly increase the amount of street shitters, sorry coders, coming in. Just like Farage in the UK.
  • teotoon on News Briefs – 01/24/2025We are allegedly supposed to to "be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause...;" but I guess because the Constitution only applies to the conditions existing in the time of horse drawn carriages, the Bill of Rights doesn't apply.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025 Reportedly Mexico took other flights and claimed that case was a mistake and they will take them.
  • English Tom on News Briefs – 01/24/2025You can go into any supermarket in the UK and find a selection of very deadly kitchen knives that will do the job just as good as a so called zombie knife. There are also various types of hunting and fishing shops that sell a selection of knives, crossbows, axes, tomahawks, etc.
  • English Tom on News Briefs – 01/24/2025It'll probably be in the small print that creating an account gives them authority to share your data.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/25/2025Meme:
  • Anonymau5 on News Briefs – 01/24/2025One thing about the movie that rang true? Broke or rich, if you party in LA long enough, you will stumble across all the same stuff the main character did. women, drugs, gangs, celebrities.. you name it LA has it and you will find it. Without fail!
  • Anonymous on News Briefs – 01/24/2025 - My own review: quirky deviation from formulaic Hwood fare, with some good parts, the ending seemed off to me. 3/5.
  • Anonymous on News Briefs – 01/24/2025"Posner thinks there will be no smoking guns." Poster wrote a book in which he "proved" Oswald acted alone. It was the only book that Stephen King read when he was researching his book 11/22/63. I don't trust any opinion of Posner.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/24/2025Pentagon's New Mideast Policy Chief Wants To Scale Down US Presence In Region
  • Anon on News Briefs – 01/24/2025"Cheap labor" isn't truly cheap in the long run. It "cheapens" and undermines Craftsmanship by degrading Quality in favor of Quantity of Good and services. From Quality to slop. It basically is a stealth tax via stealth inflation. By robbing us of the Quality that money could buy. Instead of $2 of Artisanal Bread. Its $1 of cheap slop with questionable ingredients, endocrine disruptors and pesticides.
  • Anon on News Briefs – 01/23/2025What can you buy with your money is just as important as having cash in your hand.
  • Anon on News Briefs – 01/23/2025Sure. But lack of competence in the right positions is hurting them.
  • Anonymoose on News Briefs – 01/22/2025Report every tortoisedhall hit and sewage pipe tubeMario kart for mocking Italians ?
  • Anonymoose on News Briefs – 01/23/2025It needs to be shorter: 3% of East Germans were Stasi… Who’s watching you?
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/24/2025If that is correct then our job is to grab Trump and MAGA and take it out of their control. Turn it into a rogue golem that destroys them.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/23/2025Foreigners were always more willing to betray native populations no matter what culture or ethnicity they were. Tyrants have imported them for that purpose all throughout history. It was always going to favor foreigners, even if that wasn't the primary goal.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/23/2025It's a 4thA and 5thA violation, and it is yet another bureaucratic burden imposed on even the smallest businesses to suppress competition for larger ones, it also will create many paperwork crimes where people are punished for honest mistakes and errors in the paperwork.
  • Farcesensitive on News Briefs – 01/23/2025Whether it is correct or not is a matter of opinion, and his opinion has no weight. He's a longtime Judas Goat.