Paging Eric Braverman – Clinton Foundation Under Investigation

Money Laundering – Tsk, Tsk:

Money launderers who bragged on a secret federal wire tap that they could employ Clinton Foundation connections to funnel and cleanse millions in illicit cash have sparked a newly-minted FBI investigation into the embattled charity run by Hillary Clinton and her family, federal law enforcement officials confirm.

The money laundering allegations being probed by the FBI have been buoyed by recent revelations and evidence discovered by the NYPD from a laptop confiscated from Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin’s Manhattan residence. According to NYPD, several of the emails recovered on the hard drive disclosed sensitive financial details of the Clintons and their charity. That evidence is now in the hands of the FBI too, whose New York field office has opened a parallel Clinton Foundation investigation.

Federal law enforcement sources said the Los Angeles-based money launderers, who are part of a separate federal investigation, discussed previously using Clinton Foundation personnel to domesticate foreign funds that could not be legally brought into the United States through traditional bank wires and deposits.

Great article. Click over and read the whole thing. It makes you wonder if this is related to Trump’s “Guilty as Hell” tweet recently:

“What are Hillary Clinton’s people complaining about with respect to the F.B.I. Based on the information they had she should never have been allowed to run – guilty as hell,”

This is why the foundation is shutting down. They are destroying records as fast as they can, and hoping they can limit the damage.

Now comes the juicy part. Why did the Clintons have a money laundering operation set up designed to move money across national borders.

Two of many possibilities – One, there was a rumor Hillary was running an off the books intel operation in Libya looking for Khadafy’s stashes of cash and gold after the fall of his regime. When we invaded Iraq, Saddam had caches with hundreds of millions of dollars stashed in safe houses around the country. Our troops stumbled across a couple of them, and pulled out scores of blocks of US currency, each the size of a small bale of hay.

It would be funny if the fucked up foreign policy we have seen these last eight years, where stable dictatorship after stable dictatorship in the mideast suddenly devolved into stateless chaos and anarchy, was all actually part of a plan to create one treasure hunt after another in failed petro-states. Each time Clinton’s private intel-people got in and raced to find a few hundred million in US cash or gold, after which it was routed back into the US through their foundation.

The second possibility is that the Clinton Foundation was part of the US intel civilian infrastructure, and was moving funds at the behest of the Brennan/Obama/Muslim-run CIA. It is possible the Foundation was a part of basically creating ISIS and funding all sorts of jihadi groups throughout the Mideast to create all the destabilization and chaos we have seen as state after state fell to rebels and jihadis.

Whatever it is, it makes you wonder what ever happened to Foundation CEO Eric Braverman, who was at one point rumored to be in FBI protective custody. If there was a major crime ring being probed by the FBI, and Braverman was outed as a mole in the Clinton Foundation, it is not unlikely the FBI would scoop him up and get him in protective custody. If they did, claiming he was seeking Russian asylum would be a viable way to divert attention away from his cooperation.

Either way, the Clintons would appear to have known this was coming, and began dissolving the Foundation early. They probably got word through liberal associates at Justice, but it would be something if they had ears in the New York FBI field office. If I were as ass-deep in this shit as they are, I would definitely have tried to see if Terry Lenzner could get some sort of humint source or remote tech to monitor.

It is going to be an interesting eight years under Trump.

Help spread r/K Theory, because it can only add to the fun of the next eight years

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8 years ago

[…] Paging Eric Braverman – Clinton Foundation Under Investigation […]

8 years ago

Off topic, but an interesting read:

Economists measure the size of the Chinese government’s internal social media propaganda:
find a massive government effort, where every year the 50c party writes approximately 448 million social media posts nationwide. About 52.7% of these posts appear on government sites. The remaining 212 million posts are inserted into the stream of approximately 80 billion total posts on commercial social media sites, all in real time. If these estimates are correct, a large proportion of government web site comments, and about one of every 178 social media posts on commercial sites, are fabricated by the government. The posts are not randomly distributed but, as we show in Figure 2, are highly focused and directed, all with specific intent and content.

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
8 years ago

Fascinating speculation.

May I ask, from the other side of the Pond, if the destruction of Foundation records would itself be a crime, at least under tax law?

DD More
DD More
8 years ago

AC- Did you ever run across FBI Anon. Pick up on his story here 1 of 3 parts. His take is enlightening.

From 7/2/16 FBI Anon introduction – I am a person with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton case. I will answer as many questions as I can without giving too much away.

The Clinton Foundation (CF)
The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server. We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the CF. Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought.
Killing HRC would not cause this problem to go away. The problem is with the Clinton Foundation as I mentioned, which you should just imagine as a massive spider web of connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level people. Though I do not have a high opinion of Hillary, she is just a piece -albeit a big piece – of this massive [horrible situation].

Obama is loosely tied to the CF, but much more tied in with the same people who donate to the CF. BC likely wanted LL to focus on the e-mail server and shy away from prosecuting the foundation.

[The Foundation] Sold influence, intel, favors, and people to anyone willing to pay.

(next comments from continuation thread)

The people under the magnifying glass do have an affinity for children. Pedophiles and sex traffickers everywhere. Many politicians trade girls like cattle.

Chances of Hillary Clinton being indicted or brought to justice
There is intense pressure for us not to do so. I am posting from a position of near anonymity and enough plausible deniability to evade prosecution, as we have all been given gag orders.

There is enough for her and the entire government to be brought down. People do not realize how enormous this whole situation actually is. Whether she will be or not depends on how much info about others involved gets out, and there are a lot of people involved.

She had SAP level programs on her server, which if made public, would literally cause an uprising and possibly foreign declarations of war.

There already is enough to indict. Comey has been trying to stall because he does not want to face the Clinton Machine, as well as the rest of Washington D.C. But this case would explode into a million other cases if fully brought to light, and then we would be one agency competing against the entire government and a hoard of other interests. It is a very tense and uncomfortable position.