Chris Brown Has a Non-Epileptic Seizure

“The Liver is the organ of anger, and it’s orifice is the eyes. All symptoms of liver pathology will manifest in the eyes.”

“That dude was so angry he couldn’t see straight!”

Chris Brown suffers a non-epileptic seizure, due to extreme “emotional stress” from “negativity.”

Imagine getting so angry about a thought that your brain just loses control of parts of your body, and you are left watching them move without your authorization, or not move when you try to move them. This happens to people.

I like to think I am a pretty sharp guy, with a lot on the ball. I like to think that when it comes to reading and understanding others, I am on top of the game.

Yet, had I not seen firsthand what emotional attacks directed at Bob’s amygdala did to him physically, I could never have begun to understand what could be done to a person with just words and general thoughts, presented to them. Without that one firsthand experience, I could not even begin to really understand this. Before Bob, I would never have believed anyone, if they had told me the story I watched play out before me.

Yet now having seen it, when I heard Chris Brown had a seizure, my first question was whether it might have been an amygdala hijack. I quickly dismissed it, reasoning that drugs are ever present in his industry and seemed much more likely statistically but today, there it is.

The amygdala is real, and it controls everything in the brain, because it controls which single thought occupies your mind above all others. What that thought is, and how it is viewed, controls which brain structures come online, which brain structures go offline, and to what degree those called online are activated. That it flags the negative with greater sensitivity than the positive, that Liberals are insecure trolls absorbed with negativity, and that Liberal amygdalae are damaged in such a way as to magnify all of this is our gift from God, if we can manage to get our leaders to use it.

With this first seizure, Brown has now burned a new neural pathway into his head, going from thought to seizure. That he is so young when this happened is astonishing, and does not bode well for his future. If he has a malicious guy or girl who understands all this in his social circle, and they burn this in a few more times to deepen it, his life will become even more of a living hell than it already probably is.

Brown turned the ambulance away, after symptoms passed. Bob did this too, later on, though that first one was such a shock he willingly stayed at the ER, while they did CT’s and MRI’s, looking for the cause. No word on what the non-epileptic seizure Brown had was, but I would bet it involved his eyes and his vision.

I will also bet there will be more, but we will not hear about them. They will just become a normal part of his life, and he won’t even bother to call the ambulance.

It will be a living hell.

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Puzzle Pirate (@PuzzlePirate)
Puzzle Pirate (@PuzzlePirate)
11 years ago

Did you read about Hugo Schwyzer’s recent meltdown(s)? This should look familiar to you.


also here but scroll down to read “goodbye” and “goodbye part 2”

11 years ago

I’ve been practicing. Dang if you aren’t right! I had a long post on a lib site and at the very end I ended up with,”Someday you will be forced to admit you were wrong and will be forced to apologize to ALL.” You should have seen the spit and vitriol! A toothpick in the eye wouldn’t have produced a more insane response. I love this and I’m going to see if I can work this into the next town meeting.

Dr. Faust
11 years ago

It’s interesting that you mention vision. I’ve had panic attacks that bordered on being seizure like though I’m no liberal. I also have a terrible temper. When I grow angry sometimes I’ll see spots or my vision will become cloudy. I wonder if you have any information or insights to share on this. What can a person do to prevent these things? Would something like meditation work to create new neural pathways?

Daoism vs Maoism
Daoism vs Maoism
11 years ago

“That it flags the negative with greater sensitivity than the positive, that Liberals are insecure trolls absorbed with negativity, and that Liberal amygdalae are damaged in such a way as to magnify all of this is our gift from God, if we can manage to get our leaders to use it.”

Chris Brown is “liberal”? I knew 11 self professed “socially, economically and politically” people (as they claimed) and they tended toward positivity. That could be in part due to their meditation methods. I guess that’s some sort of amygdalae stimutional/third eye activation.

Chase Jean
Chase Jean
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 years ago

Good points/observations psychologically AC. Reduction to “A” versus “B” – conservativism versus liberalism though? Hmmm.
Whether it’s psycho-biological, or a genetically altering life experience, (inherited or suffered) the lack of moderation, illustrated in the undercurrent in your repetetive vehemence against narcissists, shows a lack of personal historical evolution.
In otherwords, moderation in all things, id, ego, or pigeon-holing into a) or b)? Is that too much “grey” matter? 😉 Seriously though, widen the microns, in the all-or-nothing ‘liberalness in conservatism’ net.