Chinese Stocks Crash Again

Popped the circuit breaker again – in the first 15 minutes of trading:

China’s stock market tumbled and scored its shortest trading day in its 25-year history on Thursday, as Beijing’s growing tolerance of a weaker currency intensified concerns about capital flight and the health of the world’s No. 2 economy.

The stock market stopped trading about 30 minutes after opening, as a newly-installed mechanism to limit volatility kicked in for the second time this week.

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index SHCOMP, -7.32% ended the dramatically brief trading day down 7.2% at 3115.89.

That could train amygdalae not to wait when the vague image of “Sell!” passes through the mind.

Be ironic if their halting trading after a 7% drop triggered the very panicked selloffs which they were designed to avoid. One or two weeks straight of instant two-minute sell-offs dropping the market 7% per day (and ending any further trading) could make everything really interesting.

If China can’t buy US debt…..

Apocalypse cometh, all at once.

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