China Tells The US To “Act And Speak Cautiously”

Not a strategy likely to work with President Trump:

The latest diplomatic spat between the US and China erupted overnight, when China said on Tuesday it had “irrefutable” sovereignty over disputed islands in the South China Sea after White House spokesman Sean Spicer vowed to defend “international territories” in the strategic waterway. Spicer’s first official comments on Monday signaled a sharp departure from years of cautious U.S. handling of China’s assertive pursuit of territorial claims in Asia.

“The U.S. is going to make sure that we protect our interests there,” Spicer said when asked if Trump agreed with comments by his secretary of state nominee, Rex Tillerson. Two weeks ago, Tillerson said China should not be allowed access to islands it has built in the contested South China Sea.

“It’s a question of if those islands are in fact in international waters and not part of China proper, then yeah, we’re going to make sure that we defend international territories from being taken over by one country,” Spicer said.

This led to the now traditional escalating Chinese response, when, as cited by Reuters, the country’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a regular news briefing on Tuesday “the United States is not a party to the South China Sea dispute”…

“We urge the United States to respect the facts, speak and act cautiously to avoid harming the peace and stability of the South China Sea,” Hua said.

There is an old saying – “A coward dies a thousand deaths, the courageous will only die once.”

What it describes is two psychologies. One weighs consequences inflicted upon them as more terrifying than being oppressed and forced into slavery. That is more or less your standard leftist psychology. They would much rather live as slaves, than endure any short term adversity, so they are easily cowed. The other psychology weighs freedom as most important, and all other factors are inconsequential.

If you have an unctuous psychology that detests oppression more than any potential consequences of acting out, being warned about all that will happen unless you tow the line is only going to provoke acting out, because it will trigger the amygdala at the prospect of being enslaved in some form. If ever I have seen anybody who would detest being oppressed more than any consequence, it is President Trump.

China should begin to grasp that this is not the last administration, nor is it your Mark I Establishment Cuckservative administration that is so desperate to look “mature” they will gladly sell America down the river. Trump will see this comment from Beijing, and the resultant amygdala activation will lead him to talk even more provocatively in the future, as a way of relieving the resultant amygdala strain. If they want to offer President Trump the choice, he will reduce Beijing to a smoking crater rather than follow a Chinese order.

Whether he is giving it to leftist shitbags, or their fellow travelling foreigner despots in waiting, I can’t imagine anyone more likely to restablish American greatness on the world stage than our unctuous God Emperor, President Trump. I hope the Cucks are taking note. This is what a real Presidency should look like.

Spread r/K Theory, because nobody tells the God Emperor what to do

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Conservatives, Cuckservatives, GOPocalypse, K-stimuli, Nationalism, Politics, Psychology, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] China Tells The US To “Act And Speak Cautiously” […]

Andy Smith
8 years ago

“Unctuous” is generally considered a negative word, so it doesn’t really belong with God-Emperor.

8 years ago

They have been stealing our tech and dumping products on us for decades. I don’t give a rats@ss what some dirty chicom thinks. Fills me with pride to know I finally have a President that agrees.

8 years ago

“They took a vow and made a stand — started swayin’ with the hands…”

Carl Douglas predicted this 40 years ago.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

I think it’s foolish to push to much on these Islands. They have no value to us. It’s not our ships that use that channel. Pointing out that they are gross violations of international law is fine and true but I wouldn’t fight over them.

Part of managing your affairs is understanding what’s important.

8 years ago

F-China! They better watch out as they try to takeover one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes claiming THEY have territorial rights over the islands in the S. China Sea! That shit is about to end and we’ll see what happens. America won’t be ignoring all this BS with Russia and China any longer. These communist bastards are one of the very few true communist countries left in this day and age. The have they worst air quality maybe in the world and they want everybody else to cut down on their emissions, but they don’t think they should have to because they are an industrial country. Stupid, arrogant and full of contradictions. America will no longer watch!