Children of Homosexual Parents Have More Than Twice the Problems

Not surprising:

Until recently, a long-standing conviction of sociologists is that children do better — as measured by their educational achievement, behavior problems, and emotional well-being — in married, heterosexual, two-parent households, when contrasted to single mothers, cohabiting couples, adoptive parents, divorced parents, and same-sex parents…

… a study by Catholic University of America sociologist Donald Paul Sullins has overcome those methodological problems by employing more data than any previous study — a representative sample of 207,007 children, 512 of whom with same-sex parents, from the U.S. National Health Interview Survey…

Sullins found that “Emotional problems were over twice as prevalent (minimum risk ratio (RR) 2.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.7-3.0) for children with same-sex parents than for children with opposite-sex parents…. Joint biological parents are associated with the lowest rate of child emotional problems by a factor of 4 relative to same-sex parents, accounting for the bulk of the overall same-sex/opposite-sex difference.” The emotional problems included misbehavior, worrying, depression, poor relationships with peers and inability to concentrate.

I think it is misleading to call these problems. In my opinion, what most people call emotional problems is actually not so much emotional problems as being adapted to greater ease than the environment affords. These people would probably function fine in an environment of free resources. They would dominate a cowardly r-selected population, get easily distracted by the pleasures which lead to reproduction, be able to easily screw over their associates no emotional consequence, and the worrying and depression would both be drivers leading one to self-medicate with sex, to raise dopamine levels. In truth, living in a world with just mildly free resources, many of us have emotional maladaptations to that. I know I am not well adapted to watching child abuse tolerance, foreign invasion tolerance, reward of evil tolerance, degeneracy tolerance, cowardice tolerance, disgust tolerance, betrayal tolerance, collapse-creation tolerance, and simply partaking of the hedonism.

Where problems arise for those with traditional emotional problems, is where their psychology bumps into an environment of limited resources, where people must work together to acquire resources under difficult circumstances. In such an environment they begin worrying, get depressed, their impulsivity is seen as acting out, their team functionality is sub-par, they spend their time pining for conditions that don’t exist, and so on. On a more mechanical level when confronted with harshness, their amygdala can’t handle the strain, and ends up overloaded. It just isn’t designed for it.

This adaptation to ease as the root of “emotional problems” partially explains why now, when resources are freer than ever, we have an entire population so neurotic that great literary works of the past are literally too stressing for them to endure exposure to without “trigger warnings.” The smallest innocent comment, the least stressing idea, and even aggressions so small they are referred to as micro-aggressions, are all too straining to the mind, even as dopamine-drenched pleasures like video-games, limitless delicious foods, and 3D movies lay around every corner.

Again, it is amygdala, and children whose minds are designed to spontaneously read early developmental cues indicating a K-selected environment is present, or signals indicating a more r-selected world is what one needs to adapt to. Provide a loving two-parent, heterosexual family with a mother and father and you get a relaxed, tolerant child with an amygdala that is resilient and capable. Provide one of the familial freakshows we see socialists telling us are perfectly normal today, and you get a neurotic, stressed child that both needs free resources, and is optimally adapted to reproduce at a maximal rate under such conditions.

This is the human machine.

This entry was posted in Homosexuality, Psychology, r-stimuli, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

Quite the miraculous beastie. I guess there is nothing for it but to enjoy the ride.

I hope you’ve picked a good spot to weather the storm.

9 years ago

This is my rage with “gay marriage.”

It is now utterly inevitable that gays will begin to threaten lawsuits if denied equal footing with hetero couples when it comes to state-administered adoption and foster parenting.

As an adoptee, I consider this among the purest forms of collective evil present. The Left-collectivist lunacy has now metastasized so far that being “fair and equal” to sexual deviants requires for all practical purposes CHILD SACRIFICE.

Adoption is already a far from normal, far from ideal situation. Adoptive families already face a host of inevitable difficulties because it is frankly unavoidable that adoptees feel forever displaced due to endless differences yielded by a lack of shared heredity.

But to add sexual deviancy to the mix is, frankly, to insure a form of lifelong child abuse, even if the gay men keep their sexual deviancy entirely to themselves (assuming they can do so, between trips to the urologists and proctologists.)

I always considered myself a tolerant person. On this subject, however, there can be no tolerance. A child who by definition cannot make an informed choice is being used as a society-level totem of pathological tolerance. I cannot be alone in finding that, in the face of overwhelming compulsion to be ever-more tolerant, my inclination to remain tolerant is gone.

I resent being bullied, and my rage is directed at both those who I am required to embrace as well as those who are doing the requiring. As a result, I am no longer tolerant of what I once tolerated.

This is not going to go well.