Charlottesville Protestor Who Drove Into Antifa Crowd To Go Free

Looks like Redneck Revolt got one of their own killed:

What has not been revealed until recently is that members of the Antifa group Redneck Revolt were chasing him up 4th St with semiautomatic weapons, prior to the crash.

This new information came to light after weapons and ammunition supplier Spike’s Tactical created a viral ad capitalizing on recent demonstrations in Charlottesville, Berkeley, Boston and Portland.

Dwayne Dixon, a member of the revolutionary Communist group Redneck Revolt, used this opportunity to taunt both Spike’s Tactical and James Fields in a now-deleted comment.

“I take a perverse pleasure in having carried this Spike’s lower in defense of Justice Park on August 12th. I used this rifle to chase off James Fields from our block of 4th St before he attacked the marchers to the south.”

As you can see on this map below, it’s only one block down a one way street to get from the “Justice Park” area, where Dixon claims to have chased Fields, to the Market St intersection where the crash occurred.

In Virginia, a person can use deadly force to defend his or her person from a “reasonable fear of death or great bodily harm.”

It will be a good demoralizer when he is freed and all charges are dropped, even though it seems the girl who died actually had a heart attack anyway. It will be even better if he sues these leftist assholes in a conservative jurisdiction for creating the crash in the first place. Put me on the jury, and he would clean them out of everything, including that Spike’s lower.

If there were semi-automatic weapons where he was coming from, it would be only natural for his amygdala to focus him there, and block out what was going on in front of him. When the amygdala takes over and puts all your focus in one place, the effects can be surreal.

When young Milton Erikson overheard the doctor tell his parents he was dying, he wanted to see the sunset one last time. He focused his mind so intently out the window on it that his mind erased the tree outside which partly blocked his view, and he saw the full sunset, including what was behind the tree. He thought his parents had cut it down, and was surprised to find out later, in light of his memory of the view of the entire sunset being totally unobscured, that the tree had been there the whole time. His brain so completely ignored it that it was as if it was never there.

If Fields was running from a threatening sight of Antifags behind him with ARs, who were threatening to shoot him, it is wholly unsurprising his car would mow into a crowd in front of him. All his focus was behind him.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because everything is the fault of the left

This entry was posted in Amygdala, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Nationalism, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, rabbitry, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

There’s video of his car getting hit from behind with what looks like a wood board right before he sped up. Combine that with the threat of getting shot and driving into what appears to be an ambush with a mob closing in on you and no wonder. Too bad the Marxists get their 6-months-hate propaganda story repeated ad-infinitum before the truth whimpers out and is promptly suppressed, explained as institutional racism/fasicism and forgotten.

Reply to  Nick
7 years ago

yep. he’s gonna walk. just got chased by a man with a gun, heard a loud bang behind him, got scared, floored it.

7 years ago

The link is for a /pol/ thread and the word Fields is not found in search.

Is there a better reference?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Don’t just screenshot stuff like this if you see it, screenshots don’t hold up to scrutiny very well. Save a copy of the page as an html file. Harder to alter.

7 years ago

Thats a bit of a strong headline for a case in progress.

Veritas Quaerite
Veritas Quaerite
7 years ago

I dunno, is indicted on 10 counts, and jury pools reflect the population and there is probably no one that hasn’t been inundated by the prevailing narrative that he is/was a Neo-Nazi and a murderer…

7 years ago

Good for him. Remember all those Trump supporters getting pulled out of their cars? Remember the L.A. riots? This guy was just being proactive in his self defense.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

Is this the story? I read that James Fields was a SJW Jew that way before the Charlottesville Protest had a lot of SJW public post, then changed to WN Nazi post a few months before the march and then went to the march as a Nazi. Maybe they’re letting him off because he’s an agent waving around Nazi flags, or whatnot, to discredit WN. If the pictures in the article are correct his Mother does look Jewish.

Maybe this guy , an agent, was riding around and got caught in his own trap. Riling up the inhabitants to attack WN and then suddenly getting caught in the middle.

I personally don’t trust any of these guys running around waving Nazi flags or the Klan stuff either. I mean who does that? Best I can tell it’s agents. I read one time 12 guys met for a Klan meeting and in actuality there was one guy who was curious and came to the meeting and 11 agents.