Charlie Sheen Calls On Trump To Die

Charlie asks for the Donald’s demise:

After news broke of the death of Debbie Reynolds following a year of high-profile celebrity deaths, actor Charlie Sheen took to Twitter to call for the death of the President-elect of the United States of America. Sheen’s tweet—which read “Dear God” followed by “Trump next, please!” six times and then two emojis showing a middle finger and then a copyright symbol—was Liked on Twitter by over 6,000 people within the first two hours of being posted.

Dear God;

Trump next, please! Trump next, please! Trump next, please! Trump next, please! Trump next, please! Trump next, please!


— Charlie Sheen (@charliesheen) December 29, 2016

Notice, high dopamine exposure (albeit through cocaine), free resource availability, high sex drive, a reported preference for manly mates with penises still attached, and he hates Donald Trump, the most K-politician we have seen in an age.

Politics is r/K Theory, and it plays out beneath the level of actual consciousness. Charlie has no idea why he hates Donald. He doesn’t know why Donald’s in-group loyalty and desire for free market competitiveness irks him. But his amygdala sees that, and freaks out. He will never confront Donald openly, in direct combat, but he will wish for a free-resource killing, supplied by God at no cost, to relieve the unbearable strain on his amygdala of having a pro-American President who wants to make America great again.

Politics is r/K Theory.

Spread r/K Theory, because we need fewer Hollywood stars known for banging pre-op trannies

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Liberals, Morals, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance, Sexual Dimorphism. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Charlie Sheen Calls On Trump To Die […]

8 years ago

What’s the deadpool on Charlie?

Reply to  SteveRogers42
8 years ago

I think he’s already dead. The only thing keeping his corpse animated is the strain of SuperAIDS that he’s contracted, and the spirits of the dead tigers he killed for their blood.

8 years ago

It’s this kind of thinking that makes Internet-connected medical equipment especially troubling, since they’re about the closest thing available to the rabbit’s mythical magic death button.

8 years ago

I hear people talking about the Trump Curse (ie: celebrities who talk smack about the Donald one day only to croak soon afterward,) and how it could be related to the high level of celebrity deaths in the Current Year. While I attribute most celebrity deaths this year simply to fast living Baby Boomer celebrities finally running out of Hit Points, I think a few of them could be linked to the stress surrounding this election. Expect to see more celebrities boarding Trump’s Ghost Train in the near future.

8 years ago

The Apple hasn’t fallen far from the Tree eh!