Charlie Hebdo In-groups

Still sore about that little mass shooting thing, apparently:

The aunt of drowned Syrian refugee boy Alan Kurdi says a controversial new cartoon from French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo is “disgusting.”

“I hope people respect our family’s pain. It’s a big loss to us. We’re not the same anymore after this tragedy. We’re trying to forget a little bit and move on with our life. But to hurt us again, it’s not fair,” said Tima Kurdi from her home in Port Coquitlam, B.C.

The cartoon suggests that Alan Kurdi, had he grown up, would have been like the sexual attackers in Cologne, Germany, on New Year’s Eve.

There is nothing like hiding under a desk while madmen with AK’s rampage through your office to build up your amygdala. They are replaying that in their minds almost daily, I’ll bet, and each replay builds aversive stimulus.

In-grouping is a natural defense mechanism the amygdala uses to avoid threat when that happens. It offers the amygdala the relief of joining a team to acquire safety, and assuages with the idea of taking concrete action to diminish risk in the future. There will be a lot of it, as K approaches.

Notice the relative was complaining from British Columbia. This migration was the worst thing that could happen, immediately before the economic woes to come. It virtually guarantees some form of unrest all throughout the world. Sadly, that unrest will be like a band aid that needs to be removed. It can be done slowly, and just keep on hurting, or it can be done all at once, in a massive cataclysm. The cataclysm is better in the long term, but coming out of r it is likely people won’t be thinking long term for a bit.

Apocalypse – not going to be for the faint of heart.

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Stuart Miller
Stuart Miller
9 years ago

I thought that the people at Charlie Hebdo were rabbits, solely on the thin evidence that their actions fell into the Let’s You and Him Fight category. Further investigation shows that they are far-Left wing — with lots of nasty crap to say about the National Front party.

Your article confuses me, not because you’re wrong. I don’t have a complete grasp of r/K theory.

Charlie Hebdo are r-selected.
The r-selected don’t have in-group loyalty.

Are there amygdala developing? Can a rabbit turn into a wolf?

Their cartoons are an invitation to fight — or at least provoke the enemy to fight. But it will be the K-selected that do the fighting (police, military, and vigilantes.)
On a related issue, have you seen the demise of the Canadian dollar? Things are getting VERY expensive. I think this is the beginning of a serious resource restriction.

When resources restrict, and the population shifts to K, do all the “r’s” and all the “K’s” remain “r” and “K?” Under this scenario, rabbits loose their leadership positions while wolves grab power.

Or do the rabbits become wolves?<<<That seems wrong.


9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Aeoli Pera
9 years ago

Still sore about that little mass shooting thing, apparently:

Possibly they are the first real, actual European Islamophobes in centuries.

9 years ago

One of the emerging K-r identifiers is who is laughing at what and why. r-groups made fun of Trump over silly in-group taunts and put-downs and now are no longer doing it except when completely exasperated and cannot think of anything else. K and transitioning to K are laughing at what Trump is taunting or shining a spotlight on. r groups are reacting badly to the breakdown of political correctness which protected them. K’s have an affinity for dark or aggressive humor. It is just one small component but I have enjoyed watching it all change over the past year.