The Most Important Concept Here
Since beginning this site, we have encountered what most people would never believe could exist - the massive domestic network of spies and civilian informants, exactly like the East German Stasi, that has been created and deployed against the American people within America, by whoever controls our government. If you are a conservative who supports Donald Trump, it is most likely operating in your neighborhood, and spying on your family, even though you have never seen it, and would never believe it possible. Our writings on this subject are the most important contribution this website will make for America, which is why it is at the top of our sidebar. You need to click here first for the summary, or go to our main website on the subject at, to read our book on how to spot the domestic intelligence machine in America which is targeting you and your children in the schools.Meta
Category Archives: rabbitry
Bombard On Rosenstein’s Testimony
Great analysis: The turning and avoidance of eye contact is an instinctual attempt to downshift the amygdala as it is being amped up by extreme stress. It is puzzling, because you would think Rosenstein would be able to answer like … Continue reading
Venezuelan Children Are Historically Malnourished
The tragic side of K: Kenyerber Aquino Merchán was 17 months old when he starved to death. His father left before dawn to bring him home from the hospital morgue. He carried Kenyerber’s skeletal frame into the kitchen and handed … Continue reading
Posted in Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Morals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Dimorphism
Austria Taking Rightward Turn
The K-shift progresses: In Europe’s latest shift to the right, the expected next chancellor of Austria announced that his conservative party had cemented terms to form a government with the country’s anti-immigrant Freedom Party. In announcing the deal, which comes … Continue reading
Posted in Amygdala, Conservatives, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Morals, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering, Trump
Minneapolis To Fire Shrink For Scrutinizing Police Recruits
What could go wrong? The city of Minneapolis may fire its police psychology evaluator because his tests screened out too many minority candidates, despite already lowering psych evaluations far below the national standard. The July police shooting of Justine Damond … Continue reading
Posted in Conspiracy, Decline, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry
California Has The Worst Drivers
California has bad drivers: California drivers are the worst in the United States, thanks to gridlocked freeways, smartphone use and an increase in drunk driving, according to an annual study by an insurance marketplace. QuoteWizard, an online marketplace for auto … Continue reading
Posted in Amygdala, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry
US Resettles Afghan And Pakistani Refugees With Mental Problems
Thanks to Obama who offered to do it for Australia for nothing: Single men from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Myanmar expected to be resettled in the United States next year “have acute mental health problems,” according to a New York Times … Continue reading
More Gender Dysphoria In California
A very odd state of affairs from the perspective of K: More than a quarter of California schoolchildren between 12 and 17 believe their peers see them as “gender nonconforming,” meaning those boys are perceived as more feminine and the … Continue reading
Leftist Intel Leader Concedes Intel Is Out To Get Trump
Even leftists see why Trump would think the intel agencies are out to get him: Actually, they were. “It’s no mystery why Trump doesn’t trust U.S. intelligence agencies,” Bloomberg’s Eli Lake wrote last month. “As the old saying goes: Just … Continue reading
Posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Conspiracy, Intel, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering, Trump
Male Role Models Are Not Necessary, Says Professor
Academia says male role models are overrated: “For one thing, there is not much substantive evidence that male role models are decisive in healthy boys’ development,” Michael Kimmel writes in the December 15, 2017 issue of The Chronicle of Higher … Continue reading
Posted in Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Sexual Dimorphism
Feminists Are Masculine
I got this post off the Facebook r/K Theory Discussion page. If you aren’t there, you’re square. Again, Woodley is dancing around the margins of r/K Theory: The feminist movement purports to improve conditions for women, and yet only a … Continue reading