Category Archives: Faces
Sean Penn Is A Certified Man-Whore, With Disgust Nasolabial Lines
Banging is like a handshake for Sean Penn: Mexican actress Kate del Castillo has bluntly revealed that during the filming for her documentary ‘The Day I Met El Chapo’ she had sex with Sean Penn, even revealing that she fell … Continue reading
Paddock’s Father Had The Posture
I just wanted to highlight that a commenter highlighted this picture of Paddock’s father, exhibiting the narcissist posture I had discussed seeing in Alec Baldwin here: That is it. It has to be viewed in two ways. First situationally. A … Continue reading
Four Amygdalae – Paddock Brothers vs Weinstein Brothers
Here are the Paddock brothers. Look at the younger brother’s expression, especially what you see in the eyes. Then look at the older brother: Here are the Weinstein Brothers. Look at the younger brother’s expression, especially what you see in … Continue reading
Two Amygdalae – Steven Paddock And His Brother
I thought this photo was interesting: Based on this photo, I would believe he could be a lone shooter. The younger brother is tensed and exhibiting sustained fear, almost to the point of startle, which in affect psychology is a … Continue reading
Harvey Weinstein’s Facial Assymetry
I’ve gotten a few emails from readers noting Harvey’s facial asymmetry, apparently seeing something strange in it. I am not an expert on the issue of facial asymmetry, though I do not feel bad writing about it since to my … Continue reading
Body Language Analysis Of Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock’s Brother
A commenter noted Vox linked to this, and has a discussion of it: I suspected a couple of things based on that. One, he seems reflexively scared of the brother, so I would assume the brother tortured him to condition … Continue reading
On Gays, And the Naso-labial Fold
I posted this in the comments, but figured I’d expand on it somewhat and stick it here too, to see if anyone else has noticed anything like this: In affect psychology there is a disgust affect, which involves pulling the … Continue reading
Facial Bifurcation – Man Sets Pregnant Girlfriend On Fire
Is this face smiling or crying? That is amygdala pain, and a sign there is a real amygdala trigger laying under the surface. That was the left, or true side of the face of this character: Authorities are searching for … Continue reading
Spot The Evil
Which person in this picture is evil? I thought it interesting. The leftmost male is clearly broken down. Hands in the pockets, slumped shoulders, eyes averted down to minimize amygdala stimulation. The jockey/kid is irritated at that moment, though he … Continue reading
James T. Hodgkinson Facial Bifururcation
James T. Hodgkinson: Notice how his facial bifurcation features a right side that looks calm and somewhat blank, while the left side looks disapproving/disgusting. The dominant right-side of a right-handed person’s face is an effective conscious presentation of what they … Continue reading