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Since beginning this site, we have encountered what most people would never believe could exist - the massive domestic network of spies and civilian informants, exactly like the East German Stasi, that has been created and deployed against the American people within America, by whoever controls our government. If you are a conservative who supports Donald Trump, it is most likely operating in your neighborhood, and spying on your family, even though you have never seen it, and would never believe it possible. Our writings on this subject are the most important contribution this website will make for America, which is why it is at the top of our sidebar. You need to click here first for the summary, or go to our main website on the subject at, to read our book on how to spot the domestic intelligence machine in America which is targeting you and your children in the schools.Meta
Category Archives: Economic Collapse
A French Academic Proposes Giving French Muslims Their Own State
From one bad idea to another: A French academic has suggested creating a Muslim state within France in order to prevent a civil war. Professor Christian de Moliner claims that a second society has formed in France, which he described … Continue reading
The Burning Platform On The Fourth Turning
There is a Part 1: Trust in the political and financial system disintegrated and has further deteriorated as the ruling elite continue to loot and pillage as if the 2008/2009 global financial meltdown never happened. From the perspective of the … Continue reading
Posted in Apocalypse cometh, Decline, Economic Collapse, Intel, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, Splintering, Trump, War
White Man Transracially and Transexually Identifies As Filipino Woman
Even Duterte wouldn’t make a rape joke about this one: A young Florida white male has decided he is trans-racial, a la Rachel Dolezal, and thinks of himself as Filipino, claiming he hasn’t told his family yet because he fears … Continue reading
Posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Dopamine, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry
A Million People Mass In Spain For Catalan Independence
From Assange’s twitter, the drumbeat grows louder: Watch this video of last nights protest of around a million people calling for Spain to release Catalan political prisoners. Then follow this link to see how this vast crowd was depicted on … Continue reading
Posted in Anxiety, Conspiracy, Economic Collapse, Europe, In-grouping, Intel, ITZ, K-stimuli, Muslims, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Splintering, Technology, War
Roy Moore’s Lead Holds
Not surprising: Two new polls demonstrate that GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate Judge Roy Moore remains unaffected entirely by smears in the Washington Post against him, and his lead before the Post piece on Thursday afternoon remains intact. One … Continue reading
Posted in Cuckservatives, Economic Collapse, GOPocalypse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Nationalism, Politics, Trump
Things Could Get Worse For Venezuela
Actually not a joke: Longstanding fears of a Venezuela debt default crystallized Wednesday, as the political crisis engulfing the sinking OPEC state deepened with a meeting set at the UN Security Council and the EU eyeing an arms embargo. Investors … Continue reading
Posted in Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry
Homelessness Picking Up On The West Coast
Interesting datapoint on the approach of K: Housing prices are soaring here [Seattle] thanks to the tech industry, but the boom comes with a consequence: A surge in homelessness marked by 400 unauthorized tent camps in parks, under bridges, on … Continue reading
Posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychology
States Are Laxening The Rules To Seize Bank Accounts
I look on this as a sign of desperation: That column, which appeared on Sept. 24, 2015, explained that it had become easier for states to confiscate people’s bank, money market and other financial accounts because they were “abandoned.” So-called … Continue reading
Posted in Decline, Economic Collapse, K-stimuli, Politics, rabbitry
Germany Suspects Apocalypse By 2040
Even the Euros see it all coming down: An extensive 102-page report, called ‘Strategic Forecast 2040’ was published by the head of the Ministry of Defence at the end of February this year but was kept then kept under wraps, … Continue reading
Posted in Apocalypse cometh, Decline, Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering, War
Donna Brazile Feared For Her Life
Donna knows what is real and what is not: In the aftermath of Wikileaks’ decision to publish a cache of emails stolen from the DNC’s servers, Donna Brazile says she became increasingly paranoid about both possible Russian efforts to sway … Continue reading
Posted in Conspiracy, Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, Liberals, Politics, rabbitry