Category Archives: Economic Collapse
Are Teenagers Required For Revolution?
Saw this at Business Insider: This post from Sam Harris, an entrepreneur, engineer, and former data scientist at the U.S. Air Force, originally appeared on Quora as an answer to the question, “Is the United States on the brink of … Continue reading
Is Civil War Between Conservatives And Liberals Inevitable?
Lots of talk lately about civil war: However, something has changed. You can feel it in the air. Our nation has clearly never been this divided since the Civil War. A lot of people noticed it after the last election, … Continue reading
Millennial Students Experiencing Mental Problems
Leftists melting down: After Donald Trump won the presidency in November, liberal college students were pretty upset as they took part in cry-ins, walkouts, and marches. However, a psychiatry professor at Michigan State University believes that a lot of millennials … Continue reading
New Trend – Converting Garbage To Food
Interesting: Flour milled from discarded coffee fruit. Chips made from juice pulp. Vodka distilled from strawberries that nobody seems to want. At one point not so long ago, such waste-based products were novelties for the Whole Foods set. But in … Continue reading
Professor Laments His Insanity Over Trump Win
No harm in reveling in leftist tears: Ronald Pelias, an adjunct instructor of theatre at the University of Louisiana Lafayette, recently published a scholarly article that details nearly a dozen different reasons why he feels miserable to the point of … Continue reading
Venezuelan Health Suffers On The Maduro Diet
Death of all sorts is coming: Shortages and a crumbling economy have forced Venezuelans to change their eating habits; many are losing weight and battling malnutrition. Venezuela’s political and economic crisis has done deep and lasting damage to its population’s … Continue reading
Green Beret Vs Peruvian Special Forces
A good example of a man with a plan making a lifetime of training useless: Martial arts are good training, but they are also conditioning. Do Karate for points, or Judo competitions, and you will, without thinking, grow used to … Continue reading
London Sees A Surge In Gun Crime
I wonder who this could be? Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics. The Met Police’s figures showed there were 2,544 gun crime offences from April 2016 to April 2017 compared … Continue reading
Vox Day On Presbyterian Convergence
Vox on some mail he received from a reader: A reader writes up a very informative summary of Gary North’s detailed account of how the Presbyterian Church was successfully converged over a period of 60 years… This books echoes many … Continue reading
Economic K-selection Is Still Approaching
The anecdotal cases are there: Fifty-three percent of U.S. households with at least $1,000 of financial resources had hardship while experiencing a financial shock in 2015, according to a report from Pew Charitable Trusts… In 2014, 56 percent of households … Continue reading