Castalia House Release “The Last Closet” May Be A Part Of Pizzagate

Castalia is releasing a book by the daughter of one of the pedophiles of SciFi Fandom named The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Avalon. The story sounds simultaneously horrific and absorbing, in the way a train wreck rivets the attention, only there are probably a lifetime’s worth of lessons on evil in the book. I’ll check it out and write more later, but for now, one observation.

Vox posted his foreword to the new Castalia release The Last Closet here. It contains a good synopsis of the pedophile problem in Sci-Fi fandom, and I find it extremely troubling:

I was also becoming increasingly aware of a wrongness that emanated from that community like a faint, but unmistakably foul odor.

There were rumors about the real reason behind science fiction grandmaster Arthur C. Clarke’s bizarre relocation from southern California to Sri Lanka. There was the arrest of David Asimov, son of science fiction legend Isaac Asimov, for the possession of the largest stash of child pornography the police had ever seen. There were the public defenses offered by many science fiction authors on behalf of the SFWA member and convicted child molester Ed Kramer. There was the naming of NAMBLA enthusiast and homo-horrorporn author Samuel Delaney as SFWA’s 2013 Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master.

And then, of course, there was the historical Breendoggle, a fifty-year-old debate among science-fiction fandom concerning whether a child molester, Walter Breen, should have been permitted to attend the science-fiction convention known as Pacificon II or not. Believe it or not, the greater part of fandom at the time was outraged by the committee’s sensible decision to deny Breen permission to attend the 1964 convention; science-fiction fandom continued to cover for the notorious pedophile even after his death in 1993. In “Conspiracy of silence: fandom and Marion Zimmer Bradley”, Martin Wisse wrote:

Why indeed did it take until MZB was dead for her covering for convicted abuser Walter Breen to become public knowledge and not just whispered amongst in the know fans. Why in fact was Breen allowed to remain in fandom, being able to groom new victims? Breen after all was first convicted in 1954, yet could carry out his grooming almost unhindered at sf cons until the late nineties. And when the 1964 Worldcon did ban him, a large part of fandom got very upset at them for doing so.

The fact that fandom had been covering for pedophiles for decades was deeply troubling. And yet, we would soon learn that this wrongness in science fiction ran even deeper than the most cynical critics suspected.

The easy explanation is these freaks all found each other and supported each other, and that is why they were dominant in the field. And yet…

The publishing industry is not an island. It is one cog in a much larger machine – the media-industrial machine. We hear about media conglomerates, but few understand the mechanism which produces them. Why does a national mega-corporation like Disney own, and pay the salaries at a myriad of local news programs in podunk towns out west? Why does GE, which produces electronics and appliances like microwaves, own radio stations? What does a Disney Theme Park have to do with Fifty Shades of Gray, Marvel Comics, and Good Housekeeping Magazine? Why did all these entities come together?

The secret is mentions. Mentions sell products, like magic. It doesn’t matter what it is – a book, a new invention, even the “Pet Rock.” Mention something, and a percentage of the listening audience will buy it, like robots.

Somebody, somewhere, once noted that if someone heard about a brand seven times or more in a short period of time, that brand stuck in their head, and if they ever needed to buy one, that is the one they would buy. Need a car? Would you buy a Ford, or a Yungling? Want a microwave for your new kitchen? Would you go GE, or Haibo? You get the idea. Haibo could be better than GE, and it would make no difference in what you would want emotionally. Those are seven or more mentions at work. Suddenly a competitive market is a blowout.

Books are the same way. Which sold more copies, Fifty Shades, which is just a waste of time, or SJWs Always Lie, which might just save someone’s entire life from being destroyed these days? Which name will people recognize, even decades after its release? Which will they buy?

The media conglomerates formed because someone realized that if the microwave company owned the TV Station, they would get free mentions for their microwave, and sell more and make more profit, and then they would get the profits from the TV Station too. It was win-win, times a hundred.

Soon, the media company formed as TV stations bought radio outlets, publishing houses, movie production companies, and magazines. It could put mentions in books, magazines, in news stories on the radio station, in news broadcasts on TV stations, and on and on. Wasted airspace in the news show was now producing income because of stories about products the media company sold. The softdrinks in the concessions at the theme parks could be in paper cups with the latest movie’s graphics, while the soft drink company bought advertising on the TV station that featured the movie’s actors promoting their movie in the softdrink ad. It is all one giant corporate advertising circle-jerk, which will drown out any smaller business beneath the tsunami of free mentions for the big company’s products. Use things like hypnotic techniques and market analysis to optimize the return on advertising effort and investment, and nothing could stop the machine.

The media companies either formed or bought publishing houses because it was easy money. Take something cheap to produce and utterly moronic like Fifty Shades, and promote it for free on your media platform with news stories and puff pieces, and you can reap hundreds of millions from the books, movies, and whatever else. Licensed sex toys, clothing, posters, and on and on. And as Fifty Shades takes off, you use it to build actors and talent that can promote other stuff, and mention products in the movies which you want mentioned for other profits elsewhere. Even the first book promoted the second and third, which themselves promoted other stuff. It was the world’s biggest corporate advertising circle-jerk.

Of course the Deep State has its tentacles in the machine too. Where there is power and money there is control, and Deep State made sure it owned the key players in that machine, so it could control the machine.

So Sci-Fi fandom is not an Island. The media machine picks who wins and who loses, and the media who do the picking may just be Deep State, because Human Resources is where you control a company’s very essence by controlling who is in it. Which brings us back around to Pizzagate, and the pedophile problem in Sci-Fi publishing. Who was picking these authors to win, especially when their products were crap that even a fan like Vox rejected?

MMA and BJJ fighter Eddie Bravo had a funny line on one of the Joe Rogan Podcasts. He said he used to listen to Alex Jones, and he was totally with Jones as he related how things worked, the conspiracies, the players, and the interests moving everything. But he said Jones always seemed to ruin his analysis at the end by saying something like, “And all of that is run by the Satanist pedophiles who run our government.” And yet now we find out that there are actually Satanist pedophiles who seem to infiltrate all of these power positions, and then promote other pedophiles into positions of power around them as they attend spirit cooking ceremonies run by a witch pouring ceremonial blood on stuff as she casts majick spells around decorative goat skulls.

Either there are masses of pedophiles everywhere and these congregations in leadership positions are not aberrations, or somebody is promoting them to positions of power. The alternative is that all of these places just happen to attract pedophiles reliably, while better authors, better leaders, better men, are unable to compete honestly with them – and a random sampling of people who happen to succeed in that field lack the normal human urge to throw pedophiles and degenerates into a volcano as an offering of righteousness to the Gods.

Increasingly, I just don’t buy it. And everywhere I look, I see shadows of the Deep State behind the degeneracy.

Spread r/K Theory, because it will feel good to finally make the nation unfriendly to pedophiles

This entry was posted in Conspiracy, Decline, Homosexuality, Liberals, Morals, Narcissists, Pedophilia, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Many of your questions would be answered if you got to know some pedophiles, or at least read the conversations they have with each other. You’re not breaking the law as long as you only exchange words, and web browsers have settings to turn off Javascript and image loading so you don’t accidentally get child porn on your hard drive.

A psychologist testing pedos in prison found that their IQs, which were generally low, correlated positively with the ages of their victims (i.e. lower IQs molested younger children). You see the same thing when police post a mugshot gallery of their latest pedo-roundup. Deformed faces covering deformed brains, as if their mothers drank paint thinner while pregnant.

Much of our brain mass evolved in a competition to trick other humans into mating with us, so adult-adult relationships are gratuitously complicated and full of shit-tests. By contrast, as one pedo put it, “Children don’t play games, they just want to love and be loved”, as do mentally retarded adults:

Sci-fi and fantasy offer an escape from this oppressively complicated world and its senseless (to them) rules, so they attract a lot of people who lack social skills.

7 years ago

I believe that having something shady -blackmailable- in your past is useful when people aspire power positions. It makes them controllable.
If somebody in power needs to assign another power position to somebody else, who does he pick? someone he has no control over whatsoever, or someone who may be less suited, but is guaranteed to do him a favour whenever pressed for it?

And of course people who want to exercise power (for whatever nefarious character flaw) will activity pursue it.

Now add that power corrupts, and what do you get…?

A big stinking pile of manure that increases in smell the higher you get…

… and then came Trump… whoa! that was not planned! get him out!

No need to wonder about the united front against Trump. They know, and I think Trump knows. I think that this is Trump’s real fight. The Wall, Tax breaks, Obama care, are all useful diversions. Important in their own right, but if he can drain the swamp, then good things will happen for years more to come. Far beyond his last term.

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
7 years ago

“…while better authors, better leaders, better men, are unable to compete honestly with them …”

While I still lived in Britain (I live abroad now) I seemed to see the quality of the political class decline steadily. I had known some of the new establishment as a young man around young men, and was mostly unimpressed. A few were good and honest, and I thought that regardless of their politics. Oddly, those few are now dead.

Regarding outages. I got here following the link at Vox’s story on The Last Closet. I still get the iPage screen following the usual link. I am coming in from Italy.

7 years ago

Now, that would be nuclear blackmail material. If there were to be a spiritual re-awakening in the United States, during a prolonged period of K selection the people would burn their pedo politicians at the stake if the blackmail were made public. This is also why, if you’re a counterintel officer, you could never have foreign intel in your country, even that of “allies”, “interacting” with your politicians. Who in the FBI/CIA would have allowed that? Did they know anyone on the board at Disney or GE? Did they maybe do any activities together? The answers should be self evident.

7 years ago

[…] Deep State and degeneracy “Anonymous Conservative sees a connection between The Last Closet and […]

Daniel Ream
Daniel Ream
7 years ago

So Sci-Fi fandom is not an Island.

Yes, it is.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, and you’re trying to claim the Deep State was interested in SF fandom in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Seriously?

The easy explanation is these freaks all found each other and supported each other, and that is why they were dominant in the field.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes the easy explanation really is the correct one. I say this as someone who was involved in the con scene during the 1980’s and left because it was impossible to ignore either the disturbing amount of perversion in it or the extent to which everyone involved was covering for or justifying it.

Now, if you’d said that the con scene was full of people with atrophied amygdala self-organizing into groups based on fictional utopias intended to minimize any kind of amygdala-triggering conflict, you’d be on more solid ground. You also wouldn’t be the first.

7 years ago

[…] Conservative sees a connection between The Last Closet and […]

Victoria Strauss
6 years ago

Victoria Strauss of Writer Beware and Pedophile Apologists at SFWA.

Writers should be wary of any individual or organization who uses propaganda and biased criticism, often profoundly hypocritical, and uses illegal trade practises to steer financial benefit and vulnerable minors toward their competing “recommended” services and personal tutelage.

Any entity which profits from advertising and kickbacks from such services should not pretend to be a “watch dog” organization, criticising competitors, but leaving their affiliated concerns unreported, even as they practice all of the “red flags” they portend to advise against.

The organizations of SFWA, Writer Beware, Absolute Write, and particularly Victoria Strauss are well-known to be disreputable and for decades, have unanswered legitimate questions regarding bias, false statements, and serious allegations as pedophilia apologists.

Concerned writers are advised to perform their own search queries on these topics to discover some hard truths and draw their own conclusions before considering any of the far-too-often misleading and incomplete reviews, which are often not based upon fact, but instead upon the opinions of unprofessional actors who stand to profit from misinformation.

SFWA and Writer Beware covers for and supports pedophiles. This is very recent and needs to be addressed. It’s hard to believe that an organization condoning sexual abuse of children has the moral superiority to criticise others.

And there is a growing number of individuals who will HIDE this information from you. Ask yourself: why are they censoring legitimate issues which concern a supposed “watch dog” group?

Can anyone trust a “watch dog” group that censors its own criticism? The answer is NO.