Castalia House Helps a Veteran Who Was Blackballed By SJWs

A good post here:

Will Caligan, a Desert Shield and Desert Storm veteran suffering Gulf War Syndrome, is out of a job… If you have followed any of my investigations into #Comicsgate you would know that the comics industry has been completely taken over by rabid alt-left types who spent their days devising ways to destroy beloved characters by “diversifying” them into an approved SJW mold. Caligan, a conservative Christian, had little chance of survival in that environment. One hint of wrongthink could spell curtains for any artist, writer or producer in today’s comics climate. In Caligan’s case, he made the catastrophic mistake of voicing his opinion about a pop culture story about a straight man rebuffing a kiss from a transwoman….

…I talked to Will and a few others and here is what we’re going to do. On Monday, we’re going to launch a special one-week Freestartr. Freestartr has reduced their usual fee to support the campaign and all of the funds are going to be used to hire Will, a colorist, and a cover artist to do as many comics as their normal rates allow, and to cover the cost of printing them. The comics will be based on the books(s) of one of the Castalia authors, to be chosen by the backers from a list that will be made public on Monday…

More details to come this weekend. I don’t know Will, but I agreed to pitch in because he is a Christian and a veteran and I think it is important to demonstrate to the SJWs and those they have successfully intimidated know that their victims are not going to be forgotten or left behind.

A noble effort. The only power leftists have is social ostracization. They can’t compete openly, so if you take ostracization from them, they are literally powerless. I cannot imagine how amygdala-hijacking it will be for the left when this comic artist is richer for having disrespected them, and their own ventures are failing utterly.

I have to confess, I thought the whole comic thing Vox went into was a lark just to screw with SJWs. I have literally never touched a comic book in real life or known anybody who openly admitted to buying them. I assumed what few sold were known characters anyone would recognize like Superman or Spiderman. The astonishing success of his new enterprises and the demand for a new publisher turning out non-converged comics is beyond anything I would have ever imagined.

K is farther along is many areas than I would even have thought possible. It is a good sign, assuming you’re not a leftist.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because K-strategists need to stick together

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7 years ago

As K-selection takes hold, anything or anyone who is K-type will probably become more innately triggering to the left. This is why SJWs always double down and they will probably be going berserk right before real K selection arrives. Going after veterans, however, is a really big darwinian mistake.

7 years ago

Didn’t know Vox’s comic was doing so good, (I hope it does because my brother told me he put money into the kickstarter) but the numbers came out for December. All the purse puppy comics, -such as Gay Iceman, racist Latina Lesbian Alien, Space Lesbian, etc- are all utter failures. Some have been cancelled. Right now, they are scrambling to save the industry from sjw destruction because comic stores are going out of business because of them. There’s a fundraiser to save the only comic book store in SF.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I used to read comics as a kid. I liked MAD magazine, cartoons[about race cars], I never really got into batman or superman or any of that.