Canadian Anti-Migrant Group Called “The Wolf Pack”

Is this an intellectual hat tip to r/K, or is it just deeper instinctual understandings bubbling up from the subconscious?

The commander of Canadian Forces Base Valcartier says the values of people in the far-right Facebook group La Meute are in direct contradiction to those of the military, but he’s not about to order soldiers to leave the group.

La Meute — which mean wolf pack in French — takes the position that Quebec’s policies of immigration and cultural diversity threaten Quebec society, and its members are particularly worried about Islamic fundamentalism making inroads in the province.

I expect as r/K catches on, things like this are going to multiply. Couching the battle in terms of rabbits and wolves has several effects. First is the concept of a pack building up in people. People are designed, as the concept of pack arises, to seek out a pack themselves. That in turn increases the permeation of the idea of pack, which in turn increase the numbers of people seeking to identify their pack member status. It is a vicious cycle which feeds itself, triggers splintering, and drives in-group loyalty .

The second effect is it aids the spread of r/K, which changes the entire political debate process. r/K is a frame changer in debate. The political debate now usually begins and ends in terms of how bad the opposition is, and people get frozen in their current ideological position by that. r/K changes the perspective of everyone in the debate by refocusing people on the issue of where politics came from in our evolutionary history. That issue, independent of politics today, engages peoples minds in the matter of picturing urges, evolutionary forces, reproductive rates, animals in a state of nature, scientific studies, and so forth. That refocusing draws them away from the reflexive focus on how much they hate the opposition.

Once it has refocused everyone on rabbits and wolves, and attached perceptions of good and bad to the political parties, r/K then draws them back into politics today, likening the parties to rabbits and wolves, and forcing the left to confront the fact their ideology tends to be disloyal, irresponsible, immoral, less fit and capable, and destructive of all that is good.

It is an excellent amygdala-kick, perfect for shocking liberals into thinking about their political urges in a totally different, very unpleasant way, even if just for a moment.

Then, as r/K catches on further, they will be forced to think about liberalism in unflattering terms more and more. That is painful to liberals, because liberals define themselves by their ideology. It is who they are. So when liberalism and leftism is unflattering and embarrassing, suddenly they themselves are unflattering and embarrassing. That amygdala stress is massive for a narcissist-like psychology, and when they are hit with it whenever they venture into active political discussion, it will eventually drive leftists to relief the only way they can find relief – to either exit politics entirely or redefine themselves as something other than left.

I suspect they will either redefine as libertarian and freedom-loving Grizzly Bears, or Wolves who have found their way home. Once they do that, they will throw themselves into rationalizing those freedom-loving beliefs to repair the damage to their perceptions of themselves and who they are. As a result, they will redefine themselves with a fierce aggression.

That is the power of r/K, and why I am so committed to seeing it spread worldwide. r/K is an idea that is perfectly designed to exploit all facets of leftist psychology to kill active support for leftism among liberals, and force them to redefine their belief systems. All r/K needs to do to accomplish this is to be familiar to everyone, and used frequently by conservatives to disparage liberals in debate.

On that front, I must confess to being a little disappointed. This month the email signup list for the free release has only increased its rate of signups by about 89% over last month. Still an impressive rate of increase, but I know this can do better.

Spread r/K Theory, because you want to see what happens when liberals redefine their reality to make themselves the tools we all know they are

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Conservatives, Economic Collapse, Immigration, In-grouping, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Narcissists, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

The commander of Canadian Forces Base Valcartier says the values of people in the far-right Facebook group La Meute are in direct contradiction to those of the military, but he’s not about to order soldiers to leave the group.

Make no mistake — the commander is an SJW, and when an SJW “chooses” not to punish defectors, it because he is unable to do so, even indirectly, or there is a betrayal currently being put in place.

That tells us that one or more of the following are true:

1) There are so many La Meute that to ban it would cause massive disruptions
2) There are so many cadre (essential NCOs and specialized positions) in La Meute that banning it would leave unfillable holes in their structure
3) They think is likely that if they crack down on Le Muete there would be actual sedition taking its place
4) La Meute is actually being run by the SJW military, and its purpose is to identify and then purge the Quebecer nationalists.

7 years ago

The commander is doing a decent Captain Canuck impression. 6/10
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