California Wants To Secede

Cali looks to break away:

Supporters of a plan for California to secede from the union took their first formal step Monday morning, submitting a proposed ballot measure to the state attorney general’s office in the hopes of a statewide vote as soon as 2018.

Splintering is beginning, and it being produced by amygdala. These forces now are weak and have to struggle against a Federal government awash in free resources. Obviously they are not likely to succeed under these environmental conditions.

When the Apocalypse hits however, these forces will be unimaginable, and the government will be both broke, and struggling to perform the most basic of services. I fully expect our economic collapse to make the conditions at the breakup of the Soviet Union look positively r-selected by comparison.

A lot of r/K is only uncomfortable for those who exist in the “wrong” state for the conditions around them. For a K-strategist, it is mildly bothersome to be trapped in a world of free resources and lack of threat. But for an r-strategist trapped in a world of K-selection, it is positively intolerable.

That is what we are heading toward.

You could tell other people that splintering happens because of r/K Theory.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Out-grouping, Politics, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] California Wants To Secede […]

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
8 years ago

I plan to stay put here in OC.

When the conflict starts, there will be plenty of opportunities to (war)lord it over all the rabbits in CA.

Matt Lawrence
Matt Lawrence
8 years ago

Works for me. And it would create a precedent for #texit

Reply to  Matt Lawrence
8 years ago

With CA gone, most of the impetus behind texit evaporates.

8 years ago
John Calabro
John Calabro
8 years ago

Trump should push to have California leave. This will have the effort to make the Republicans win almost every elections for a least the next 20 years.

8 years ago

California’s wealth comes from their intellectual property. If they secede, do they really think the military might of the US will be concerned with enforcing their intellectual property rights?