California To Use Tax Dollars For Free Beach Vacations For the Poor

r-selection is about free resources for everyone:

This week, California lawmakers introduced a new bill that will use taxpayer dollars to help low-income residents go on beach vacations. This is not simply an abuse of tax money — it is a perfect representation of how far California has drifted away politically from the rest of America.

The legislation, introduced by Democrat Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher, would direct state agencies to develop new, low-cost beach rentals and to improve existing ones at taxpayer expense.

While so many across America voted for lower taxes and less regulation, Californians chose a different path of higher taxes and more regulation. The politicians they elected have continued to fight for this agenda, which is part of legislative Democrats’ demands of radical solutions for societal ills.

After over two decades of Democratic control, California now faces an unfunded pension liability of no less than several hundred billion dollars, largely in part to the embrace of public sector unions and high minimum wage laws by the California Democratic Party.

Notice, there is no ability to contemplate the shortfall that is so clearly evident in the future. They literally cannot process that idea in their brain. It is like someone trying to see an infra-red light beam, and being unable to because their eyes are not designed to “see” that light wavelength.

These are programmed robots, designed to live in a world where shortfalls do not exist. Indeed, this brain mode has never even evolved the ability to process the idea that resources might one day be too short for everyone to have everything they want. When a brain adapts r, it just goes into full blown consumption mode, with no ability to stifle it.

Here, it manifests as leftists who are wasting money freely on beach vacations for indigents, even as their pension funds are all hurtling toward insolvency – and an even worse economic Apocalypse inevitably looms.

You cannot process this psychology in terms of logic or reason. It can only be understood through the prism of r/K Selection Theory.

Spread r/K Theory, because there will always be enough of it to supply everyone

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8 years ago

[…] California To Use Tax Dollars For Free Beach Vacations For the Poor […]

8 years ago

So the goal is to get black people to the beach.

If you are at a beach, and a group of black males show up, leave. (This is true even if you are black.) They are there for no good. They aren’t there to swim. They didn’t bring any beach equipment (beach towels, chairs, proper bathing suits, etc.) They didn’t bring money to buy any beach food. If they brought anything, they brought a personal supply of beer (they aren’t even sharing with each other) and weed.

They are there to fight, bully and steal. Leave before they start. It doesn’t matter how the group forms, whether they show up together or if they group up from a series of families. The end result will be the same.