California Legalizes Child Prostitution

And we are one more step closer to adopting the full panoply of r-selected rabbit mating behaviors:

Beginning on Jan. 1, prostitution by minors will be legal in California. Yes, you read that right.

SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.

This terribly destructive legislation was written and passed by the progressive Democrats who control California’s state government with a two-thirds “supermajority.”

To their credit, they are sincere in their belief that decriminalizing underage prostitution is good public policy that will help victims of sex trafficking.

There is no political theorem which would could possibly explain, let alone predict that an embrace of child sex would accompany the decline. Only r/K Theory can allow one to fully understand the changes which accompany the lives of civilizations, and the forces which are producing them.

r-selection is what our population is working toward. This is courtesy of free resource availability eliciting dopamine releases in our brains in such quantity that our amygdalae are being shut off, and atrophying. Part of this process is, in the most r-individuals, an erosion of all sexual boundaries, reduction in sexual selectiveness, and a drive to mate with younger mates – and it is growing in the populace.

This is a process, so for now we are just tolerating this, but given enough time, those who oppose it would end up risking incarceration by a society which would fully embrace the r-selected reproductive strategy as their “human right.”

The last boundary will be individuals withholding consent. I expect that at some point all the liberal fatties and uggos will demand the right to mate with whatever high-value mates they desire – and any high-value attractive person who withholds consent will be the one who risks state sanctioned punishment for their evil denial of the rabbit’s right to boink them.

Eventually in this process, even rape will be legalized, and rabbits will justify it in their mind with a rage at the pretty attractive people, and all the unfair advantages they enjoy due to their good genetic luck.

Spread r/K Selection Theory, because only K-selection will produce an environment where pedophiles are killed for their deviancy

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Dopamine, Liberals, Morals, Pedophilia, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] California Legalizes Child Prostitution […]

8 years ago

How to create a market…

Ban or legalise something!

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
8 years ago

This is a hoax story. The legislation actually protects minors who are victims of prostitution rings and sex trafficking.

Jolly Jaded Jurist
Jolly Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Vox recently wrote about ultra-high-IQ minds. I don’t remember every point (rum’ll do that to ya), but there was something in it about UHIQs being able to smell a bad argument before they can articulate why.

Jolly Jaded Jurist
Jolly Jaded Jurist
8 years ago

“… rape will be legalized, and rabbits will justify it in their mind with a rage at the pretty attractive people…”

Precisely what every rapefugee, whose home country produces only fugly mustached women, thinks of our “infidel” women. And boys.

8 years ago

In 2016, warm weather and rising CO2 levels caused wheat production to smash records all over the world, in many cases records set in 2015. With silos and warehouses bursting at the seams with humanity’s staple food crop, this r-selection could continue for some time to come.

I wonder if part of the reason liberals hate GMO, pesticides, petroleum, and other technologies that enable large-scale commercial agriculture is the fear of creating something like Calhoun’s mouse utopia.

8 years ago

I was curious if it was possible that they snuck legalized child prostitution in too, so I did some digging and found a copy of the draft for California’s State Bill 1322 here:

Reads to me that it’s not legalizing child prostitution at all, but I’m sure it’s going to be perceived that way by those engaging in it or fearful of it. Seems the law is more along the lines of statutory rape, if anything. Apparently, some “lawmakers” recognize kids are engaging in prostitution primarily under duress, so they’re focusing on pimps and johns while leaving the kids in Child Protective Services custody instead of sending them to jail.

If this is aligned with r/K, then it present opportunities for law enforcement to target and identify individuals involved in the sex trade of minors for later wealth extraction after arrest by means of legal expenses. Simultaneously, the human resources administrations funding to engage servicing those identified as child prostitutes will explode, potentially inspiring later state budget meetings to consider redirecting funds from prisons or other funding to accommodate.

Michael Kumpmann
Michael Kumpmann
8 years ago

Liberals have truely a pretty skewed logic. On the one hand, they declare any male sexual desire as oppressive, abusive etc. (“All sex is rape”, “Rape Culture” and other such bullshit.) On the other hand, they legalize child prostitution.

Michael Kumpmann
Michael Kumpmann
8 years ago

I could imagine some german green politicians doing the same. Especially Greens like Volker Beck.

(Bye the way, in germany, the greens want to implement a curriculum for “sexual diversity” in schools, where children are taught about gang bang and sex toys. This curriculum, if you might not know, is supported by a pedophile lobbyist organisation: )

8 years ago

Happened before but the disease put a stop to that temporarily:

8 years ago

What an age,
To be old and impotent.

8 years ago

“The last boundary will be individuals withholding consent. I expect that at some point all the liberal fatties and uggos will demand the right to mate with whatever high-value mates they desire – and any high-value attractive person who withholds consent will be the one who risks state sanctioned punishment for their evil denial of the rabbit’s right to boink them.”

I don’t think it will get to that point because of technology. Bladerunner and Westworld point to the future of sexbots, but what about the future of CLONING? Right now a paparazzi photo of, say, Scarlett Johanson is worth a ton based on how much skin is on display, but what about when the white lab coats can replicate someone based on a stray hair? The reason for the debate over whether clones have rights is because the rich and powerful want to be able to grow their victims on an industrial scale.

Jolly Jaded Jurist
Jolly Jaded Jurist
8 years ago

This reeks of the Third Law: SJWs always project

8 years ago

slightly OT but
Surely for any sex crime it’s better to go for the criminals than the victims? Where the feminists go wrong is calling all X a victim, but victims still exist. If you look at the legal sex (sluttiness), it’s overwhelmingly men who are the sluts of this centuries. quick data discussion
I still say it wasn’t Universal Suffrage that caused this degeneracy, it was the Pill. Promiscuity begins with men, as the weak link in the testosterone chain (but no less capable of self control, I love that about men).