British Patriotism Surges

Another sign of K-selection:

PATRIOTISM has boomed in the UK with many Britons considering themselves English over British, a new poll has revealed

The statistics released by YouGov revealed the amount of people describing themselves as English rather than British has risen by five per cent since 2015, now amounting to whopping 19 per cent of Britons.

John Denham – a former Labour cabinet minister who led the study – admitted there is a growing correlation between identity and political behaviour.

Also the head of Winchester University’s Centre for English and Identity Politics, Mr Denham said: “Voters who most strongly identify as English are much more likely to reject Labour as a party and key Labour messages, like support for the EU….

He said: “The next big issue that’s going to come up in British politics beyond Brexit is Englishness.

“There is a value that unites the vast majority of British people away from the small metropolitan clique, and that value is patriotism.”

This is the beginning of splintering. It will not be long before in-grouping with the English will turn into out-grouping of the migrants – and everybody else who isn’t English.

Again, the real collapse conditions are not even close to what we are experiencing now, yet still we are seeing the shift. When the real collapse hits, the most hardened right today will look like the wishy/washy left of that future. I would not be surprised to find today’s desire to passively hoard our own resources will become an uncontrollable urge to raid and take the resources of others over the smallest slights.

It is entirely possible that the overall K-shift’s effect on the broader populace will make global war impossible to avoid.

Spread r/K Theory, because it will heighten the in-grouping effect, and promote patriotism

This entry was posted in Conservatives, Europe, In-grouping, ITZ, K-stimuli, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

Too low.

8 years ago

[…] British Patriotism Surges […]

Matt Lawrence
Matt Lawrence
8 years ago

And when Scottish patriotism rises, the English will need to rebuild Hadrians Wall.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Matt Lawrence
8 years ago

Or tell them we have Jobs for them!

(No relation to the comedian Andrew Lawrence are you? Funny guy, very K, blackballed by the BBC and defender of UKIP, am going to see him next week, looking forward to it)

8 years ago

AC, just a little time spent studying Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is nerve racking. I know there are many Pak migrants in the UK and this should worry the Brits from a security standpoint. If the UK stops the flow the Saudi-Pak axis will probably activate. If the Sunnis are even more radical in a few years expect their 200-300 IRBMs to come into play. India, Israel and Iran also get involved, each with nuclear capability. Mushroom clouds from Dublin to Delhi, and tens of millions of diseased Africans to boot. Only Trump, Putin, Le Pen and Farage at their respective helms can turn this back but it may be too little to late, this roller coaster is near the top. If the migrants stay the balloon goes up.