Britain No-Go Zones For Deliveries And Travel, German Killers, And Amygdala-Deficiency

Always nice:

Parts of London are being labelled ‘no-go zones’ for delivery drivers because of the volume of acid and knife attacks.

Hackney, Camden, Stoke Newington, Bethnal Green, Stratford and Elephant & Castle were also listed among the danger zones.

London has a higher number of acid attacks per person than any city in the world.

According to The Sun, delivery drivers are now slashing their hours and refusing to operate in parts of the capital – gangs are targeting them for their mopeds, holding them up at knife point or spraying acid in their faces.

It’s absolutely shocking that in Britain’s capital criminal gangs can roam the streets carrying acid with impunity. The Met faces £400m cuts, more than half of London’s police stations are set to close and people go all year without seeing a police officer on the beat

Meanwhile In Germany:

In the German city of Kandel (the land of Rhineland-Palatinate), a 15-year-old refugee from Afghanistan slaughtered a German woman of the same age.

As noted, the native of Afghanistan, Abdul D., inflicted a stab to a girl by the name of Mia with a 20-centimeter kitchen knife in one of the city pharmacies, where at that time there were from 15 to 20 people.

It is known that the deceased spent some time in a loving relationship with the murderer, but then she wanted to stop sleeping with him. After that, the Afghan began to threaten her and pursue the girl, her parents had to file a complaint against an insistent Afghan. The police held a conversation with him, but Abdul decided to wait for the girl and kill her.

Only a human rabbit could see some savage like that sleeping with his 15 year old daughter, and have no problem with it.

Then there is the inconvenient little fact of how if you import the third world, you will live in the third world.

It all takes me back to this part of this article I already referenced:

The first abnormality appears in the limbic system, the set of brain structures involved in, among other things, processing emotions. In a psychopath’s brain, this area contains less gray matter. “It’s like a weaker muscle,” Kiehl says. A psychopath may understand, intellectually, that what he is doing is wrong, but he doesn’t feel it. “Psychopaths know the words but not the music” is how Kiehl describes it. “They just don’t have the same circuitry.”

In particular, experts point to the amygdala—a part of the limbic system—as a physiological culprit for coldhearted or violent behavior. Someone with an undersize or underactive amygdala may not be able to feel empathy or refrain from violence. For example, many psychopathic adults and callous children do not recognize fear or distress in other people’s faces. Essi Viding, a professor of developmental psychopathology at University College London recalls showing one psychopathic prisoner a series of faces with different expressions. When the prisoner came to a fearful face, he said, “I don’t know what you call this emotion, but it’s what people look like just before you stab them.”

All of these idiots actually lack the neural circuitry to realize how bad an idea importing the migrants is.

Imagine if every time you paid a cashier at a checkout counter, they made this expression:

And they would continue to make it, as they got your change, and sent you on your way. Furthermore, imagine if that was normal, and nobody else thought it odd, because they would make the same expression if they were in the cashier’s place. If I showed you the expression, you would say you didn’t know what that emotion is, but people made it when they checked you out at a store.

That is how someone with a defective amygdala feels when they see a fearful face. They have no idea what is going on in someone’s brain, they just know when they stab someone, that is the facial expression they make. That is why the psychopath says, “I don’t know what you call this emotion, but it’s what people look like just before you stab them.”

Now look at us with the Migrant Fetishists, the left in America, and the Cuckservatives. We see problems. We see stupidity. We know this will all be a problem. But the Migrant Fetishists, lacking amygdala, cannot fathom what we see and feel. Migrant Fetishists would say of us, “I don’t know what they are feeling, but that is how they get when we are importing migrant rapists.” Just like the psychopath stabbing someone, they have no idea why what they are doing would be wrong, or why we might be upset about it.

Even as their daughters are raped and stabbed, and their cars are set alight, and people can’t go in migrant neighborhoods because everyone is throwing acid in people’s faces and robbing them, the left cannot fathom that importing third world scum is a bad idea. They are the mental defectives, who actually lack the circuitry to foresee the problems they are creating, and the relation of present problems to decisions they made.

Even worse, like the psychopath, I suspect they like the euphoria they feel from watching the misery they are inflicting on their fellow humans.

It is quite shocking, actually. From a cognitive perspective, they are exactly like the psychopaths in prison.

Once amygdalae come back online, and academics are thinking normally again one day, I expect they will study everything about this period of decline and collapse intensively, in awe of how free resource availability could actually destroy vital programming and capabilities in the human brain.

Still, the most amazing aspect is how everyone who is so afflicted, is not only clueless about their own deficiencies, but how they have come to believe fervently that it is the normal people who are the defectives who need to be destroyed.

We live in a world with the politics of psychopathy.

Spread r/K Theory, because you’ve gotta know who is the defective, and who is not

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Betrayal, Cuckservatives, Decline, Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Morals, Muslims, Narcissists, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Treason. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

“Only a human rabbit could see some savage like that sleeping with his 15 year old daughter, and have no problem with it.”

I think you should have read a bit more about biology and come up with a better comparisson then Rabbits, who constantly fight and kill each over for Territory and Mateing Partners.
Bonobo Monkeys for example behave like you desribe rabbits.

Reply to  Andy
7 years ago

And i just found out that the Parents reported that guy to the police a while ago.

7 years ago

I’m sure Sadiq Khan would tell us that roving gangs of incestuous psychopaths, completely shutting down all civilized commerce, is all part of living in a major city.

7 years ago

> who actually lack the circuitry to foresee the problems they are creating

Let’s compare two cases…

1) In a company infested with SJWs it was obvious that James Damore’s memo would get him fired. Yet he did not realize this and killed his career with a smile on his face while sincerely trying to help. The man is very smart. Why did he not see it coming? He does have Asperger’s, which may play a large part in this. Watching him in interviews…

…it is patently obvious that he’s a sweet cinnamon roll. He looks like a harmless sad puppy, his emotions are plain to see, and my reaction is I want to hug that guy.

2) The former professor now famous for tweeting how he “wants white genocide for christmas”.

Comments on the article linked are 99% decent people horrified by this guy, and one lone SJW scolding them. So, same question: how the hell would someone tweet THAT and not expect backlash? Here he is, in the flesh. Check his body language…

This one is a snake. I encourage you to watch the whole (short) video and listen to his arguments, and also his rhetoric. Unbelievable smugness. Caught red-handed, unrepentant, weasels out of it. And most important, he argues his tweet was satire, then one minute later provides ideological justification for it.

Also, the video has a nice happy end: Tucker Carlson nukes him, yet his reaction to this is… strangely neutral.

I would be very interested in your analysis of this specimen, if you deem him worthy of a blog post!

My thoughts:

1- He knew he shouldn’t have tweeted that, but thought he’d get away with it anyway. Nearly managed it, as he stayed in position for a year! So, he was simply trolling, but failed at it. Why? I love trolling, yet it is an art which requires understanding the target’s emotions in order to cause them to shoot themselves in the foot… What he did was troll himself…

2- He had trouble foreseeing the backlash because he actually believes that it’s a perfectly okay thing to say. He can intellectually deduce that others will react badly, but he can not feel it. He blames others for their reaction.

3- He couldn’t help himself. He must have felt so proud of sticking it to Whitey. In fact, he sounds like he gets off on it.

What I see is a guy who has done a very good job at persuading himself that the people on the other side aren’t real humans, and thus targets for extermination… yet all the while failing to realize that the other side will eventually come to the exact same conclusion about him.


Robert What?
7 years ago

Apparently to rabbits, virtue signalling and exhibiting GoodThink are more important than the safety and lives of their own children. Which tells you how much they care about your children.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I watched this. HAHAHHA Tucker Carlson cracks me up,”You’re not capable of writing a clear sentence…You’re writing is child like…”. I don’t watch TV but every now and then someone will have him on and I stop and watch. He’s very good. I may start watching TV again just to see his show.

Watching the second video I ask,”Why shouldn’t people expect White dominance in a society created by Whites?” Should it be dominated by the Chinese or pygmies or Jews or Kangaroos? What’s the point of having a country if you don’t run it? Beats me.