Britain Four Meals From Anarchy

How close is Apocalypse?

BRITAIN would be just “four meals away from anarchy” if Russia cut off the power supply to the country, experts have warned.

London and Moscow have already thrown out 23 of each other’s diplomats as a row between the two countries over the poisoning of an ex-spy deepens.

In 2009 Russia cut off gas exports to Europe by 60 per cent overnight…

“And that sort of scenario could happen anytime – it could happen tomorrow.”

Russian hackers could also target the National Grid to bring down power systems…

Weitzdörfe said law and order would break down as soon as people had eaten what was in their cupboards, adding that a previous study estimated the country is “four meals away from anarchy”.

Bear in mind how if the climate changed appropriately and Russia decided it needed the fuel itself, Britain would be in Apocalypse even without a war with Russia. And things look to be heading in that direction:

… the 2017 data point (an average of 2016 and 2017 anomalies) is slightly lower than the 2016 point (an average of 2015 and 2016). This implies that temperatures have fallen substantially during some months in 2017 below those of 2016, as if some sort of cycle may be taking place. One can observe this from the monthly data in Figure 2, where temperatures peak in the first three months of 2016 before declining sharply in April and falling below those of 2015 from October through December. Temperatures for the first eleven months of 2017 are below those of the corresponding months in 2016. Importantly, the downward trend in temperatures continues into 2018, where January and February anomalies are both below December 2017, and those of the previous three years.

Of course when I see this, I see Deep State escalating things until Russia cuts the fuel, and then Deep State crashing Britain’s energy grid with a cyber attack that will be blamed on Russia.

Overnight you could have a few hundred Sept 11ths go down as the Muslims and migrants go feral, at which point May could invoke Article 5 of NATO, and there is your World War, and a distraction from the Great Awakening.

You should tell everyone you know about r/K Theory, because an Awakening is coming, one way or another

This entry was posted in Apocalypse cometh, Economic Collapse, Europe, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychology, Splintering, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

We desperately need to get out of NATO.

7 years ago

Start stockpiling food, move to the country. Get in contact with relatives that live away from cities, form defensive groups. Make friends with other likeminded native Brits, even if they’re strangers. That’s the only way to survive the globaalist blitz.

7 years ago

The Russian Federation is allergic to WWIII, and will do neither. FYI:

John Calabro
John Calabro
7 years ago

Hey Anonymous, I think you will like this article by VoxDay

I am wondering with the technology today if we can keep tabs of all the r types supporting open borders and Trans Children for when society turns K.

Also I think you might like this

Dr. Steve Turley talks about the growing change around the world where the people of the next generations are more religious and nationalism. It would seem from the videos I have been watching is that the r types are not having as many children (if any) as the ultra religious K’s. Ancient Rome fell and in my opinion was going to fall since they were not having children and importing barbarians to do the jobs. Dark age was always going to happen and did not help that the trade in Egypt was shut down and the sea’s raided by the arabs. The people that come later on were the Christians since they were the few people that wanted kids

7 years ago

Won’t stop them from bringing in more Muslim men of fighting age.

Reply to  ellone
7 years ago

Good thing they’re such shitty fighters, then.

7 years ago

AC, off topic, but I thought you’d be interested
tl;dr Tuberculosis is up in Venezuela.

7 years ago

Adapt 2030 on youtube. Might be interesting to you.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Derek
7 years ago

Yeah, Adapt 2030, Ice Age Farmer, Oppenheimer Ranch Project, Curtis Stone Urban Farmer. ALL worth a look and listen to get info on the Grand Solar Minimum, THE trend that will dominate the next 20 years.