Brazil Hands Out Food To Unpaid State Employees

A glimpse of our future:

At the foot of a tall building in downtown Rio de Janeiro, government workers line up for donated groceries, unable to buy their own because their salaries have not been paid.

Inside, on the 13th floor, a food bank set up by a labor union is handing out plastic bags of groceries to help state employees as Brazil struggles through its worst recession in a century. The state of Rio, which is fighting off bankruptcy, has stopped paying salaries and pensions amid the crisis — leaving nearly half a million people and their families to depend on private charity. Celia Moitas Pinto and her sister donated two large bags of food in “solidarity.”

Pinto’s sister works for the government herself. But she is still getting paid thanks to a court injunction requiring the state to keep paying salaries of employees in the justice system. She is luckier than her colleagues in public health and education, who have not been paid since November. “There are recessions all over the world, but here it’s been caused by theft and corruption,” Pinto said bitterly. “I’m ashamed to be Brazilian,” the 71-year-old added.

These Latin American countries are great test cases of what is coming. We’ll be able to watch our entire future play out there, before it begins playing out here. Of course here, I would expect flash mobs to eventually begin targeting the food banks, to clean them out all at once. Diversity will enhance the K-competitiveness between groups during harshness.

All of our resource dispersal systems have become the equivalent of Ponzi schemes. Governments began to run out of money back in the late seventies, at which point Regan began tapping the National Debt to keep payments going out the door, and now every level of government is basically leveraging pain in the future to keep the good times rolling now. If only those running Ponzi schemes could borrow indefinitely from a nearly limitless line of credit to keep the good times rolling, the way our government does.

This is coming here, though it would have been coming a lot faster if the Clintons were back in the White House, selling off everything they could to enrich themselves at the expense of the country.

Of course if Hillary had won, we would very likely have ended up in a global war with Russia, so our economic impoverishment would have been the least of our problems.

Spread r/K Theory, because the apocalypse is coming, just as it is happening in other countries

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8 years ago

[…] Brazil Hands Out Food To Unpaid State Employees […]

8 years ago

The Trump administration does feel like a godsend, some kind of biblical reprieve. Imagine exhausting food/ammo caches just in time for the nukes to drop, especially when a limited nuclear exchange could be survivable in a rural area. All you would need is a few weeks food in your basement but you exhausted it in the Venezuelan contango. Also anything nuclear goes double for Bio.

8 years ago

I found this forecast from a military contractor known as Deagle published in October 2014, it might interest you in their predictions of what will happen to the United States in their 2025 forecast:

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  Anonymous
8 years ago

Wow, that’s some serious doom porn. I don’t know what to think of that. The numbers for the U.S. seem crazy.