..and I am in no way an HRC fan. I’ve been on the receiving end of her operatives’ wrath. And it ain’t fun,
— Anthony Bourdain (@Bourdain) May 2, 2018
No it is not. He had been criticizing Hillary because of her association with Weinstein, who had harassed his girlfriend.
My assumption is either the harassment he got was Hillary’s private intel operation, or more likely it was Cabal’s domestic network telling him to back off of one of Cabal’s valued employees, and he just assumed it was Hillary’s forces because of the timing and the message. Either way, notice he never went to twitter to talk about it, or sought legal redress from the authorities, despite it not being fun. There are a lot of people all over seeing behind the curtain, and realizing nothing was as it seemed.
This would explain why when Cabal found the need to cash out some old accounts, suddenly he decided, on a moment’s notice, to hang himself with a bathrobe belt in a hotel bathroom on a foreign continent.
Notice that in a hotel, a faked keycard would facilitate easier access to a room, food is not made by the target or controlled and thus could be drugged or tainted, a target’s unfamiliarity with the environment’s norms would make surveillance awareness more difficult, and the high amygdala of a distracting foreign environment combined with jet lag, would produce a less aware, more vulnerable target.
As with many of these events, the initial narrative is released, only to later be contradicted by lone individuals who didn’t know they were supposed to lie. Although the colleague who found him claimed Bourdain had been in a dark place, the Maitre’ D at the restaurant where Bourdain ate the night before said he had seemed very upbeat and happy.
Eventually the truth will all come out.
Tell others about r/K Theory, because they can never keep their story completely straight
I’ve read it’s common for those who are depressed and have decided to end their lives to be in a pretty upbeat mood once they’ve decided on their path. Almost like the pressure is off and they can relax and enjoy their final hours. Not sure if that’s what happened to AB, but he had darkness to him.
Wait, didn’t he get cucked by that journalist in the photos making kissee kissee with his (supposed) girlfriend?
Bourdain had been clear that he would kill himself with heroin if it ever came to that. Of course, the b-team that the Cabal is down to didn’t do enough research to make it clean.
This is all really quite peculiar. Bourdain’s death is certainly suspicious, and then there was not only the oddly similar ‘suicide’ of Kate Spade, but the extremely bizarre business of her widower leaving the house in a hideous mouse mask. Henry Makow notes the case of a Rothschild heir who was ‘suicided’ in a near identical manner as Bourdain in 1996, in the same country (France). In fact, there is an actual list of 11 cases of celebrities taking this particular exit from the stage set.
Q has posted from Singapore! In answer to one anon Q isn’t there to protect POTUS, but the other one!
One drop is specifically about Spade and the connections with childrens’ charities, import/export (perhaps of her products) from China to Long Beach. Sale of her first co, connections to Clinton Foundation etc. Says there is a lot more to come out and asking that ALL suicides are noted and tracked.
A week to remember….
Seems like he was a right C¥nt!
I’m glad he’s dead…but was it necessarily the other side?
I think you are underestimating his talent somewhat. I’ve seen his show and other “cooking” (really travel) shows. Bourdain had a facility with language, a creativity, a metaphorical sense and a quickness that was a real talent; it’s not something that just anyone else could do. The other celebrity “chefs” were nowhere in his league when it came to telling stories, chatting with strangers, etc. And yeah, you could argue that was all scripted, weren’t his stories, etc., but it still leaves the gap compared with others who may also have been scripted.
To be clear, I was no fan of Bourdain on a personal level. He was an anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Trump globalist. But I’ll give him credit where it’s due.