Bonobos Prefer Bullies

Check this out:

* Infants as young as three months old can distinguish nice guys from creeps

* Experts wanted to find out if the same preference could be found in bonobos

* Instead they found a preference for dominant and unhelpful individuals

Acting nasty is a big turnoff for most people, but for our primate cousins, the bonobos, it’s actually an attraction.

While humans generally prefer individuals who are nice to others, members of the species – who are closely related to homosapiens – prefer the company of bullies, according to a new study.

Experts say the results suggest that peoples’ preference for cooperation evolved after our species diverged from other apes, around six to seven million years ago.

Notice, there is a faint undercurrent of embracing good, or embracing evil. They need to do this with Chimps, and see how they respond. When the chimps prefer helpers, it will be massively supportive of r/k Theory’s effects on psychology.

r/K is funny. It basically revolves around the idea that when evolution was forming brains and their varied adaptive traits, it consolidated all of the traits of r and K in one brain structure. This was so that when exposed to one environment, all that had to happen was that one brain structure flip form in response to the one stimulus, and the organism’s entire suite of r/K behaviors would all switch together.

This happened long before humans, and may even trace its initial origins to the first organism which formed an amygdala. It is even possible the amygdala’s formation was a critical evolutionary event, unifying all cognitive functions within one structure, at which point all non-amygdala processing organisms rapidly were out-competed. From there, it was simply a straightforward process to structure amygdala development one way or another, to centrally direct all cognitive thought patterns and behaviors to go r or K together at once.

So we know everything r/K is united in that amygdala, but it is always funny to see just how deep the linkages go, how many super-complex cognitive traits are involved, and how they pop up in other species when we look.

Bonobos and chimps are essentially the r and K variants of one form of primate. Chimps live in large territories where they need to fight to maintain their access to resources to survive. As a result, chimps exist in patriarchal societies, where sex is relatively constrained, fitness based sexual selection is the norm, and they form up into loyal packs to launch violent raids on neighboring tribes.

Bonobos live in an area where resources are relatively free, and as a result they live in pacifistic, matriarchal societies, where females are the aggressive, dominant leaders, and mating selection is promiscuous and totally unselective. Those dominant females punish any males who become aggressive and violent, at which point the cowardly males flee. Sex is referred to as a “Bonobo handshake” because it is engaged in so frequently and indiscriminately, often on just meeting.

So we know all those r/K traits are linked, and where you see them in humans you can look back on more primitive animals and see the exact same thing. But it is funny to see one of the more complex hallmarks of the human rabbits, namely the preference for the company of bullies and jerks, look at the r-selected Bonobos, and see the exact same thing – and see that it is so deeply encoded it shows up in the youngest children.

Now look at Europe, where leftists are desperately desirous of importing as many violent rapists and murderers as they can, from one of the most violent regions of the world, where they practice a religion that expressly hates us. Look at the American left’s love of Islam, their support of criminals and savages, and their reflexive support for any violent enemy of America, from the Viet Cong, to the Soviets, to the radical Muslims. Even the American Cuckservatives are the exact same thing, hating the blue collar Americans who you could live in peace with forever, and preferring any Chamber-of-Commerce-Approved savage, low-IQ foreigner from a third world country where violence and disorder are the norm.

The political problem of the willing decline of the west is a cognitive problem. It is not one of morals, or logic, or reason or philosophy. You will not be able to convince the enemy of the error of their ways any more than you could convince a baby rabbit that it should hunt and eat mice, or a baby hawk that it should eat grass and leave the rabbits and doves alone.

The only thing you can do is ride the bucking bronco of political zeitgeists until a suitable moment comes along to exploit, to seize a position of public exposure, where you can add K-stimuli to the environment and shift the masses to a more K-selected psychology.

As you can see, those moments are beginning to pop up all around us.

Spread r/K Theory, because our opportune moment is fast approaching

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Betrayal, Conservatives, Cuckservatives, Immigration, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Morals, Muslims, Nationalism, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Treason. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Bonobo and Chimps should have been your example for the r/K selection from the beginning instead Wolfs and Rabbits. The homo sapiens is closer related to these two apes then the indian elephant is related to the african elephant.

7 years ago

I thought of Bonobos when I first read your book too.  I have excerpts from some pages here if you are interested.

It is suggested that Chimpanzees had to compete with Gorillas on one side of a river while Bonobos did not.  Easy-going access to resources versus dangerous access to food.

The Hominoid Psychology Research Group page has a chart that looks as if it could have come from the r/K book.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
7 years ago

This is priceless. I can’t wait until leftists are finally accepted by the public as motherf’ing rabbits.