Bombard On Rosenstein’s Testimony

Great analysis:

The turning and avoidance of eye contact is an instinctual attempt to downshift the amygdala as it is being amped up by extreme stress. It is puzzling, because you would think Rosenstein would be able to answer like a boss if the things he was doing were above board. If Omarosa had killed somebody in the White House using poison, for Russian intelligence, and I needed to expand the investigation into that to unravel a Russian conspiracy against our government I would act forthrightly, making eye contact and interacting directly, even as I refused to answer to protect the investigation. That he enters such high stress that he cannot make eye contact, plays with paper, and even breaks into a nervous laugh, makes me wonder first, just what he has approved that is so bad and two, just what did Mueller and company have as leverage to force him into doing something so stressful to him.

So we know Mueller is going at Trump family finances, and apparently he is doing so quite afield from the Russia investigation. I would think Donald is squeaky clean, and I would assume Don Jr and Erik would be too. Jared’s father has some history of trying to play the game a little too hard for the machine’s tastes however, which makes me wonder if Mueller didn’t think he might find something there which could be used to blackmail President Trump.

This is Deep State hardball. Lets hope everybody has managed to keep himself squeaky clean, and the God Emperor’s people have some surprises of their own.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because as rough as it is about to get, r/K will help

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Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

Regarding Jared’s father, a Jewish NYC real estate mogul almost certainly has some shady and dishonest dealings. Of course the media will try to tie them to Trump in some fashion. Hopefully he is not blind sided by them.