Baltic Dry Collapsing – K-selection Approaching

If free resources produces r-selection, what will this produce?

A key barometer of world trade has crashed to a record low in a worrying sign the global economy is grinding to a halt.

The so-called Baltic Dry Index, which measures the cost of shipping raw materials such as coal, iron ore and grain, has fallen nearly 70 per cent since August to its lowest level since its introduction in 1985.

The slump – which analysts said showed ‘global trade is really suffering’ as the outlook worldwide darkens – fuelled fears that the economy is heading for the rocks.

Obviously this isn’t the big one upon us. But it is interesting to think about how hard all the eggheads are working to prop things up. Even with all the tools they have, they can’t stop things like this. When the system is out of balance, balance will return by force.

Right now the one unnecessary weight holding things back is Obama. Because of that, things will decline between now and the election. Things will head K socially and politically as well. Then that dead weight that we all know as Obama will be dropped by the nation.

At that point President Trump or President Cruz enters the picture, people will flood back in, their economic policies will lift things up, a small r-bubble of dopamine and enthusiasm will build, and things will rise again for a bit. By then we will be at 20 to 22 trillion in national debt according to the rosy bullshit numbers however, and even with the brightest minds that will not reverse. People just are not going to willingly tolerate what it would take to put that house back in order. As that catches up, then things will begin the real decline.

K-selection is unavoidable.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

If the US debt represents an insurmountable obstacle, then it would follow that it doesn’t really matter whether Trump wins or not, and more generally any efforts to forestall a collapse are efforts wasted. Effort that could be used to educate people, or prepare oneself for the collapse better, or to go golfing or skiing. Does that sum it up?

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

Many Americans are already spoiling for a fight and far too well armed equipped and yes starting to be trained to be easily sent to the camps.

I mean it took mere days to out FBI infiltrators in Oregon and people are now on the lookout for such. Its a bit disruptive to organizing but its not crippling since its quite easy to develop countermeasures and protocols which people have and will.

Also its nearly impossible to keep secrets, I means the OPM basically leaked everyone with a security clearance and their families most important information. The millions of cleared people.

The information didn’t vanish, its out there and I doubt anyone has auto-magically gotten better at information security. No doubt it will happen again and it basically requires only one Snowden to do it

The military from what I can suss out is not especially loyal below officer rank, the upper officer core is mostly political apparatchiks Liberal but such people are useless in real conflicts.

Also the “normal” liberal Left is scared since they’ve see the totalitarian psychosis of the younger SJW members as well. This make it a lot harder to get a consensus and as SJW’s typically turn on each other. That too won’t not hard to get started

What you’d probably get is the end of the Union a staggering bloodbath will a death toll on par with World War 2.

Everyone is trying to avoid that.

Anyway voting in Trump or if not possible Cruz simply buys people more time and any time you aren’t using your hatchet, you can train, prepare and sharpen it.

If we get exceptionally lucky we might, slim odds but not impossible even get the Renaissance

Reply to  Nathan
9 years ago

Right, that’s what I mean though. A slow soviet-style gulag existence would be horrible. I guess I’m not sure which is more likely to lead to that, someone like Trump who can repair the system and keep it afloat a little longer while protecting some rights like you mentioned, or someone bad like Hillary who will speed the collapse up while also organizing FEMA camps.

John Calabro
9 years ago

Hey Anonymous Why do you like Cruz?

He took a loan from Goldman Sachs and forgot to disclose it. The fact that he made be born in Canada might be a problem for elections.
His tax plans sounds good how much would he actually change is a good question. He said that he wants to rid of the IRS but still have Federal income tax? (yes it would be 10%) You would ended up with the same thing but called something else.

I put the link for the Goldman Sachs article

John Calabro
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

Thank you for the reply.
It could be me but I am 30 and I have been disappointed with politicians making promises and not keeping them. I remember the speeches that George Bush Jr said before coming into the presidency. He talk how we should get less involved with foreign conflicts (at the time of Bill term in office the American people and the rest of the world they were becoming sick of foreign peace missions around the world) and focus more on the economy at home. How different it turn out to be.

I guess to some people felt that way with Obama’s hope and change. I did not believe it.
I watch the Obama deception and the case it made along with the the fact that there was no way logically that he could make all the promises since (I was reading a lot on economies and especially Austrian economies) resources are finite and of course the lesson learn from George Bush’s years I knew it was too good to be true. I hope the Donald Trump (or Cruz) turn’s out differently but I will not be let down if it doesn’t.