Baked Alaska Blinded By Acid Attack

Think about this:

Baked Alaska was the victim of an acid attack to his eyes, still in the hospital, may be permanently blinded.

The perpetrator(pic related) appears to be associated with the antifa group “Redneck Revolt” a red bandanna being their signature uniform.

Let’s find this guy and bring justice just like with the bike lock.

They loaded the chemical into a pressurized canister to spray it, and now Alaska has a $12,000 hospital bill already – and he may be blinded.

Notice, it wasn’t some random alt-right activist who got hit and ended up in the hospital. Only one alt-righter has been acid attacked and blinded at these events that I have heard of, and he was a well-known personality in the movement. That seems coincidental to me.

It could have been an attack of opportunity, but that would mean many Antifa attackers were carrying acid, and didn’t use it anywhere else or hospitalize anyone else. If this was random chance, somebody else would also have been blinded by acid and in the hospital. Instead, they took this shot once, and hit a high value target. This feels more like one Antifa attacker brought acid for this attack specifically, and in a specially packaged delivery device as well. Which begs the question, if it was planned, how was targeting done?

There is a good chance that either Antifa, or the larger Soros funded orgs behind it, may be running surveillance on our better-known members, clocking their movements, and now they are targeting specific attacks when they can and cloaking them in the chaos of these protests.

It is not at all impossible Baked Alaska has had some Soros-funded actors monitoring his activities, who clocked that he was coming, and he was then tracked and monitored in preparation for this. Taking out the leaders of our movement is a logical strategy, if they want to try and blunt the right’s momentum.

We may have now entered the real-deal part of the K-shift for those who are trying to contribute to the movement actively. Before, understanding how to recognize when you are under coverage was simply a skill it was useful to develop for the future. Now, if you are thinking of having any sort of real effect on what is coming, you need to bear in mind that there could be a professional private investigative agency fielding real former FBI or CIA operators, hired by the left’s money men to find out who you are, and clock your movements so you can be attacked under the guise of a random assault. If you don’ see the threat coming, or at least act as if it is coming, you will be incredibly vulnerable.

If you are a blogger or leader and you attend one of these rallies, recognize that before the event, there may be Antifa actors recruited to a briefing where surveillance photos of you are taped to a whiteboard and they are given specific orders on where you will be, who you will be with, and how to set up an attack to remove you from the action. Be random in your movements, and act as if this planning is going on – you can only thwart it with unpredictability. Also, wear eye and face protection, obviously.

The ultra-elite, ultra-rich left will be playing for keeps as Apocalypse closes in, because in their mind, this is the Presidency, the free world, and their very survival. That realization, that the enemy is playing for keeps, is the basis of the final pieces of the K-selected psychology – high paranoia and utter ruthlessness.

I know the Donald’s hands are somewhat tied, but if he can, at some point he should get the FBI and domestic intel to begin reviewing and penetrating any high end-leftist covert intel operations which are targeting the grassroots right for violence behind the scenes. If he doesn’t, his online support for 2020 could be decimated by a well planned intel operation with targeted hits like this. The young autists of reddit and chan, or the Berkeley College Republicans are not designed for this.

Be careful, and be paranoid. The left is getting terrified, and in that condition, anything is possible.

Given that, you cannot be too paranoid.

Spread r/K Theory, because this is rapidly heading into a war

This entry was posted in Conservatives, Conspiracy, Intel, ITZ, Politics, Surveillance, Technology, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Where does the random rabbit get a pressurized canister of acid?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago


7 years ago

If you think this is the dark part of the K-shift, then grab your socks and hold your rocks, because you haven’t seen anything yet.

gerry d welder
gerry d welder
7 years ago

‘Trump Convenes Emergency Meeting, Mobilizes NATO, After ANTIFA Leftists Confirmed Training In Venezuela’

Helmut Schparkle
Helmut Schparkle
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Fight fire with fire. Britain stopped jungle communist Chinese in Malaysia by massacring ANY communists and by putting the bounty on the head of any communist. If you behead a communist and bring it to the authorities you get monetary reward.

gerry d welder
gerry d welder
7 years ago

Russia Bans All Websites Related To American Democratic Party Due To Its “Racist History”

gerry d welder
gerry d welder
7 years ago

“mass hysteria bubble” (but also weaponized)

Breaking News Today 8/20/17, Trump Convenes Emergency Meeting Mobilizes NATO, USA news today

gerry d welder
gerry d welder
7 years ago

Bombshell from Wikileaks: 6 Republicans BRIBED by Clinton to RUIN Donald Trump

Duke Norfolk
Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

There’s no doubt that the announcement of the rally well ahead of time and the naivete’ of thinking they could deal with the local authorities in good faith (given what was know about them) were terrible mistakes. Will the lessons be fully learned? I don’t know.

I was hearing some participants (TRS crew, etc.) shortly afterwards saying that they would be going back there. I think that’s foolish, and pure egotistical behavior. Be smart, don’t be provoked into foolishness.

7 years ago

There is a muslim angle too. Their intelligence gathering network in N. America is extremely well developed, essentially with CIA-MI6 type training. They are definitely working with traitorous parts of the US government and probably most corporations. They also like hiring inner city types to break into right wing targets homes/apartments when these guys are at work. It’s time to start leaving the cities folks.

7 years ago

The rotten garbage commies are going to rot in jail and in hell when we are done with them.

Reply to  234534647643632
7 years ago

Dead commies have zero maintenance costs. No one but Jesus and those he resurrects have ever escaped death.