Arming the Military, Increasing Craziness, and Other Signs of K-selection’s Approach

You don’t see things like this happen so easily when the nation is in the midst of a Hippie surge.

As the investigation into the shooting deaths of 4 Marines continues, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson authorized Arkansas National Guard Adjutant General Mark Berry to arm full-time military personnel.

You also do not see this:

Approximately 30 armed citizens agreed to show up and protect the recruiting office today. They will be working shifts making sure every hour of the business day is covered.

That action is the result of a very specific triggering of threat-related circuitry in the brain, in the presence of a greater baseline irritation. It would be very easy to not show up, or want to do something but not get up and do it. These people are driven by a low baseline of amygdala-activation. In Chinese medicine, the amygdala irritant of anger is the emotion that drives direct action. These people are angry.

On Free Republic, Randall Flagg comments:

Oathkeepers in Colorado are lining up to do guard duty at the offices. My shift is next Friday at the recruitment office where I joined.

Meanwhile, safe behind the lines and away from danger, the Perfumed Princes exhibit the more r-selected drive to not act:

“I think we have to be careful about over-arming ourselves, and I’m not talking about where you end up attacking each other,” Gen. Ray Odierno, chief of staff of the Army, told reporters. Instead, he said, it’s more about “accidental discharges and everything else that goes along with having weapons that are loaded that causes injuries.”

Because Police Stations are such death traps from accidental discharges. If it were his office under threat, he’d arm everyone.

Of course it is not yet true K-selection, because you can escape it by fleeing. Many r-selected rabbits are creating little bubbles around them where nothing bad is allowed entrance. However even in those bubbles where bad-think is banned, common sense periodically intrudes, and it is taking ever more discipline to drive it away.

Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley apologized on Saturday for saying “All lives matter” while discussing police violence against African-Americans with liberal demonstrators.

Several dozen demonstrators interrupted the former Maryland governor while he was speaking at the Netroots Nation conference, a gathering of liberal activists, demanding that he address criminal justice and police brutality. When they shouted, “Black lives matter!” a rallying cry of protests that broke out after several black Americans were killed at the hands of police in recent months, O’Malley responded: “Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter.”

The demonstrators, who were mostly black, responded by booing him and shouting him down.

Once acclimated to never encountering feel-bad, this liberal aversion to bad-think can become a sort of mania, and where it meets the real world of common sense, such as children who have not yet been appropriately programmed with the right propaganda. There, you can find the common sense flaring, and liberals trying desperately in a panic to put it out.

The school will now close at Easter…

In their report, the schools inspectors concluded: “Leaders are failing to prepare students for life in modern Britain. Some students hold discriminatory views of other people who have different faiths, values or beliefs from themselves.”

But teachers say that this view was based solely on the words of one 12 year old boy who, whilst taking part in a group discussion, was asked about Muslims. His answer made reference to terrorism…

Mr Gray also drew attention to a paragraph present in the draft report, which was subsequently omitted from the final report issued, which read: “The Christian ethos of the school permeates much of the school’s provision. This has restricted the development of a broad and balanced approach to the curriculum.”

Unfortunately, as K-selection approaches the denial of reality and man’s deeper war-like nature will become ever more difficult to suppress.

Breitbart London reported last week on new figures on public attitudes towards Islam, which found over half of Britons thought Islam posed a threat towards the West, with 70 per-cent agreeing that the UK faced a major terrorist attack in the future. It is a pattern repeated elsewhere in Europe – liberal, tolerant nation Austria are welcoming of almost every deviance and difference in humanity except Islam, finds a recent poll.

According to recent research, almost three quarters of Austrians think Islam should have no place in their country, while 65-per-cent wouldn’t want a new mosque built near their home, but would be welcoming of a new Buddhist temple.

When the war begins, even Austrians will suddenly not want transgenders, gays, and liberals/commies in their armies. Once lives are on the line, those pansies who avoid the bad, fail to conform for politeness, demand special treatment, and don’t want to destroy the outgroup will be seen as being as much of an outgroup as the outgroup, and they will be dealt with accordingly. Intolerance will flourish, because when irritation and amygdala angst is everywhere, intolerance is what produces unity, unity is what produces militaristic victory, and militaristic victory will mean life, in a world where failure will mean death. We won’t even have to do anything. All the circuitry is right in the human brain, waiting to be turned on.

Meanwhile in America the K-stimulus is being felt everywhere, in every community as things heat up.

According to police, a 22-year-old man and his 21-year-old girlfriend were walking along McNichols when they were approached by a group of six men. The men reportedly forced the couple behind a nearby business where they were robbed and stripped of their clothes.

The group then allegedly took turns sexually assaulting the woman. After the attack was over, the nude victims ran to a nearby liquor store for help.

Just hours later, at 2:40 a.m. Friday, another couple was attacked… The group then took turns sexually assaulting the woman, forcing her boyfriend to watch.

After the attack, the suspects robbed the couple before ordering them to run away.

Today, the chaos is so great one man put explosives outside a Dallas Police Station and let loose with a volley of fire from an armored van. After a brief chase, SWAT gunned him down. He got a brief mention on the news, and the story was gone – not violent or crazy enough to be interesting. Just your average kook.

A man unleashed a barrage of gunfire on Dallas’ police headquarters and planted explosives outside the building early Saturday — narrowly failing to wound anyone — leading to a chase to a suburb that ended with SWAT officers killing him in his parked van at a restaurant parking lot.

I cannot imagine how much more disordered things could get, or how much more horrific the news could become, but this is the world still cruising on the fumes of the narcotic of r-selected free resource availability. When the plug is pulled, banks begin to collapse, EBT cards run empty, food and fuel distribution begins to break down, and power becomes intermittent, imagine what people will see and hear about on a daily basis. Imagine how hard they will become.

I remember my old Korean War mentors, and how I would occasionally find myself marveling at the icy cold ruthlessness that ran beneath their smiles and attitudes. That attitude is coming back, because it will be necessary simply to survive.

Apocalypse cometh.

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9 years ago

[…] Arming the Military, Increasing Craziness, and Other Signs of K-selection’s Approach […]