I have been puzzled by the rise in superhero movies. And I am not the only one noticing there are a lot of them over the last ten years:
Hollywood has a fever, and the only prescription is more superheroes.
The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man 2 (sequel to reboot) opened last weekend, while Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (reboot), X-Men: Days of Future Past (sequel/prequel blend), and Transformers: Age of Extinction (third sequel) are all opening this summer. A second Avengers and a Superman vs. Batman film are both slated to open next year.
And here has noticed the trend too:
Anyone who is friends with me knows that I love superheroes and superhero movies, well at least Marvel ones anyways. But we are living in a time when we have at least five superhero movies premiere a year, (usually between Marvel and DC alone) and one starts to wonder, how much is too much? Are there too many superhero movies?
…too much of a good thing can still be too much. And sometimes the movies aren’t even good! (looking at you DC) Sometimes they get bogged down by a repetitive plot and story structure. We see the same outline over and over again: the good guys always win in the end. Eventually, this becomes uninteresting. The superhero genre is overcrowded.
Movies used to tell grand stories about spies on amazing missions, or regular Joes thrown into impossible circumstances, or occasionally a space fantasy or murder mystery. There would be an occasional Superman movie, but it always seemed like a silly man-in-tights fantasy designed more for children than grownups.
As Superhero movies have taken off, I have been puzzled by the massive $200 Million dollar investments in these movies. Something in the back of my mind felt it was different, but I wrote it off as a Hollywood industry with piss poor writers recycling old stories from comic books because they couldn’t think up anything better. Or I assumed it must be the dopamine they could produce with high end CGI.
But then I was reading 4Chan, and saw someone commenting on Hollywood using this movie to promote the interracial mating theme which the elites seem to be pushing on everyone from every angle these days:
Tandy Bowen and Tyrone Johnson, two teenagers from different backgrounds, acquire superpowers while forming a romantic relationship. They soon realize that their powers work better when they are together, but their feelings for each other make their already complicated world even more challenging.
The protagonists are a black guy and a blonde girl. The race-mixing meme seems more of a narrative leftist push to decompetitive-ize white males in an effort to forestall their aggressive and competitive urges, rather than an overt effort to promote interracial matings, which according to statistics are quite rare among all races and not prone to change.
Regardless, this use of the movie to promote what is the latest elite narrative/meme that we keep seeing everywhere, bombarding the population, suddenly popped an idea in my mind, and I realized why there are so many Superhero movies. It clicked in my mind with a study on how to promote leftism:
Social scientists have long known how to turn liberals into conservatives in the lab — all they have to do is scare them.
“Research has shown that you can make liberals more conservative by threatening them and making them somewhat afraid,” Yale psychology professor John Bargh writes in his new book, “Before You Know It: The Unconscious Reasons We Do What We Do,” which was released Tuesday.
Several studies have shown that when social scientists get liberal-leaning experiment subjects to think about their own deaths or make them feel threatened, some left-wingers adopt more conservative values. This phenomenon played out after 9/11 — researchers found that there was a “very strong conservative shift” in the US after the attacks, with more liberals supporting Republican President George W. Bush and favoring increases in military spending…
But while inducing fear might shift a liberal mindset, conservatives have generally been more difficult for social scientists to sway in experiments — until now…
The researchers behind the psychology experiment told a group of participants to imagine that they’d been granted a superpower by a magic genie and were suddenly as invincible as Superman — bullets bounced off them, fire couldn’t scorch their skin, and “a fall from a cliff wouldn’t hurt at all,” Bargh writes in his book. The study’s control group was simply told to imagine they could fly.
Then the researchers asked the participants to weigh in on some political statements…
Liberal participants’ attitudes on social issues didn’t shift at all. The conservative participants, on the other hand, started adopting more liberal views on social issues (though not economic ones.)
So here with superhero movies, we have Hollywood trapping innocent individuals for two hours at a time, and tricking their minds into vicariously imaging themselves as bulletproof, fireproof superheroes who can do anything they want. And they are charging them for the privilege.
Now ask yourself if random leftist idiots would understand the science like this and come up with this organized a plan and coordinate it across all of these studios, or if all these superhero movies are happening just by chance.
More and more I am thinking there is a very highly educated, scientifically organized, very well disciplined machine whose entire job is constantly presenting stimuli to us to remodel our brains and try to turn us into the mindless submissive leftist sheep the greater state, and its Cabal masters want. Almost everything we see is carefully prepared to control our minds, from the ads in magazines, to the TV show scripts, to the movies, to the news stories we are given. And I will bet it is a huge conspiracy involving psychological professionals like Robert Cialdini and his “Consortium of Behavioral Scientists” advising on strategy, and passing that analysis on to the leadership of Cabal, which then issues its orders to its controlled assets pre-arrayed in key positions in Hollywood.
It will be interesting to see how this changes after the storm. In reality, I could see deploying tier one domestic intelligence and surveillance against any organized conspiracy to illegally interfere in and assist any politicians in our elections using the tens or hundreds of billions spent on movies, ads, TV, and other media.
These people are trying to remodel people’s minds behind their backs, to enslave them covertly, all to subvert freedom on behalf of what appears to be foreign interests who infiltrated our government. It has everything – illegal campaign contributions, interference designed to subvert the democratic process, dishonesty, treason on behalf of foreign interests, and the conspiracy angle involving political professionals who should know better but just want power over everyone. I will bet there would be a decent legal case there which could serve as a valuable lesson to all other leftists who would consider such a scheme.
Tell everyone about r/k Theory, because the manipulation needs to stop
I think you posted this before, but I’m not sure.

Anyway, its required reading to understand Hollywood and it’s part in the massive mind control machine that has been set up world wide:
Cheers mate, have a great day!
People need to learn to give most of this garbage up to not just go K, but to find inner peace. I’ve been weaning myself off it for a decade. I don’t watch tv, own an iPhone and only listen to radio while commuting because I can’t do anything else. I haven’t been to a theater in 7-8 years. Now if I were watching a movie and not interacting with someone else the whole time, it wouldn’t hold my attention, and all I would think about is how much time I was wasting when I could have something better to do. I wouldn’t have the same attitude performing a repetitive task, -such as weeding the garden with a trowel- because I’d at least be outside breathing fresh air doing something productive.
That being said, it’s a shock to go from being in a media vacuum to exposure once in a while and seeing how much they are pushing the interracial propaganda. It’s all there is now. Every commercial and every department store ad in the Sunday paper has to show a black person with a caucasian. I got that same shock visiting Melbourne ten years ago and seeing their white erasure in advertising. They were way ahead of us. Even though Oz was 90% white, all the ads had 9 out of 10 models being minorities, mostly Asian. It makes me wonder if this is part of the white genocide agenda, and if most people don’t notice because it’s a frog in boiling water type situation.
I read some travelogues from the 1960’s and 1970’s by folks who sailed around the world or hiked across a continent or whatever. What struck me was how each of them mentioned being shocked or stressed upon being “re-exposed” to pervasive advertisements after they returned. And it’s only gotten worse since then.
So leftists don’t live in reality..? I’m not surprised by that.
The aspect of the superhero genre that disturbs me is that even with super powers you can never stand alone. No one can do much of anything on their own. So, you as an individual without powers are nothing.
Just watch Star Wars: The last jedi. It has everything right there for your reprogramming:
Girls are superior with zero training and no effort.
Rey, Leia, and the general chick
Kill the old way. Tradition is garbage.
Black male white female or asian female.
White men suck. Hide away and when they try to fight he phones it in (literally).
Burn ancient texts. (Wisdom)
Every good team is fully multicultural.
Make a coward a hero. He didnt turn brave….just a coward.
Men are stupid.
White people are evil (empire is all white).
I loved Star Wars and those douchebags killed it for me. Its just not me either. Look how long it lasted in China. 2 weeks???
Note that it specifically refers to the invincible type of superhero. Batman gets a fair amount of punishment handed back to him in the Nolan trilogy; I wonder how that affected the audience.
I have always thought that “super-‘heroes'” were all secularized messiah-figures. For myself, I believe that the very concept of messiah, irrespective of the identity of the exponent proposed, is both intrinsically false and pernicious.