Are Redditors Being Watched?

A curious thread of comments over there on phones and tech listening to you:

[–]MichiganforTrump 39 points 3 hours ago

I have suspected this for so long. Now confirmed. Roommates and I will talk about something. Like Vick’s vapor rub benefits/uses (something I’ve never searched for….get on YouTube. And guess what’s the first video benefits of vapor rub. Or we were talking about anesthesia and never searched for it…showed up on roommates YouTube. We’ve been testing this for a while. My roommates friend and him were talking about smelting iron. Guess what comes up later on his YouTube…even though we’ve never searched for these things. Only option is “they’re listening”. We have noticed this for about year. Creeeeeepyy. Makes us want to get rid of all technology.


I always just nervously told myself that it was confirmation bias in order to sleep better.

Yesterday my gf told me I need to get on the indeed app to look for a better job, this morning I had an indeed ad on one of my feeds.


My buddy and I were joking how this girl at the gym looks like a Russian mail-order bride. No fucking joke I saw ads for it a few days later on my phone.

Confirmation bias, maybe. Now I’m paranoid.


Record how many ads you currently see in spanish for about a week, then play spanish radio to your phone overnight. Record those results and compare.


I use waze for the police/speed traps. 99% of my driving is without my wife or baby. Then one day I drove with them, waze told me don’t leave your baby in the car. Not sure how they knew but they did


Yep I’ve noticed this type of shit as well.


I posted the same story a few months back:

I thought I was being paranoid a few months back. I was putzing in a Kohls and spent some time looking at some Sonoma shirts (some relaxed/casual line). I come home, fire up Reddit Is Fun, and the banner ad is for that exact same Sonoma collection. I hadn’t searched the product on my phone, so I wondered how it got there.


Dude, I’ve noticed that too! Glad I’m not the only one. I’ll find consistent ads all of the sudden with products I’ve never searched for, but talked about while my phone was present. I even started seeing stuff for snoring, maybe my phone even picked up snoring while I was asleep.

Even dental ads, after I called my dentist several times….your smart phones are smart enough to spy on u 24/7. No wonder Mark Zuckerberg had taped paper over his laptops camera…


This happens to me as well. My wife and I were talking about butt paste for the baby, sure enough I am getting butt paste ads on Instagram.


Just 2 days ago, my boss said he was at a buddy’s house and they were talking about something like paint. His buddy has an Alexa, and when he turned on his computer later and was surfing the web, he was getting advertisements for paint, but he’d never searched for it. Alexa is voice activated and must have been picking it up. Very creepy indeed.


this just happened to me randomly with something I’d never searched for before. It was an auto suggest after two letters. Very unsettling.

Also, this kind of technological coddling has to be making us all dumber and dependent. Not Good!


My wife and I had the same thing. We were at Target picking out dish soap. I liked a certain brand, she preferred another.

Anyhow, later that evening, she’s on Facebook and she sees an ad that said something like “This dish soap was ranked highest in 2016”.

We considered getting rid of our smartphones, but then realized we wouldn’t be able to play Smurfs Epic Run if we did that… Still really creepy.


I’ve had the same thing happen and tested it by talking about shit I have no interest in. Someone on here said to turn off all app microphone access. I did that and it still happened when re-tested with a different topic.


This has happened to me too, and somewhat often. Now I know it’s more than just my paranoia or suspicions. Spy marketing and psychologically embedding themselves into our psyches. Stay WOKE.


I’ve had similar experiences with the Google search feature on my Android phone. I’ll be talking about something benign with my girlfriend – “who’s that guy in the movie with the bus that has to go fast?” or some shit like that. I pull out my phone to search for the answer and the autocomplete pops up – “movie where… BUS WILL EXPLODE IF IT SLOWS DOWN, KEANU REEVES”

That’s an exaggeration, but you get the picture. It autocompletes with stuff that absolutely should not be there. Very pointed information that relates to the verbal discussion we were having.

In that case, I genuinely think it’s a feature that Google has created to make their products more useful, but won’t advertise because it will scare the shit out of people. However, if Google can do it you know the CIA can, or can at least piggyback on Google’s tech.

It is impossible to say what these are. It could be some sort of automated advertising software deployed quietly by a private sector actor. But surveillance is not above amusing itself by fucking with your head – and yes, they can manipulate what you see online, and they can get this far into your life. They will invest a surprising amount of time and effort arranging a surprising number of coincidences with inside information, which you may dismiss as coincidence, only to later on realize they were not coincidences.

I do not know if they have the manpower to put in-person follows and hackers on most Redditors, or if they just focus on a handful of the more popular/prolific Redditors and alt-righters. But it would not surprise me if when many of these things happened, teams were passing at least temporary coverage over these Redditors, and doing this to them.

The Redditors obviously assume these were their phones listening in, but that is not necessarily true. If what I said in a store popped up elsewhere, I would first assume I had in-person loitering around me while I was in the store. There is a lot of in-person available for surging these days, not all of it sworn agents, especially in outlying suburbs around metro areas. Most of the time it has nothing to do but practice on whoever the Deep State wants a closer look at. Notice the guy with the Sonoma shirts never said anything, he was just looking at the shirts in the store. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find that he had in-person watching him, they had cloned access to all of his online accounts using hacked password data, and somebody in his tech accessed goggle under his profile, searched the topic in real time, and thereby put it into his ad profile online to screw with him later.

Why would they do this? This would be done in surveillance for three reasons.

One, paranoia is a great weapon, because once you infect someone with it, it can take on a life of its own, and begin perpetuating the infection without you having to re-inoculate them. Synchronicities and coincidences are everywhere. Once your brain is trained to begin looking for them, you can often find them elsewhere, even where they are innocent. Are you still under coverage? Is that them? Are they gone? Are you seeing ghosts?

Discerning between all of that can eat up valuable brain resources and degrade your mental performance. In essence that can miswire your amygdala, and damage it’s ability to prioritize the relevance of incoming data. From the perspective of the machine, damaging amygdala functionality is a great tool, if you want to defuse the weaponized autism of Reddit. If you are actively engaged in more direct hostilities, it can also limit your activities, by leading you to believe you are always under coverage and unable to go operational absent prying eyes, when in fact you may actually be free of your coverage at times, and you are just too paranoid. So if the surveillance is exposed later, this paranoia will keep you off balance and dysfunctional.

Two, these can serve as tests of whether you know about your coverage, by provoking conversations about it. If you conclude openly with others that the events are your surveillance fucking with you, they will hear it and know they are burned. If you ignore it, you are probably not aware of what is going on, and the team can relax. If you sound suspicious, the team knows they are at risk, and to pull back until you relax, and become less observant and suspicious.

Three, if you can flood the target with arguably innocent coincidences and train them to ignore them as confirmation bias, you can rewire the amygdala to be more prone to dismiss actual indices of surveillance as confirmation bias as well. Indeed, you can reach a point that each subsequent case of coincidence is seen as confirmation of confirmation bias, and adds to the evidence of how common confirmation bias is.

Detecting surveillance is about perceiving things that are designed to appear coincidental, and realizing they are actually highly relevant and related. If you see the same person twice, in violation of the TEDD principle (Time, Environment, Distance, Demeanor), and you are trained to see confirmation bias, you may be more likely to tell yourself it is just a coincidence. That cognitive training can allow your team some room for error in the field. It also weakens you immensely, as you will be clueless as your enemies set up around you and close in.

The key to overcoming this is to learn to operate based on uncertainty. Most people need to know a concrete truth. You want to know, are you under surveillance, or are you not. You see this defect online where people often insist something is right or wrong, and they know the truth and cannot possibly be wrong. Learn to view the world through probabilities. Think of it all in terms of quantum mechanics. Accept that you cannot know for sure, so instead accept both possibilities and look for indices that reveal the probabilities of each. Think in terms of likely, or likely not. Increase or decrease probabilities as needed. Always embrace all possibilities, in the context of their probabilities, and when it counts, always err on the side of caution.

I hate to say it, but the surveillance state may not have been as much of a leftist/Obama creation as I had hoped. Rather it may be an established Deep State machine seeking to maintain control over the government, and keep control over anyone who pops up with an interest in the subject. To that end, they may not see the Donald as an ally, and anyone who supports him online could be seen as an enemy and end up a target. In truth, the Centipedes and online Alt-right had far more practical effect on the course of the nation’s history than any terrorist group like Al Qaida or #BlackLivesMatters ever will. We think the effect is good, but the Deep State just sees power it doesn’t want anyone to have. They want to install corrupt establishment cucks like the Bushes, an to do it without any resistance.

To the extent they can’t kill everyone yet, for now I view it as overall a valuable training aid to those who do fall under the watchful eye of the surveillance state. The government will now expose the Alt-right to the techniques and practices of surveillance, and teach them all to recognize its signatures and capabilities. The government could not do more to make the K-strategists of the nation truly dangerous than that. The Alt Right needs to look for that opportunity, and seize it where it presents itself.

Given that I expect one day in the future we will all be struggling to survive in the chaos and anarchy of a failed state, there is little that will promote the survivability of the K-strategy like imbuing it with a full understanding of the powers and dangers of the practice of surveillance. Embrace the experience.

Keep your eyes open for indices of surveillance. If you happen to notice surveillance, welcome it, and then learn your lessons well during the events to come. It will be stressful, but that stress will mold your mind if you embrace it. If you are observant enough, and use the circumstance to your advantage, you will be light years ahead of the cementheads who think fortifications, weapons, tactics, and your ability to fight in combat are the key determinants of survival and success in a collapse scenario.

Know there is a whole other world of critical skills out there for the practical K-strategist to learn – and one day you may really need them. For now, the Alt-right are merely troublesome little pricks the machine is apparently keeping an eye on. But one day, everything could be different, and now is when you should be adapting to prepare for that eventuality.

Spread r/K Theory, because like surveillance awareness, your life may depend upon it.

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8 years ago

[…] Are Redditors Being Watched? […]

8 years ago

Stores track your cell phone’s Bluetooth and wi-fi signature as you browse. They can geo-locate you down to the centimeter. They fuse that with video technology to track your gaze. They match all that to your identity (your cell phone signature has already been matched to you by identifying your credit card when you make a purchase). Voila – ads for products you’ve looked at start following you across all your devices.

8 years ago

His buddy has an Alexa

on my Android phone

That’s the key. If you have “voice activated” anything — it’s always listening. Alexa (separate from Amazon) and google are at that core in the same business — advertising. That is the sole purpose of both entire platforms. Of course an always-on listening device that does voice decoding is going to be decoding things to feed into your advertising profile. That is its purpose. Why do you think that the service is free? Like the old saying goes, “if you’re not paying for it, you’re not the customer. You’re the product.”

I don’t see surveillance teams selling data in real time to advertisers. I certainly see a daemon living on your phone or that sinister black column you keep in your living room doing it.

8 years ago

Office internet in most businesses blocks or controls certain websites or key phrases- that’s been going on forever. Marketing comes into play as well, as technology advanced marketing companies realized they could do alot more with some 90’s CIA influence ops, all very subtle. With better AI and so much tech activity- people aren’t just monitored, but also influenced. Imagine software that can script the regular news sites you visit with news articles specifically for you and your known interests- creating a false world around you, just for you- this controls you, subtly maybe after you’ve ID’d surveillers- they just run ‘the program’ on you- probably to relax you if anything. Facebook does it. You could influence entire lives over time that way- and it would be all be AI- no rabbits- just software. If AI can write news stories, why not a story for each person. It is likely progressing to live video as well- so you will have trouble trusting ‘streams’ with old friends. Why do you think apple pushed facetime? Probably to que an AI into how to simulate people. Reality breaks the matrix though- that’s how agitprop was always defeated.

Andy Smith
8 years ago

With regards to the Sonoma shirts thing, another possibility is the geolocation services on the phone. The phone knows you have been in the store, and it knows where you stopped to look inside the store. It is not hard to imagine some sort of targeted advertising based on that. I leave my location services turned off most of the time unless I am using a map application. Of course that isn’t much defense because the towers can still locate you fairly accurately.

Just to add to the general scare factor, I recently bought a robot vaccum (the Neato Connected) It uploads coverage maps to my phone so I can make sure the robot cleaned everywhere it was supposed to. I just realized these things are creating blueprints to facilitate home invasions that are accurate down to the furniture placement.