Are Muslims Bringing WMDs Across the Border?

First, the WMDs may be on their way.

ISIS has recruited experts with chemistry, physics and computer science degrees to wage war with weapons of mass destruction against the West, a shocking European Parliament report has claimed.

The terror organisation, according to the briefing document, ‘may be planning to try to use internationally banned weapons of mass destruction in future attacks’.

The document, which was compiled in the aftermath of the deadly attacks on Paris claimed that ISIS has already smuggled WMD material into Europe.

War zones can see unusual things just laying around, waiting to be picked up. If they have scientists, which they do, it is not impossible they might come up with something surprising. Then again, I’d be surprised if there aren’t already hundreds of Muslim microbiologists working in labs throughout Europe with access to libraries of different microbes, plasmids, and the ability to mix things up in interesting ways. Even a college student could sign on to be a research assistant in a university, and get access to everything they would need to produce enough of something dangerous on the side.

Second, something interesting may already have been dispatched here:

Five young Middle Eastern men were apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol this week in an Arizona town situated about 30 miles from the Mexican border, law enforcement and other sources told Judicial Watch.

Border Patrol agents spotted the men crossing a ranch property in the vicinity of Amado, which is located about 35 miles south of Tucson and has a population of 275. Two of the Middle Eastern men were carrying stainless steel cylinders in backpacks, JW’s sources say, alarming Border Patrol officials enough to call the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for backup. A multitude of federal agents descended on the property and the two men carrying the cylinders were believed to be taken into custody by the FBI.

Only three of the men’s names were entered in the Border Patrol’s E3 reporting system, which is used by the agency to track apprehensions, detention hearings and removals of illegal immigrants. E3 also collects and transmits biographic and biometric data including fingerprints for identification and verification of individuals encountered at the border. The other two men were listed as “unknown subjects,” which is unheard of, according to a JW federal law enforcement source. “In all my years I’ve never seen that before,” a veteran federal law enforcement agent told JW.

The disturbing incident comes just days after six men—one from Afghanistan, five from Pakistan—were arrested in nearby Patagonia, a quaint ranch town that sits 20 miles north of the Mexican border city of Nogales. Federal authorities have confirmed the November 17 arrests and a local news outlet published a story that includes an official statement from the Border Patrol. Special Agent Kurt Remus in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Phoenix headquarters told JW that the agency’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces vetted and interviewed the six men and determined that there were “no obvious signs of terrorism” so they were returned to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody.

However, Special Agent Remus told JW that there is no record of this week’s incident in Amado and that he knew nothing about it. JW also put in a call to DHS headquarters, but received no response. In the last year JW has broken a number of stories involving serious terrorist threats on the southern border that were disputed on the record by various Obama administration officials. Among these is an April report—confirmed by high-level Mexican authorities—about ISIS operating camps near the U.S. border in areas known as Anapra and Puerto Palomas west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

What is amazing is how LE agencies with established procedures that are never supposed to be violated, will just throw out all the rule books once Fedguv LE Intel shows up and tells them, “You’re going to do it this way this time…

There are two primary reasons they would not name specific subjects. One, they were confidential informants and this was an intel op interrupted by unwitting Border Patrol officers who happened on it, and they don’t want their informants in the system. Think Fast and Furious, only with radiological material headed the other way.

The other reason is they might intend to render these guys to Jordan for “interrogation,” and don’t want any evidence that we ever had possession of them. I’d bet more on the first, but if it is the second, I wouldn’t expect to ever see these guys again. I’m cool with that for these characters, but I also recognize that as things progress, that may one day be me who the Fedguv Intel guy is telling local LE to disappear from all their records, lest someone try to find out what ever happened to me. We are heading down dangerous paths.

It is my own belief that Fedguv LE Intel is a thoroughly rabbitizing force, which does not increase our security overall in the short term, which will get a lot of good people killed at some point, and which will render American freedom unrecognizable in the long term.

By attacking all of these plots behind the scenes, and disappearing evidence of them after the fact so nobody ever finds out what almost happened, our populace never develops the amygdala pathways they need to make intelligent governing decisions. This would be fine if Fedguv simply went in whole-hog, and declared the populace little more that cattle to be fed, protected, and harvested by an all-powerful Fedguv machine. If they would take over all decisions regarding governance, then the idiotized populace would be no problem. Unfortunately after idiotizing the populace, they then give the populace the ability to have a say in our governance.

Had Fedguv let the stories of the terrorist attacks that were going to happen over the last decade be told, we would not be debating about whether to take in Syrian refugees, and we would have already banned the legal immigration of Muslims. Our overall security would be increased, and we wouldn’t need a surveillance machine that was watching so many Americans so intrusively. We would be smarter and freer as a people.

When the cash flow runs dry, the first thing which will happen is the inner city Kristallnacht, as all the welfarites riot and loot because their EBT cards have run dry. Then the food supply will dry up because nobody will go into the cities to deliver supplies, and that will mark the beginning of the Lord of the Flies phase. Then will come martial law in the cities, which will draw all Fedguv assets off of terrorism, and into the cities. At that point, with economic contraction K-ifying everyone, you will have a radical Muslim population in-grouped and ready to roll – and fully unencumbered by the Fedguv machine.

I have a feeling that at that point we will be wishing Fedguv had been more transparent about what had been happening the previous few decades, so the population could have made better decisions back when such decisions would have mattered.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

Last off-topic post for awhile, but when I saw this I had to mention it. I know someone who is into kink or bdsm, and after reading your book I assumed that it must be a form of novelty-seeking among DRD4 carriers. I.e. regular sex is just not exciting, therefore some kind of transgressive stimulation is desired. Example, the movie “The Secretary”. But when I came across this article, I wonder if there’s more to it?

The pain in the ACC is triggered by both social pain and physical pain, so the humiliation that’s so common among kink practitioners might merely be stimulating the same area as spanking in that movie. The question is then, why would sex feel so much better for such individuals when coupled with pain, physical or social?

Reply to  Nathan
9 years ago

Here’s the article in question:

I also talked to a friend on facebook who is into this and she confirmed what I thought, there is a definite sex enhancement of being either humiliated in public (she mentioned being led around on a dog collar), or verbal pain (e.g. being called a slut, a skank, etc).

9 years ago

That’s it. I’m moving far, far away from humankind.

Stuart Miller
Stuart Miller
9 years ago

Yes, the government can’t handle the droves of Islamic Terrorists. Who needs the government? Who would rely on them? Three K’s versus a hundred weasels.

Place a bet.