Are K-strategists Bullies?

Laura asks in the comments:

Is bullying something normal for healthy humans? Is it an r-strategy? When I think of narcissists I automatically think of bullies. Personally I hate bullying. I think it’s something for cowards and immoral. Trying to enhance ones status by putting others down. You don’t really contribute or make something yourself – you just walk over others to get power. But that is my opinion and biology doesn’t care about opinions.

Kudos for the last line, which is a mark of an amygdala capable of tolerating negative concepts due to their truth. Only a real truth seeker would say that.

That said, bullying is not K, and you will not find it among K-strategists.

I understand bullies because growing up, I saw a lot, and they stood out to me because we had the exact opposite psychology. I wanted to do my own thing and leave people I didn’t know alone, yet bullies sought out people they didn’t have to deal with, for the express purpose of torturing them.

I also had the privilege to live a second life among guys who were the exact opposite of the bully as well, so I saw both sides from all angles. Bullies, universally, are operating to alleviate an angst, rooted in a deep sense of inferiority or something cognitively painful which they need to distract themselves from. That is why they single out someone who isn’t bothering them, and affirmatively seek to lash out at that person gratuitously.

I lack that insecurity, and thus have absolutely no urge to try and put others down, if they leave me alone. I actually wish well on people I don’t even know, and enjoy seeing their success, so long as they are not hurting others or intruding on me.

That said, K’s can be aggressive and competitive, but it will always be out of either self-defense, or utter necessity to survive or protect their own. The only reason this site is aggressive toward the left is because they can’t leave my kind alone to live freely and engage in self-defense with the weapons of our choice, and they seem bent on triggering a civil war against my kind by importing foreigners hostile to us and our freedom. If the left did not intrude on our side needlessly, I would never have looked twice at politics.

So when I look back on the bullies I knew as kids, I see kids who were desperately trying to make themselves feel tough or dominant, because if they didn’t get some sort of external validation in the form of hurting someone and seeing their misery and helplessness, they felt an overwhelming misery that I think most people can’t grasp or imagine. That type of pain is a powerful motivator, and they feel it constantly until they see evidence, in the form of other’s pain, that says they aren’t weak and powerless.

Of course you can see this insecurity in their choice of targets. Bullies never walk into high school as a freshman, looking to stand up to and push around the upperclassman bullies who are hurting their peers. They wait until they find somebody weak who they can push around easily with little risk, or they try to find somebody unpopular who others can be goaded into demeaning, so they can feel like the leader of the group calling the shots, with no risk of taking a beating. That feeling of power neutralizes their pain at the thought of their own amygdala trigger.

It is also why when a bully encounters one kick to the head, or a punch to the nose, or suddenly finds themselves being rolled and submitted or incapacitated, they freak out and make a point to never fuck with that victim again. I would imagine the horror they feel when someone smaller than them actually demonstrates their insufficiency in a tangible form to everyone around, must force them into a depression even worse than their baseline state of total misery.

One thing about K’s, they are usually completely comfortable with hierarchies and the superiority of others. If someone is better than them at something, it doesn’t freak them out, but rather gives them a new goal to strive for in that area. They usually aren’t driven to validate themselves against smaller opponents who they know they could beat, nor are they afraid of getting a beating, if their opponent is better, because they know they have a worth that can improve, and thus that beating is temporary, and not an immutable measure of their worthlessness.

The least bullying guys in a martial arts club will be the new guys who throw themselves against the toughest fighters and take their licks. Insecure people could never tolerate the incessant defeats. That may be why those who make it in the club and end up old timers will tend to not be bullies themselves. It weeds out the bully psychology by exploiting its innate insecurity to drive them away.

Google up videos of Bas Ruten, or Joe Rogan, or Eddie Bravo, or Randy Couture, or any other competent MMA guys. They may be ruthless competitors when fighting, but in videos of their conversations and interviews, you will see guys who never put anybody down, who compliment others wherever they can, and who try to help other fighters attain their skill level in various techniques. They are free to do all those things because they have ZERO insecurity motivating them. They can do all that because they are secure in their own worth, which means that another’s greatness at something is just that – their greatness.

Then there is of course, the God Emperor Donald Trump, whose first move on meeting people, no matter their stature, is to compliment them and highlight their virtues to everyone around, to try and lift them up as much as he can. Again, an insecure bully would look for their virtues, be triggered and panicked by them, and then divert attention away from those virtues while demeaning the person to try and alleviate the angst of being in the presence of a superior. But nobody ever accused the God Emperor of insecurity.

Now contrast that lack of insecurity with this photo, where I clearly see the glassy-eyed stare of a narcissist who has just been released from his insecurity by asserting a concept which negates it:

It is a weird expression, because it is almost hollow, or blank in a way. I think that when a normal person smiles, their amygdala is focused on something that is making it smile. That face – the amygdala is turned off, and not thinking about something that constantly pains it. I think that is why it has a blank quality.

If you put yourself in that face, beneath everything, it is fully absorbed by an idea it has just asserted. That idea has released the nagging angst of a perpetually-triggered amygdala, and you can see the blissful, but empty response as the amygdala lets go of its insecurity. In that self-deceived state, you can see there is also an expectancy in the expression, now that he has dropped his “truth bomb” on his white audience. It is expectant, because it is expecting to receive further validation in the form of the horror and humiliation of those he is demeaning, probably among them the child of the white woman who tweeted the picture.

Since said horror and humiliation will obviously demonstrate the validity of the amygdala-assuaging deception he has presented, he is awaiting the horror and humiliation with a sense of gleeful anticipation which you can almost feel yourself, just looking at the photo. That horror will be even more amygdala-assuaging, because it reinforces his false reality, where whites are insecure, and he is vastly superior.

You can see how such a cognitive pattern will rapidly become toxic. That kid is enjoying shitting on people who aren’t bothering him, because it alleviates some idea which bothers him. And we see this everywhere in the left. Trans people, and sluttty women, and gays, and leftists, and immigrants, and “insert-the-leftist-interest-group” are superior, and where they aren’t it is because they were unfairly wronged, and thus the Men, whites, wealthy, conservatives, etc. all have to bow down and kiss the feet of the leftist interest group.

I could not imagine a better way to fuck up that kid’s psychology than to drop him in a leftist SJW environment, where that type of cognitive activity pattern is rewarded and further inculcated. It is practically guaranteed to reinforce a psychology designed to revel in the horror of others, and designed to actively seek it out at every opportunity, so it can put on that glassy-eye’d smile and wallow in the dopamine.

It is not a formula for American unity, or freedom. Then again, when you have K’s and r’s there probably is no unity possible, absent the eradication of one or the other.

So maybe it just takes an Apocalypse.

Spread r/K Theory, because if they won’t leave us alone, we don’t have to leave them alone

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Liberals, Narcissists, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
7 years ago

Exactly! Leftists are shitbags because they envy others. Instead of improving themselves, they tear others down. Leftists are in this regard virtually all bullies.

Meanwhile, conservatives just want to live their own, satisfying lives, which is nice and all, but it’s why the leftists have been able to gain so much ground. We need to do more than just conserve, we need to reclaim and restore. Perhaps we could use a name change: instead of “conservative”, let us become “restorative” or something with the same idea but much catchier. To piss of the Mexicans we could go with “Reconquistadores”…. Imagine the amygdala hack of using their own label to form a movement to kick them out. Delicious.

7 years ago

At the point when he starts making the face pictured, how would you go about setting him off? What level of ridicule do you reckon it would take to cause a meltdown? Making a comment related to his topic seems tricky without also making yourself look bad to the rest of the class.

7 years ago

Bullying is obviously wrong, but when somebody steps up to the level- or they dish out- then they’d better learn to take returning fire. Bullies ALWAYS complain about returning fire, because deep down they can’t take it. Because they’re pussies.

If you start something, especially something wrong (or illegal), like surveilling someone and everyone knows it, don’t complain when it comes back around.

There are also drill sergeant personality types- once you are stepping up to the line (their line) unkempt you are going to be dressed down. Unsolicited it is hostile, but if you go into THEIR environment and expect anything, like some entitled little narcissist, they will get in your face. This is the root of manners. Many people are so socially awkward (or entitled) they don’t even know when they are being rude. A good rule of thumb is, if you are in a new place or setting, and some old hats are there- if you’re being rude they are responding to that- they aren’t being bullies.

This is also the cause of the cry-bully phenomena. Some little prick starts some shit- takes return shit and immediately breaks accusing his peers of being bullies. Narcissist brain types are picking up on victims of bullying as an entitled group and they are seeking to join that group, while acting like bullies themselves. There are also narcissists (or other cluster-B’s) who create an environment where they can abuse people whom they trick into it. This would be like a shop owner stealing the identities of costumers who patronized his/her store. Ted Bundy did something like this, tricking unsuspecting women into thinking he was a harmless cripple. He then raped and murdered them, and probably ate a few.

The r-strategist is seeking to be the victim. The K-strategist abhors victimhood. Anecdotally, a K-strategist subjected to bullying in school might get into a fight, and slug their bully right in the face, during recess. They are then puzzled as to why the bully then wants to be their friend.

As always, you should think clearly, and notice the effect- not the feeling, associated with social interaction. Don’t get things backwards, often the accusers are the most guilty (per DARVO). Think more about the initiation of the interaction.

Steven Z
Steven Z
7 years ago

My view of bullies is that for the most part, they are mediocre, that is what bothers them; they cannot compete with those at the top, and they can’t admit that they are ‘everybody else”. because of this, they lash out at those they see as less than themselves.
I think that may be a part of what that kid is doing, he is having trouble competing directly with whites, and also with high achieving non-whites, so he tries to forge an identity for himself by attacking others.

7 years ago

“White people are fragile.” A thing, apparently, between POCs and their “allies,” referring to easily triggered amygdala on the subject of racism.

Now that’s funny.

ned flanders
ned flanders
7 years ago

the meanest skin color remarks i’ve heard in my life have been from the mouths of lighter-skinned african-americans about darker skinned african-americans and africans.

7 years ago

” They are then puzzled as to why the bully then wants to be their friend. ”
I still don’t get that.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

(sigh) f’n rabbits

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

They have no shame?

7 years ago

Exactly, they cannot just leave us alone and be left alone in turn.