Archival Material Of Cabal – To Be A Target – Glenn Beck

For the historians, an interesting video:

Notice, Glenn does not go into detail. I know why. People would not believe what happens to him on a daily basis is possible in America. It would seem impossible in many ways – morally, economically, practically, logistically, from every perspective – especially operational security. Just today I was thinking to myself, I am still missing some fundamental understanding about how the world works, because I know what is. But its formation still strains credulity in my mind, absent that one piece I know is missing. The myth is somehow clouding my judgement, making me think the reality I know exists would be impossible. It is quite a feat.

There are accounts out there of what Glenn faces. Longtime readers will recall the zoning petition I dug up for Glenn’s old home in Connecticut where he requested a variance to build a stone wall around his house. He complained that all day long cars drove down his isolated road, which circled around his house. They sometimes pulled into his driveway, looked at his house, took photos, and even just stopped in the road. They wanted him to see it. It would be hundreds of cars per day, all different, and constantly streaming by. Where do they come from? Who is in them? How do they get recruited? How do they keep it secret? Are the cars emitting some sort of radiation for thru-wall imaging purposes, or something else? Are they just transmitting video? Is it a distraction from something else like an observation post nearby or tech mounted elsewhere? Is it just for psychological effect? It is all a mystery – especially the economics and logistics.

Basically Glenn is a target of the Cabal’s massive domestic harassment program, and I assume it followed him to Texas. He is followed around all the time, people watch his home, listen to everything, probably periodically try to infiltrate the boundaries of his home and he may get other bells and whistles. Apparently his children see it. If you stand any chance of people online listening to you and acquiring an audience, and you are not Cabal, that is what you get in America today. Hastings saw it, but he became too much of a threat. Most just labor under it, pretending it isn’t there. Others never notice it because they can’t perceive it being possible.

What I find interesting is that his kid was approached. There are three possibilities. It is possible being approached by a molester is rare, and Glenn’s family’s number just happened to come up. I suppose it happens, though for obvious reasons this is a low-probability solution.

Possibility two is slightly more disturbing, and that is that being approached in that way is not uncommon, and many kids are being approached in that way.

The third possibility is terrifying, and that is that Cabal has Child Molesters who are allowed to operate in the country, in return for following Cabal orders on targeting and grooming. And Cabal turned this predator on to Glenn’s son, maybe with the goal of getting control of that family through compromising the children, or maybe with the goal of specifically getting Gelnn’s son under control so if the family empire falls ot him one day they will own it. I can’t judge the likelihood, but I can almost guarantee that possibility is drifting in and out of Glenn’s mind, because in his position it will seem likely, and it will drive amygdala because it means the threat is not dealt with and will return.

Even more troubling is that if that is the case, that would explain why the Police know all about this guy, he has been doing this repeatedly, and the Police are helpless to actually stop him, even as they come to recognize his work in case after case.

Because when you run afoul of Cabal, that Law Enforcement function of government doesn’t work the way the myth says either.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because the Storm can’t come fast enough

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6 years ago

It certainly would explain his NeverTrump-ness, if he was “pushed” toward it. I always thought odd how he stayed the course even as his empire imploded around him, and Trump would have been the perfect foil for his apocalypse-addled mind and he’d be surfing the Trump wave instead.

6 years ago

An odd sort of judge:

Helps make the system a cluster fuck.

6 years ago

A while back, this blog linked to (I can’t remember if it was you, AC, or a commenter) a story of a Canadian man who alleged to have suffered high tech harassment at the hands of either the Government or Someone else, and that holographic technology was deployed against him. According to the story, he had friends of friends who were special operations military people who decided to help out by running counter-surveillance on his property and ultimately discovered the high tech means of the harassment. This technology was referred to as ‘phantom bogie’ or something such, and functioned by projecting holograms of stalkers into the target’s yard with the purpose of having him see them, and become rattled and unnerved upon being unable to trace them. I think that past story even made mention of cars pulling into this man’s driveway to ultimately do nothing before driving off as well, similar to Beck’s story.

Do you suppose it’s possible that the hundreds of cars that passed Beck’s house were actually holograms projected by the same, or similar phantom bogie technology that was alleged to have been deployed against the Canadian man? In the other story, the culprits were eventually traced back to a university campus, where the technology was being developed and tested. We all know the universities are hotbeds of this Cabal and its Machine; the CIA has been recruiting agents from universities, and performing experiments on their campuses with their student bodies as test subjects for decades. If a university was being used as a staging ground with Beck as it was with the other man, then which ones are the closest to his home, and do they have evidence of a sizable Cabal presence?

It feels so surreal that I now consider these things as possibilities when years ago, I would have shrugged them off as kooky. I also regret shrugging off Glenn Beck as kooky when I was younger.

Thanks again for your work and frequent blog posts, AC.

Reply to  Squidz
6 years ago

“I also regret shrugging off Glenn Beck as kooky when I was younger.” Last I checked, Beck was still a Mormon, and it doesn’t get much kookier than that.

Also, never trust a man who doesn’t trust himself with a drop of liquor.

Robert What?
Robert What?
6 years ago

My question is, what or who do the cabal operatives think they are protecting? I don’t mean the people at the top. They have no allegiance to any country. I mean the grunts doing the bidding of the cabal.

Is it purely self serving? (For example, power, money or other remunerations given to them) Or do they view themselves as patriots who are protecting the country? If the latter, what vision of the country could they possibly have in their imaginations? Certainly not a Constitutional Republic.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

What do Cabal operatives think they are protecting? Different stories in every case, I’m sure. The cabal doesn’t have membership cards and most of the lower level operatives aren’t sure exactly what they are working for other than their most local controllers and contacts.

Look to the Stanley Milgram experiments and also The Stanford Prison experiments and similar research from that era, which appears to be the open stuff related to MK-Ultra. The common theme of these experiments is essentially getting people to torture other human beings, which they will do with tremendous ease if provided a pretense by whom they view as an authority figure.

Generally speaking people must be getting some reward and along with that an implied fear of some punishment, even if it just means a loss of some kind of reward. Keeping this principle in mind, use your imagination. Think of police officers who have gone along with corruption merely because they were fearful of confronting it.

6 years ago

I seem to recall that Beck also had trouble sleeping for … years. Not that he didn’t sleep, but that he had a condition that made it very, very difficult to sleep.

I wonder if he was a target of the neuro-weapons that were used against the Cuban Embassy.

Think of it this way, Group A has very sophisticated neuro-weapons based on directed energy. Group B knows that Group A’s weapons exist and work to develop their own versions. Their versions aren’t as effective and stealthy and then they get busted by Group A and then outed. This is nice because if Group A’s weapons are ever exposed to the public, it can be blamed on Group B — “they must have made progress.”