It is a puzzle.
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Just out of curiousity, what makes you see cabal here, as opposed to a gang feeling above the law and a mishap escalating with a rando motorist? NYPD mostly ignores traffic ticketing because they know they have real crime to deal with, so I can see these stunt riders feeling invulnerable, and then overreacting when their idiocy gets one of their people hit.
Is there some evidence it wasn’t a random suv or something that I am not seeing giving you confidence of cabal, or are you saying it is cabal like and could be cabal?
I have a list of news articles with minor details pointing beyond any doubt to the involvement of Cabal in the events preceding the genesis of that incident, though not in the direction you are looking. Cabal rarely operates from a position of direct strength and force, and the people who end up in the meat grinder are not always who you would expect. Their strength is their invisibility to the masses, and their own people mean little to them from what I can tell. I could post my full analysis but I would fuck up one good guy who I think they already set up and fucked over. I will open the archives after Cabal is taken out and no longer a threat to him, for historical purposes. It will actually get a fuller treatment in the book. For now, all I give is the puzzle.
My life now is like being a prisoner of war. Periodically I do things that piss the guards off, they hit me with something, and I do what guys like me do in that situation, I do something irritating to them to show I don’t bend my knee. If I had the good fortune of this being a war, I would probably get a medal when it is over, but given what is going on, I will be glad if it doesn’t end up like John Lang or Lee Adams, which is probably the path I am on.
Something I did in the last 24 hours pissed them off, probably something in the last news brief, or maybe some ridicule of Jordan Peterson in tomorrow’s news briefs (who is either their’s, or somebody they support because they like what he says). They gave me a hit, and this is me being irritating, just to not give in. I do seem to get hit whenever I talk about parallel societies doing things nobody would believe so that may have been it. I assume they don’t want anybody’s mind expanded in that direction. Which of course betrays it isn’t law enforcement, as LE would care less if I explained that to you, in no small part because regular LE will probably never cross paths with any of you and you seeing their society would be of no meaning to them. But this society has something planned for you, and they don’t want you able to resist in any way.
Believe me, pray for Trump and his victory, because if he fails, we are going to reap a whirlwind.
This recalls two Books. Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning”, which is about choosing how to respond during, in his case, torture in a concentration camp. He discovered the “last freedom” which cannot be taken from him. And the other book, Streiber’s “Communion”, which is about being immobilized during an alien abduction. In the second, Streiber gets the idea, while unable to move and absolutely terrified, to smile.
His captors don’t like it. And they leave.
Well, damn.
I do pray for Trump…and I also pray for you, AC. May God bless you and keep you safe.
Some or all of the biker group are Cabal hired muscle to a degree. Since they have some idea that there is someone powerful backing them up, they can openly break the law as I recall large number of bikers in a group is illegal according to NYC traffic laws. They act like idiots after one of their own sudden stop and force to abide to the laws of physics. Starting at 2:40, they start to manipulate the narrative that driver of the Range Rover start the whole thing off camera.
That is my best guess.
It is a good guess without one piece of info I’m holding back. The Gang who are Cabal will be muscle and will not work in public. Most who attacked are probably not Cabal, or they are Cabal maintaining a cover.
Again, I put this here merely so later historians will realize it was everywhere, and nobody knew what it looked like (and as passive resistance to being hit). It will be clear then what I meant, but until then, it will probably puzzle many, except the few who have actually seen it.
The Cabal will not be taken out by Trump. It will only be substantially degraded. The Cabal is infested down to your local city councils, your school boards, and people in the emergency services. They don’t receive money soley from illegal or nefarious activities, but from their control of tax dollars that are funneled via control of elected officials to Cabal affiliated suppliers, contractors, etc. Even if you cut the head off it appears to me that many of these operations are locally autonomous. Cash flow and abilities will be degraded, but networks are made of up relationships and those relationships will persist and will show great resilience in re-establishing connections.
Many are imagining a decisive battle. This is a by-product of American mythology that is constantly hammered in our books, movies, and TVs. A romantic and clear cut end of story. But the reality is that this is a counter-insurgency that goes down to the most local level.
in the UK we have among other organisations,
a 100% Taxpayer(Gov) funded “Charity” who’s mission statement appears to be “Training future Leaders”
Even more concerning is their Motto “Leading BEYOND Authority”
[Beyond: at or to the further side of]
they always tell us what they’re doing, don’t they.
you only need to take a peek at where their “Graduates” (in NLP?) are employed
take a nose around there ^^^ using the [organisation] searchfield
(and also note a lot of the names… they don’t sound very British.)
It’s a concern.
Speaking of enlightenment of obscure events. AC I know people are always saying see this or that but Catherine Austin Fitts puts together a lot of info, sort of, in the video at the end of this. She’s the one that found that vast sums of money has disappeared from the government. I’ve read a bunch of her stuff before. She says it appears that the build up of Asia was to get their population of engineers to build whatever all this secret money was spent on. My assumption is the Jews stole all this money but that may be wrong. It’s amazing I saw her interview because just before I was reading which is an absolutely fabulous site if you’re interested in strange tech or even new tech. He has a once a month list of stuff he found interesting. Here,
he has a brief about how the CIA finally, (maybe Trump did this????). unclassified a book that they classified and a link to it. Parts are still blanked out but most of it is there. It’s called,”THE ADAM AND EVE STORY”. The basic gist of this is every so often the water ice built up on the poles unbalances enough that the Earth’s shell can no longer hold it’s position through friction or some other unknown mechanism and the whole thing lets loose. The book gives a lot of data to support this. When this happens the poles move towards the equator and really, really bad things happen, (normally called pole shift). There’s actually a great deal of evidence for this or at least a 100% surety that there was some sort of massive cataclysm around 12,000 years ago. Massive, truly massive amounts of woolly mammoths in Siberia frozen very fast. Large scale water scouring the Earth in the Western US. All these are facts. It remains to be seen if this is from a comet hitting Greenland, where they just found a crater, or the more frightening pole shift. So what does all this have to do with anything. Catherine Austin Fitts says she wonders if there is not some sort of secret space program or other sort because they know the Earth is going to have some sort of cataclysm. That all this money is going into moving people off the planet or other such survival but they are not telling us a thing.
AC you might like this because it’s definitely one big assed conspiracy and would also explain a lot things. It could even explain why the Cabal is so evil. If they know everything is going to hell they might be saying to hell with any sort of morality and possibly siphoning off a little of the money stolen for the pole shift or whatever.
Here’s the video interview with Catharine
Interesting! Thank you, I do like it.
Rexresearch is one of my favorite sites. A large fraction is nonsense, but figuring out which part is which is fun. Sir JC Bose, FRS isn’t nonsense, for example. (60GHz microwaves used for communication and even firing a cannon in the 1890s, later he found experimental evidence of panpsychism).
FYI: Your “Jet setters” link isn’t working.
What you see going on here is how they operate.
Swarming; this is common in gang
Then they do something to make you seem like the aggressor or initiator; such as the motorcyclist braking too hard and thus forcing the collision. Then the camera conveniently goes out. The driver of the SUV panics, just in time for the camera to come back on. We see his panicked reaction which becomes the basis for retribution.
This is what they originally wanted: to take that guy from his car and beat him in front of his family. What you saw was an effort to make it look like he just received a normal retaliation.
That’s not what was going on here though. The gang members are probably not good guys, and I assume many are Cabal, though that is unrelated to the video and you won’t see any doing Cabal-y things here. It may even be why the gang is under – they are looking for criminals to recruit.
This one is like a magic act – everyone will be looking in the wrong direction. It isn’t a measure of any particular skill or perceptual ability, because without a second piece of intel I don’t want to put up, for fear of burning a good guy, you really can’t understand this one without extensive research into what happened here and why.
I mainly posted this to show it was even on the news, and nobody, nobody knew what they were looking at. It is not a model for you to understand how they operate when harassing innocent citizens.
The important question is, why didn’t the police respond and prevent the attack? Only Cabal can give cops orders to leave people to fend for themselves. That tells you Cabal was here.
I spotted that the supposed slashing of a tyre caused the video camera to jump a lot.
That was something else, an explosion of some kind.
I live in NYC and remember when this was all over the news. One aspect of this not remarked upon in the general media was that most of the bikers were actually working in Law Enforcement in some capacity. Many were Corrections Officers and Court cops.
Yes folks, there are actual biker clubs in NYC made up of LEO’s and related professions, and they ride and behave the same way so called “outlaw” clubs do.
I wonder if some in law enforcement are forming into isolated, non-governmental cliques to try and secure themselves from something. There is the reality, and the illusion. I know a lot more about the reality than most, but I would imagine a cop on the street would know ten times what I do – and it might just be ten times as scary for him because even outside the machine, if he is a regular citizen and not a network member he has enough power that he could be much more of a threat to them than I will ever be.
“such as the motorcyclist braking too hard” Nope. He was the target.