Apocalypses In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear

ITZ getting closer:

Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.), a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, says he came to Washington to cut spending, not add to the deficits and debt that will crush future generations.

He spoke on Thursday, one day after House leaders, working with the White House, produced a $1.1 trillion spending bill. And Brat warned of worse to come:

“We have a fundamental budget problem coming our way in eleven years. All federal revenues will go only to entitlement and mandatory spending programs and interest on the debt in eleven years. All federal revenues will be used just to pay for those programs. So, that’s Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, Bush prescription drug program, etc.,” he told CPAN’s “Washington Journal.”

This is based on the rosy bullshit numbers, which tell us there is no inflation, unemployment is at a record low, the economy is fully recovered, and our national debt is only $19 Trillion. There are real numbers they are ignoring which are much worse – bet on it. And even with those rosy numbers, by 2026 the government will be going down. Bear in mind they used to say 2039, then they said 2032, and now it is 2026. Plus those older projections were saying there would be enough for DOD, entitlements, and debt service at those later dates. Now the date is earlier, and DOD is no longer included. The graphs of present date vs crash projection date are converging, and the amount of money available at convergence is decreasing as the projected apocalypse gets worse. At this rate, by 2019 they may meet, and not only won’t DOD be funded, neither will many entitlements. EBT riots, here we come.

r-selection cannot last anywhere in nature. As Yang follows Yin, whether shortage will follow the glut, or the population will expand into the free resources, K-selection is inevitable. As government spends ever more and experiences no consequence, that pattern will continue ever quicker until it can’t, as our date with destiny approaches ever faster.

Apocalypse cometh™ and the wise see it coming.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

It seems to me, that those of us who are religious have to do two things

1. Prepare as best as we can for this train wreck.

2. Pray very very hard, that God brings enlightenment to humanity WITHOUT making us go through this. We have to keep in mind that He can literally do anything. He can give us an awakened spirit in a heartbeat if He sees that it is good for us.

9 years ago

The secular trend of lower interest rates is over and slowly, like a supertanker, reversing direction. Each tiny increase in yields destroys literally unimaginable wealth-value because each marginal rate increment ripples throughout the *entire ocean* of pre-existing debt.

This is metaphorically like $225 trillion in IBM stock, trading at $1,000/share. The next trade is Peter selling a single share to Paul for $999.00. While only $999 changed hands (note that not a single dollar came “into” the market on a net basis), the total value of IBM stock just fell $225 billion dollars (i.e., $1/share, over 225 billion shares.) We simply cannot fathom the amount of leverage in the Bond Ocean, but its effect will be the same. Tiny yield increases = catastrophic deflation of wealth.

Every miniscule rise in yields moves the USA (and frankly the world) days, weeks, months or years closer to inescapable insolvency.

This is one train. The other train, on a full-steam collision course, is that 50 years of monetary debasement capped by a credit mania gutted the real economy that must stagger under the load of supporting unimaginably large amounts of uneconomic activity (i.e., deadweight losses, political robbery, outright fraud.) People have participated in a con game writ astronomically large, all because they were collectively partying in an orgy of pathological optimism.

The path head to correct for this and bitch-slap some sense into the mass of men promises to be apocalyptic, indeed.

9 years ago

I was sold on all this with Vox Day’s “Return of the Great Depression” and still believe his forecasts apply. But as Vox has said, and I’m paraphrasing but it was something like “I underestimated the sheer determination of the establishment to keep flooding the market with cheap credit/money.”

You can bet that as we approach, and public pensions aren’t getting paid, that they will start to siphon out of regular people’s savings accounts. What then?

They will resort to ever more desperate measures to forestall the inevitable, including running the printing presses red hot to circulate more dollars into the economy.

We’re so headed for some Argentine drama and the idiots who know better are making it happen.

This is when it gets much easier to supplement r/K with the reality of evil in the world. What else can explain this kind of greedy recklessness?

Robert What?
Robert What?
9 years ago

As an aside, a laugh when I read about how we will have a manned mission to Mars within the next twenty years or so. Personally I would love to see that. But apropos your observations, there will be no money left for such grand endeavors. Hell, we won’t even be going back to the moon. As a society, we have completely lost the skills, the abilities and the social cohesion for grand endeavors like that. It pains me to have to say it. Not to mention that the Muslim and third world hordes that we are importing as fast as possible have zero interest in such things.

9 years ago

Is it possible via slowly increasing the scarcity to makes an r-selected animal species to a K-type animal species?

Like with rabbits?